Look who it is

Riley Smith

Well-Known Member

It was a typical winters day in New Zealand and people were running around going
about their daily lives wearing jeans jumpers and coats. It was strange how someone
who had lived here all their lives would find the winter cold and yet someone who had
lived in a colder country would find it hot. Riley found it neither cold nor warm and he
was comfortably wearing his usual causal attire. He chocolate brown eyes scanned
his surrounds, it had been a while since he had been to Obsidian Harbour, what with
working all the time and living in a different part of the country he never really came
here much. It was only really Brightstone village that he went to but that was because
that was where his shop, Dervish and Banges, was located so he had to go there.
Otherwise he had grown accustomed to the muggle markets and shop around his home.
He needed to blend in and liked to seem normal. He came here to get his wizarding

He and his extended family had settle rather well in to their new living place and were
getting on with the locals. They already had a few muggle friends and they were all so
friendly. Some even had kids of their own for Lowan to play with. Riley found their
houses so fascinating. There were so many devices he had not seen or heard of before
and the all did wondrous things. His own house had a few muggle bits and bobs in there
but nothing major like the muggles themselves had. However the reason for his presence
here was not because he needed to do some shopping, that was all done and dusted.
No he was here on a social call. He was meeting up with his long term friend, Caysi. That
had not seen each other in about a month and he thought it was time the met up again
and picked up where they left off. He may not have had much to tell her but once they
got talking it would be fine. He leant over the metal railings to look down over the water
a few meters below him. The water here was surprisingly clear. He looked down across
the beach, remembering the sunset when he had proposed to Adele. Down on one knee
with the sea splashing him as he asked her to be his wife. The happy memory brought a
smile to the Professors face. It was those memories which made Riley remember just how
good his life had been back before things had gone all wrong. Of course that was not the
case now, after he had spoke to Adele about everything he felt like he was finally walking
forwards with her again instead of backwards. There still always be the things that couldn't
be got rid of, like his condition for example. He would always be a Werewolf until the day
that he died. He would just have to accept it as life went on. And with the help of his
family he knew he wouldn't have to go through it alone.

Tag: Riley Smith and Caysi Finnigan | Clothing: Riley Smith | Word Count: 524

Caysi sighed as she landed into the New Zealand, not too far from the Harbour where she was supposed to meet her friend Riley. The blonde had woken up to a nice owl poking its beak at her window at five in the morning. She had a few questions for Riley, why was he awake at five in the morning and why was he so quiet last time when they met? Sure Caysi might have said something that he didn't like, he voiced his opinion and she found that ok, but right after he was totally quiet and they both left. She found it odd, but she hoped that today would be a better meeting than the last.

It was nice and warm when she approached the Harbour, she was kind of in a hurry and also not in a hurry which made one leg walk faster than the other. Caysi laughed at herself and looked for Riley. Where in Merlin was he? She spotted the tall, brown haired boy. " Well hello hello Riley." She said happily before going over and hugging him.

Riley stared down at the water. He looked down at his reflection and wondered what
he would have been like if he had never come to New Zealand and had never met the
people he had. It was a truly strange thing to imagine ones self under different
circumstances. He wasn't sure what he would be like, he just knew he was proud of
the man he had turned out to be and it was all help to his friends and loved ones. A
yawn escaped him as he felt his tiredness creep up on him once again. He had not
slept much the previous night as he had work to mark at exams to prepare. Everything
was becoming so stressful again, it always did when it came close to exams. He thought
that it rubbed off on to the Professor's from the students. Although it did mean he had
a lot more work to mark now and that meant more time to himself and less with other
people such as Adele and Lowan or mark and Logan. Still it was a job and it paid him
to be able to put food on the table and that was what matted at the end of the day,
the fact that he could provide for his family. There was also a Quidditch match coming
up and he had a few ticket for the family to go and watch. Lowan being too young
would be staying with a friend but the others could go and watch. He just hoped that
his team won while Adele was watching him. Seeing as he had won his little game on
Adele's birthday he didn't need to worry about holding himself back any more so that
meant a lot more quality time with her and less with the family. And if he won the
match he would get loving from her for being the winner. Now it was when he caught
the snitch that the party began. He chuckled at his thoughts then stood up strait to
see if he could spot Caysi anywhere.

As soon as the boys body was turned he felt someone hug him. Unsure at first of who
it was he quickly looked down to see it was Caysi. He wrapped his arms around her
waited and hugged her back. It felt good to be with a friend again after so long of just
being with work pals and family. It was good to just get out and let go for a time. Of
course he still had his responsibilities when he left here again but for now he could be
plain old Riley again, a fact which he was happy about. "Caysi hey. How have you
He said with a big grin on his face, one which a person could say reminded them
of a Cheshire cat. He was just happy to see her again after their last meeting had not
gone as well as he had hoped. It was time to make up for that by having a great day
today. "You look tired. Bad night sleep?" He asked not knowing he had woken her up
with his owl in the early hours of the morning. It was different time zones between here
and there so he didn't always know what time she would get his letter.

Word Count: 558

The blonde hugged him tightly and let go. " Hey there." She smiled up at him. " I've been doing alright I guess, I have a few things to tell you." She nodded assuringly. " Been super busy with work, life and all of that jazz." She sighed and looked over at him. " How about you? You've been up late, I can tell." Caysi smiled, noting the owl in the morning. " No, not too good of a sleep, there was an owl at my window at five in the morning, and since I don't have a sliding window, I had to climb up on the roof to retrieve it, that bird is so fiesty too." Caysi shook her head laughing. If only Riley had seen her on the roof, it would be a perfect comedic film scene.

" How's life for Riley Smith?" She asked again, maybe something else triggered his mind. " I heard that it was Adele's birthday a few days back, please tell her that I said Happy Birthday." The blonde smiled and nodded.

As Caysi let him go Riley did the same and slid his hands in to the pockets of his
jeans as he listened to her tell him that she had a few things to tell him. He
pursed his lips slightly as he wondered what she could have to tell him. Was she
getting married again? It wouldn't surprise him if she was. He thought it strange
how both of her previous husbands had all be his friends. Maybe he knew too
many people or something. He doubted that fact very much. Or maybe it was just
coincidence. Although Riley didn't believe in it he settled with that answer because
it was easy to pin the blame on and it meant he wouldn't meed to use his head as
much to try and think of reasons. He was too tired for any of that nonsense. He
just wanted a relaxing day. Well what he wanted first was a coffee to at least wake
him up a little bit more, he would have to get dragged along by Caysi at this rate by
the time they had finished. The young man laughed as he heard Caysi tell him about
his owl. It had been as he had expected. "Yeah sorry about that, Its a different time
zone in Ireland than it is here."
He said scratching the back of his neck awkwardly as
she spoke about his owl again. He loved Jessie's personality, it made her different to
other owls. She was fine with him and people he mailed often, it was strangers that
she was cautious of but she was young and had time to learn. "Yeah Jessie is a bit
of a strong willed girl. She is only a baby though give her a bit of slack."
He explained
with a laugh before continuing. "I suppose I could have sent my eagle, he is a little
more well trained than Jessie. Il make sure to send him next time."
He said with a

Riley looked down and shifted his trainers over a rock as it scraped the ground. He
wasn't sure how to explain his life right now, it was good but it was complicated.
There was so much going on and yet so little. He couldn't explain it in words. "Oh
life's the same as usual. Getting better though but the same i guess."
He said
before frowning. If that had made sense to her she deserved a medal as it had not
even made sense to him, and he was the one who had said it as well. A slow smile
creeping on to his face as he heard Adele's name mentioned by her. He felt great
about not being the only non teenager in the house now, he didn't feel like the
oldest one, even though he was but now Adele was also twenty and he felt younger
by knowing that. He wondered how Adele thought about not being a young and
reckless teenager any more. Now she would be seen as an adult and Riley knew as
well as anyone who knew Adele that was anything but adult like. "I will do don't
He said in response. He knew it would bring a smile to her face when he told
her and that would give him something to look forward to when he next saw her again.
"Can we go get a coffee. Im so tired here." He said rubbing his eye before running his
hands through his hair and groaning loudly. "Guh I hate end of year testing. Its testing
for both students and Professors i swear."
He complained to her. He hated that he
didn't get paid extra for over time. He really should do

Word Count: 624

Caysi nodded alongside with Riley. " Oh yeah, the eagle will be perfect. It'll take me right too you for the answer. " The blonde laughed and put her hands in her back pockets. " Strong willed, yes I will agree with that, she made me come onto the roof to get her." She laughed, it was good fun at five in the morning. " It woke me up though, so I think I should climb on the roof every morning." She laughed. " Good, I'm glad to here that, everything gets better with time." Caysi nodded, it did with her atleast.

" Sure, let's go." She said whilst starting to walk. Caysi looked down at her shoes, " I guess they felt that you weren't tested enough." She shrugged her shoulders. " I was thinking.. this year for my birthday we all do something big." Caysi said happily. " I'll invite the new guy I met, hopefully he'll come." She nodded. " You, Adele, Kiera, Elise and some other people can all come to my house for a big bash?" She asked like a happy little girl.

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