Looking for both info/opinions and antagonists :D

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Skyler Marsh

Active Member
OOC First Name

I'm bummed beyond words to have missed the cutoff for transfers so narrowly, but that's given me a whole extra year to work with Skyler before actually plunging into Hogwarts, so that's something of a bonus :D

The first thing I'm looking for is information... I don't know if I've been looking in the wrong places or whatever, but I can't seem to find much information about Durmstrang and Beauxbatons... I'm assuming both are unisex schools? What are the general attitudes of students of each school? In my headcanon I always sort of picture Beauxbatons as being more sort of snooty and restrained, and having a strict code to follow but at the same time being quite fey, and imaginative, whereas I see Durmstrang as being very severe and having a strong attitude regarding anyone who doesn't fit into the box they're looking for - almost a militant sort of atmosphere. If those are the cases I'll be wanting to send Skyler to Durmstrang for the next year, but I'd really appreciate confirmation and any more information if possible.

I'll be bringing Skyler in as either a 5th or 6th year (not entirely sure just yet) but I'd mainly be looking for antagonists at Durmstrang/Beauxbatons - possibly a doomed romance if anyone's down for that, but no close friends.

Skyler identifies as genderqueer, and uses neutral Z pronouns (ze and zir rather than she/he or him/her.) Obviously, this doesn't exactly make for the funnest school experience, and seeking a new start will be the reason behind zir ultimate transfer. (Assuming all goes to plan, of course.) I deliberately haven't decided on a biological gender for Skyler yet, but obviously however androgynous ze tries to be, it'll be known at zir current school, and quite an excellent teasing point. Skyler is different and quite aggressive about it, and I want zir to have a really bad time at whichever school zir at originally. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
Oh wow, I have a character that's much like your character. But she 17 now and I'm not sure how they well get along. She's been a little angst and I want her to break out of that, you know not care anymore about her stupid effing past. She's just graduated from Hogwarts and is living back home in the states, possibly like a muggel. If you need someone as a friend or something more I have her, but I think be cool to have at least a friend that's kind of like you :3 This be her. This is all just a suggestion =] kkbye xx
Oh cool! I think your character might have actually met some of my old ones back before I was forced to leave HNZ for a while (Any memory of Maria Madison? Those were the days hehe)

I'm not really sure how she could know Skyler :S Skyler hasn't ever been to the states, so I don't know how they would ever have encountered one another... It'd be nice for Skyler to know other queer people though (Ze isn't really the type to have a lot of friends, but given zir current situation it'd certainly be a comfort!)
Yes, I remember Maria Madison but I never got the chance to read any of your threads with her >.< But I did hear about the scrapping she did with this other girl, should've read that role play. Haha. Anyways, she can go to either New Zealand or maybe somewhere in the U.K, lately she's been going wherever she wants to go, and not caring about it. She's really in a depressed mode, so if that works let me know =] She can probably go near Drumstrang to look for an old friend who she had a falling out with and it be her excuse there :3 I love your pb by the way, she has awesome hair!
Heh oh man, I think that thread's still floating around somewhere, it was one heck of a beatdown XD

Aah cool :] Skyler's from NZ (I think, I'm still tossing ideas around in my head...) but if Jaden's gonna be in the Durmstrang area that's even better :] Skyler's pretty depressed too (obviously) and quite withdrawn at the moment, so might be a little uncooperative, heh...

Thank you! Aaaaaah she's so gorgeous, I spent days looking for a pb who worked for Skyler and the moment I saw Benthe I just KNEW because wow she is so perfect :D The tricky thing is deciding which pics to use in zir av/sig, because I want to use them all XD
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