looking for a friend

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Jake Simpson

Well-Known Member
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Hey, i wanted to get this character a best friend. heres some info about Jake:
[li]He moved from england to new zealand when he was young</LI>
[li]He is shy and tries to avoid awkward or uncomfortable situations
[li]He can keep secrets and is usually honest but he does lie when he needs to
[li]Jake gets anxious easily and becomes distant if his anxiety gets the best of him
[li]His fashion sense is usually dull, he mostly wears black skinny jeans and a t-shirt with a hoodie on cold days
[li]His favouite place to be is anywhere near water, it calms him down
[li]Jake has a bad temper and when he gets angry he does stuff that he regrets later
[li]He is usually in a corner of a room or a dark space so he can stay alone
[li]Jake wears his heart on his sleve and can get hurt easily
[li]His favourite possession is his notebook, its filled with drawings and cartoons, he carries it with him around Hogwarts and pretty much everywhere he goes
[li]He is interested in the paranormal, which most of his drawings and cartoons are of
[li]His biggest fear is being infront of a large crowd doing a speech etc
[li]He has no friends at Hogwarts (yet) because of his antisocial behaviour
[li]When he is social, Jake does his best to please the people he is around
[li]He is comletely vegan and avoids any food from animals
[li]Jake is as loyal as can be
<LI>[li]He is interested by divination and fortune telling

Let me know if you want to be best friends with Jake. I hope i didn't list too much stuff about him. I would prefer a girl but a boy character is fine too.
I have a character Kate Moon she is in Hufflepuff she is nice and loyal and is social. Maybe help him come out of his shell?she loves music and reading and is open to other peoples intrests.Like Jake she loves the water too.
So intrested??

Georgiana could his best friend :) considering they've already met and he does owe her for the whole life saving incident He could teach her how to draw prehaps :D
They both sound pretty awesome. Although it might not work as well with Georgiana considering her house. But it sounds good anyway he could teach her to draw if you really want him too, and they could become adorable friends. I will PM you both about it. Johanna, I am interested. Could you please PM me when you get the chance and tell me a little more about Kate. Or you could just send me a link to her Bio. Whichever is the easiest. I would like to start RPs with both of you as soon as possible. I need to get my post count up. Thanks for posting guys!

<COLOR color="#000">A Slytherin is in debt to a Gryffindor.
Jake William Simpson said:
<COLOR color="#000">A Slytherin is in debt to a Gryffindor.
Made my day :) I just forgot to mention it earlier! Gasp, Kate is sort of Georgiana's friend she could be apart of the whole Gryffindor vs Slytherin (Georgiana vs. Jake) thread. She could have befriended him as well, giving him two gal friends and prehaps Kate would be the one who convinces Jake to stay if Georgiana's friend tell her she shouldn't give him another chance at being friends! Ahh Major idea that just came to my head Ahahaha!
EPIC. Jake and the gals. Has a nice ring to it. Don't you agree?
I have Tara sitara she is a hufflepuff firsty. She also loves drawing and painting her favorate place at hogwarts is in the garden or at the lakefront. Due to her religion she is also a pretty strict vegetarian totally avouding cow products all together. Maybe they should bump into each other at the lakefront and maybe he could drop his book and voila a perfect conversation starter. Or alternatively you could see her drawing by the lake and he could come and take a look.
Jake William Simpson said:
EPIC. Jake and the gals. Has a nice ring to it. Don't you agree?
Your right that does sound good so would you like to do that sort of a post or one each? The link to my Bio is in my sigge!!!
Thanks for posting. Tara sounds like a decent friend for Jake. PM me if you want to start an RP :)

I read Kate's bio. She sounds like an awesome friend :)
Here's my Casper! Casper is a happy-go-lucky kid who likes taking adventures and playing around. He is restless, and he always needs to do something. He's a pure blood who is being called a blood traitor because he's a Gryffindor, though he doesn't care much about it since he thinks he's doing what he wants to do (This could work with your character since he's Slytherin and all). Currently, Casper's gone into reviewing his lessons because he decided to make a good future for himself. Casper is friendly and brave, believing that he should be like this because his twin sister (Hayley of Slytherin) is too 'evil' and they needed balance.

Well, you could also consult Casper's CD for more information. Or PM me! :D What do you think? Tell me if he's okay with you. xD
I have Amanda here. When she is with friends she is a comedian and can be hyper and crazy. She jokes a lot, trying to make friends, but never uses offensive jokes. Just ones that make people giggle. She tries to help people out and be friendly. If someone bullies her, her friends or a stranger, she'll stand up using words. If it turns physical, she'll get an adult. She's not good when it comes to physical fighting.

How does it sound?
Amanda: She sounds cool, they could be friends but she seems pretty different from Jake. Opposites attract though.

Tara: Her and Jake seem very alike. I think they could work really well as friends. :)

Casper: It seems like Casper and Jake have kind of been through the same stuff, they have both been rejected by people in Slytherin. They could be great friends

I will PM all of you about an RP soon.

Thankd for sending me the link! I replied! :p
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