Looking For A Third Party In Love

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Oscar Fossil

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash

ZOMG! It's Freddie and Effy from Skins! Only Oscar and Andie on HNZ!


Yes, getting to thy important point.
This character, Oscar Fossil, is a second year Ravenclaw. And his best friend is Andrea "Andie" Kallos, second year Gryffindor. And unless you haven't already been able to figure it out, there PB's are those guys in the pictures. Now, you're thinking, aww what a cute little future couple. And you would be right, but first, we need YOU. So, the plot that myself, and the lovely Louise ((who RPs Andie)) have in mind for them, is a simple third party. Now, this will be a girl, let's call her Osdie because I want to call her that. So anyway, Osdie, is like both above, a second year, so will know there faces. She'll befriend either Andie, or Oscar. And then through the one that she befriends will be introduced to the other. Thereby making a little Trio. Now, this trio will get along. They'll be friends. So, if ever you think of Oscar, you'll think Andie and Osdie too and vice versa.
Now, this will shift slightly, as Osdie and Oscar, begin to like each other. Well, really Oscar likes Andie, but doesn't want to act on it, because he doesn't think she likes him in the same way, and doesn't want to ruin the friendship. So, anyway, Osdie and Oscar begin to like each other, and then Oscar will ask her out. And She will be like, Yes. When Andie sees this, she'll become all jealous, and depressed, but not Effy type depressed, that's too far. So yeah, then after a little while, Oscar will see this. I mean, Oscar might be a Ravenclaw, but he's not a genius when it comes to girls and relationships and in being with Osdie will make him more or less blind to most other things. Oscar will break things off with Osdie and then work to rebuild his relationship with Andie, so they can then date.

So yeah, that is pretty much the entire plot.

W.H.O I.S S.H.E?
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Osdie should be 2nd year preferably. I'm thinking either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor in house, but that doesn't really matter. She should nice and easy to get a long with. Appearance doesn't matter. She'd have to be okay with muggleborns since both Oscar and Andie are muggleborn.
The RPer, Both myself and Louise are busy people. I managed about 1 maybe two posts a day. I'm not 100% sure if it's the same for Louise. So, really you have to be fairly active. We're not bothered about what word count you can achieve, I mean, as long as you can try to match what we have. And We can understand days off, where all inspiration is gone. But trying to achieve roughly the same as what myself and Louise might post is Awesome. I don't generally use much fancy coding in my posts, and while Louise might at times, it doesn't mean you have to. Really, what we are looking for, is someone who is a fairly active, enthusiastic RPer who wants to help us with this plot.

Thank you!
Okie dokie...here we have Kynleigh Davis. Second year Gryffindor and muggleborn. She's pretty much the tiniest ball of energy you'll most likely ever meet and a little bit of a mischief maker when need be (think Katalina Vanderhol only less whiny and angsty). Currently I do not have much planned for her as far as friends, love interests, etc...so I'm more than willing to go with whatever it is you guys are up to. I am what you could call fairly active and can average at least a post a day, some days I can do more. I myself have not learned how to do any fancy coding and such for my posts (and honestly do not have the time to learn how to working full time as a nurse and preparing to go back to school to further my degree), but can easily do decent sized posts as far as word count goes, given that I have something to work with. Let me know what you think and if you guys would be interested.

**If need be I can always change my PB as I'm looking for someone different for her as of right now, so if there was someone that the two of you would rather me use then suggest away**
*Nevermind...have found someone that I want to use as her PB*

Myself and Louise have talked this over. And we both think that Kynleigh Davis would be perfect as Osdie.
Thanks! So, Since she is Gryffindor it would be best for Andie and Kynleigh to meet first and then for
Oscar to be introduced. So, That's for you and Louise to figure out but, Awesome!
Yay! :frantics: :woot:
Thank you so much Katie, Kynleigh is perfect! :hug: I just sent a pm there to Kynleigh's account regarding introductions and whatnot so if you wanna give that a looksie that would awesome! :r ^_^

Thanks again, :wub:
-- Louise
w00t w00t!! Awesome!! I'll pop on over to my little one's account and shoot you a reply back. Can't wait for this :D
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