Long time no speak

Ryker Henrick

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ryker sat in the north tower. He found he liked it up here really. unfortunately he had to go down to the owlery to post a letter. It wouldn't be that bad if it didn't mean leaving this spot. Ryker sighed and made his way along the towers to one of his least favourite spots in the castle. It kind of stunk in the owlery. Not to mention there were a few viscous owls in there. He really didn't like the place.

Ryker reached into the pocket of his roves and took out the letter before opening the door to the stinky room. The stench reached out and hit him quickly. His nose scrunched up in disgust immediately. "Well, here goes." He walked in, quickly as he could without attracting the birds attention, and reached for his owl. It wasn't actually his owl but it was the one he used to send his nana letters.

Ryker attached the letter to the owls leg, supplied the address, and watched as the small brown bird soared out into the sky and out of view. He was about to leave the horrible room when he saw a familiar owl heading straight for him. He recognised the owl but couldn't for the life of him remember where from. He accepted the lettr and walked, still as fast as he could, out of the Owlery and to his dorm the read the letter. He didn't even check who it was from.
Anika ran down to the Owerly. Sure, it stank and was full of some nasty birds, but it was a place of awesome communication. She laughed as she tied the letter to her owls leg. It had been a dare to do this, a really bad dare but what could you expect from first years. Then again, even for a first year this was bad. I dare you to Owl someone you haven't spoken to in ages . That was one of the worst dares ever. Either way, here she was, in the owlery in her new dress and huge heels just to send a letter to some guy. Well, he wasn't really just some guy. He was the year and a half long boyfriend and the guy that turned her from a good daddy's girl into the bold, loud and daring girl she was today.

Hey baby,

Long time no speak sugar lips. How've you been? I'm awesome thanks for asking, oh wait, you didn't.

Yeah, thanks for 'keeping in touch' like you said you would doll face. Didn't make me feel abandoned at all. Don't worry your pretty little mind about it though/ I found some people who helped me get through the devastating time. Really, this is a blast.

Anyway, just writing to say all is forgiven and when am I going to see your cute little face again? Soon I hope!

Loads of hugs and plenty of kisses
<COLOR color="#9300C4">

Anika laughed as she watched the owl disappear into the horizon. Ryker had been the boy to crack her shell and let the maniac out. They had dated for a year and a half before he was shipped off to New Zealand with the promise to stay in touch. She hadn't had a single letter from him yet and it had been half a year. She wasn't bitter about it though. The attitude he had woken up inside of her felt comfortable and she had made so many new friends and many more love interests. Her life was bliss in her eyes now, and it was all thanks to him.
Ryker sat in his dorm and opened the letter. He immediately recognised the handwriting and wondered why she of all people had written to him. His face broke out into a grin as he went through the letter. She hadn't gone back to being a daddy's girl again it seemed. He laughed as he remembered the times they had had together. They had lasted a year and a half without any fights and their break up was only because he was moving countries. Ryker immediately got out his parchment and ink and began to reply.

Well, I'll say it was definitely a surprise to hear from you. You sound well, still crazy I see. I've been alright, met the girl Markov was on about and then had to tell her that he wasn't ignoring her and he had actually moved to a different country.

Don't be so dramatic, I sent you a letter and you never replied. Which brings up the question why are you Owling me now? I'm guessing it was a dare of some sort and if it was, worst dare ever.

You an come down on the next brightstone day if you really want but i doubt it will be fun for you. The guys at this school aren't nearly as fun as the ones there.

See you around

Ryker laughed and stood up, ready to go to the dreaded owlery again, when the bird that delivered it swooped through his window. "Oh, hey there, Back to Ani please." He smiled at the owl and watched as it flew away.
Anika was lead out on the grounds. Sure, it was winter, but she wearing her winter clothes. The brunette opened her eyes when she heard the familiar squawk of her owl. She sat up and reached out for her owl who landed perfectly in front of her.

Anika took the letter from her owl and lead back to read it. She grinned as she looked over the familiar hand writing and laughed as she read his words. I was nice to talk to him again. She had spent the last night looking through her photo album of that time and laughing a the photo's they had together, including a couple of joking shoots they did.

Anika immediately ran through the school and up to her dorm where her writing stuff was. She began to write her reply to Ryker, thinking back on the times they had spent together as well as the times they had spent together as a group. She made a mental note to track down Kenny again, they hadn't really spoken much but he seemed cool


You would be correct. That first year isn't allowed to play truth or dare with us any more. She is the worst player ever, seriously. The dare was to owl someone I hadn't spoken to in a while. My worst dares are better than that.

You know what, I think I will. It's been such a long time I think I may just come down and ruin all of your plans. Giggle, you know I'm kidding, sort of.

Wait, you mean you spoke to that Shaylah girl? And he hadn't told her he buggered off to Salem? Jeez, here I was thinking he was smarter than that. It's a shame he didn't leave an address for us to owl him. He was an awesome dude.


Anika smiled and sealed the letter, passing it back to the owl that had followed her up. She watched as the owl flew off to the horizon before turning back to her bed where the photo album still lay open on it. She turned the page and saw her favourite photo of them together. It was taken last winter.

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