Looking for friends

Bridget Black

Well-Known Member
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Bridget decided to walk down to the lake it was a nice enough day and she had nothing better to do since she didn't know anyone and she was used to being alone, she found a nice looking spot at the waters edge so she sat there wondering if shed ever make any friends shed never been any good at making friends before really so of couse this was no different to what she was used to.
Darian had been on his usual walk. The breeze coming from the lake was cool and refreshing. Seeing a girl about his age near by he decided to sit by her and strike up a conversation. "How's the weather we're having." As soon as it came out of his mouth he could have slapped himself. 'Way to sound lame buddy.'
Bridget looked up to see a boy sitting next to her she smiled at him while he said "how's the weather were having," Bridget smiled and laughed a little then replyed "good I like days were I can come outside and not freze half to death," as Bridget said this she was thinking "wow are we really having a conversation about the weather?" Bridget then decided to introduce herself "Im Bridget Black by the way, you?"
Darian laughed. "Yeah freezing, not good." With one of his smiled he replied, "Darian Dinu, at your service."
The boy said his name was Darian, "Nice to meet you Darian, how do you like school so far?" Bridget asked no really knowing what else to say she tought he seemed like a pretty nice guy though
He shrugged. "Its alright. I kinda miss home. You know what I mean?" He had a sincere look across his face. "It is really nice here, and I really like being in griffindor, but its still nothing like my beautiful black sea at home."
Darian looked so sad as he replied, Bridget wasn't quite sure if she missed home yet or not she was still deciding so she decided just to say that "Yeah I know what you mean, except I don't have anything like this at home where I can go, I also havn't quite decided if I actully do miss home, I don't really have anyone back home so I don't really have anyone to miss and I don't really have any friends here so nothings that different just different sceanary I guess," Bridget replyed with a distant look on her face she did miss someone but that person was gone for good and wouldn't be comming back and she just had to accept that fact and go on.
Darian couldn't decide if it would be better that way or not. At least you wouldn't have to go through the nagging pain of missing someone, but still. The loneliness must be unbareble. He sighed. "I've a little sister at home. She just turned three. I met her for the first time last year." He gave her an undiscribable look, hoping that maybe she would see that he understood at least some. "Her name is Cici, she's adorable." His smile stretched from ear to ear, he really loved his little sister.
When Bridget saw the smile Darian had on his face talking about his sister she choked up a bit she had, had two brothers not to long ago, she was remebering her older brother used to look as proud as Darian when he talked about his little sister, he even looked proud when he had talked about their little brother Cole, Bridget replied with a weak smile "Your really lucky you know, just make sure you watch out for her, you'd hate yourself if something happend and you felt like you could have stopped it," Bridget replied then added "I just lost my two brothers a couple months ago older and younger, so its just me and my dad, my mom died when I was 8 just after my little brother was born," Bridget fell silent then overwhelmed by her loss' over the past few years only two short months ago she had, had her brothers by her side with her now they were gone just like her mom was, Bridget stared out over the lake waiting for Darian's repley.
Valiant had just come out from his Charms lesson. He was really happy after doing that wonderfull spell. He decided to go and explore the Lakefront and never know he may find a few new friends there. He wasn't quite sure what he would do if there was noone but thats not possible, he thought.

He walked there and to his suprise he found no-one. he was really disappointed and was heading back as he didnt have anything else to do and so he was leaving but he saw two kids about his age near the far end of the Lakeside talking. He decided to go and meet them. Probably they were frem his house and if not, it didn't matter, he would get friends from different houses.

So there he went,''Hello guys, I am Valiant but you can call me Val. I am a first year Ravenclaw. What about you guys ? How you doing ? Hope I haven't disturbed you both.'', he said hoping he hadn't.
Darian looked up, his heart saddened by what Bridget said. He put on a fake smile and greeted Valiant. Pointing to both her and his red stripped ties he spoke evenly. "We're both Gryffindor." He motioned for Valiant to join them if he wanted. He could tell this one was definately a talker. Still with that fake smile he introduced himself. "The names Darian."

He leaned over towards Bridget and spoke in a low voice, not meant for Valiant to hear. "I'm truly sorry about your loss. Let me know if you need anything, okay." He gave her a warm smile and her shoulder a little squeeze. "I can even make him go away if you want." He winked at her, wondering if she would let him join them or actually take Darian up on his offer.
Valiant saw that the situation over there was a bit emotional and may be he entered in a wrong time. ''I shouldn't be here'', he thought. ''Heyy guys, I am sorry if I have disturbed you, if you guys want I can leave ?'', he said sounding polite. ''I don't mind leaving'', he said turning to leave as he was sure they didn't want him there.
As another boy approtched Bridget and Darian and was introducing himself Darian leand over and whispered to Bridget that he was sorry for her loss and if there was anything he could do for her just to let him know he also volented to make the new arrival who was a first year Ravenclaw named Val, go away. Bridget thought that over for a second but decided she needed to talk about something else for awhile "Thanks Darian, and i'll remeber that, but its ok I need to talk about something else for awhile right now anyway," she replied with the slights smile from his little offer that he had followed with by a wink. Turning to Val with a forced smile she introduced herself trying to stop him from leaving "No its fine we were just talking about something but there's really not much else to say on the subject so you wern't really interupting anything, I'm Bridget by the way Bridget Black." Bridget was sure that Darian and her would pick up on this conversation later she knew he probley had a few questions he wanted to ask but right now she needed to think about something else for now it was to painful to remeber everything at once for her anyway and she was on the verge of loseing her composure, so a change of subject would be welcomed she didn't really want to break down infront of Darian or anyone else for that matter.
Darian gave her a broad smile and a little wink. It was good to see that she could cope so well. She looked strong, even if her eyes still held emotion. He motioned for Valiant to join them. "Hope you don't have any hard feelins' mate, Just trying to protect the lady." He gave her a soft punch on the arm.
As Darian gave Bridget a soft punch Bridget said "Ha yeah thanks Darian," and retured the playful gesture laughing slightly wondering if Val was going to join them or if seemd like they had made him uncomforable.
As Val was heading back, he heard Bridget stop him from leaving and decided to stay back. Although he was a bit uncomfortable right now he was sure he would feel better once they started talking. ''Its okay dude'', he said to the guy winking at Bridget as she was laughing. ''Well so how are the studies going ?'', he asked as he could not think of anything and he wasn't at all good on starting topics.
Just as Bridget thought he was going to leave, that they had made him a bit to uncomforable he turned about and began talking, asking about how there studies were going Bridget replied with a little laugh "I think ok for me at least I'm not sure I really don't like Herbology though," Bridget gave a nother little laugh "I completly tune out in there, my other class' I think are ok so far, what about you?" Bridget finished still laughing to herself about her lack of effort in Herbology.
''Well I am really enjoying all the classes around here, infact I just came from a class'', he said looking at Darian as he wasn't saying anything.
Bridget listend to Val talk about his classes when he like his classes Bridget thought he was crazy she laughed a little to herself "not everyone has to hate school and there classes like i do" she thought, "Well I'm glad you like school, schools not something im completley into but thats just me," she stoped for a minute to look out over the lake agian "But i don't really got a mucha choice so here i am, so where are you from? she asked with a small smile. She looked at Darian sitting next to her wondering if he wanted to contuine there earlier conversation or if he was just off in his own little world she wasn't sure so she leaned over to him and whispered to him "Darian you ok?" she asked then contiued "If you still wanna talk about my..." she paused to collect herself "family" she coutinued "I'll talk to you about them later but right now its best for me if I think about something else for now," she paused wondering weather to continue she decied she minght as well so on she went "I just really don't want to.....to cry infront of you, infront of anyone, or at all for that matter." she finished and went to looking back out over the lake wondering if Val had heard anything if he had she hoped he wouldn't say anything but if he did it was no big deal she'd just tell him the truth one thing Bridget never did was lie, she always told people the truth weather they wanted it or not, so her plan was just to answer his questions if he asked any.
''Well i am from Texas'', he said as he was asked where he was from. Val noticed that Bridget wasn't paying attention to him when he was answering her question and infact she was whispering something to Darian which he quite heard. She was talking about her family and if mentioned about them she would may be start crying. Val did not want to make her feel bad and so did not ask about what she was whispering to him and just smiled at them.
"Cool" Bridget said in reply to Val when he said he was from Texas "Im from South Dakota" she said "Im a midwesten girl" she laughed slightly at that she was trying her best to include Darian in the conversation to "So Darian where are you from?" she asked turning to him.
''Well ya Darian where are you from ?'', he asked after Bridget finished asking. ''So Bridget what do you like doing the most, I mean your hobbies ?'', he asked.
Darin didn't seem like he would be talking anytime soon so Bridget continued her conversation with Val, "Ummm well honestly i love to pull pranks," she said with a smile "also i like to ride horses, but i really don't know that much about them i just pretty much know how to ride and thats it, i also love listing to music." Bridget finished. "What about you, you got any hobbies?" she asked Val.
''Well i am not into more of outdoor sports but ofcourse some of them. And I like outdoor places and travelling, I am much of a friendly person and I really like making new friends !!'', he said.
Darian smiled at the question. "I'm from Romania." He pulled his hand through his hair. "But I spent a lot of my life training in China." He nodded when Bridget said she liked music. It seamed they had a bit in common. He looked up just as Val was mentioning something about outdoor sports. "Have you ever tried marshal arts? I'm sure you would have liked to see the training we did at the temples in China."

((Sorry I was gone so long. I just got out of the hospital.))

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