Long time no see

Kyouhei Watanuki

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
There was only one reason why Kyouhei was in France, it was because he wanted to meet a lover of his, Emiko. He was actually quite surprised that she wanted to be with him, first of all, he knew that she could get any guy but why him? Kyouhei was a violent type, he wasn't good around girls, and he had never gave her good gifts like other guys. But he was trying his best, hoping that she could see that he was trying as hard as he could. A small smile appear on his face which was pretty odd, he had never smile before not even when Sunako gave him the potion that he had always wanted. After he realize that he was smiling, his smile faded. He didn't want anyone to see what he was doing.

Autumn in Paris was pretty, there were a lot of muggle couples going out. Usually Kyouhei would beat them up, but not this time. A black rose was held by him on his left hand which was wearing a black glove. He walk toward the bridge as he waited there patiently. He knew that Emiko would meet him up there, he had sent her an owl anyway. The sky was getting a little darker even though it was only 2pm. The black haired boy walk toward the bench as he sat there and glared on the little girl who was sitting next to him commanding her to go. He was going to save the seat either for Emiko or his feet.
Emiko Hitachiin was the shyest girl you would ever meet. She was also a twin, she being the oldest. Hikari was always very protective of her and as it was she was already mad at Emiko for falling for Kyouhei. Hikari saw him as a threat, but Emiko, she saw a sad and lonely lost soul. She wanted to help kyouhei, whether he wanted it or not. He had sent her an owl to meet him. She hadn't seen him in months, she was scared that he no longer wanted to see her, but by the letter, she was sure he would forgive her for being scared to see him for many months. She wasn't scared of Kyouhei, she was scared of herself. She was scared that he wouldn't like her because she was shy.

As she came up to him she slowed her pace. She wanted to wait as long as possible before he saw her. She wasn't sure how he would react. She walked up to him and sat slowly on the sit. "Kyouhei... I'm sorry"
Kyouhei was pretty surprised that Emiko would showed up pretty early. Well he did had to wait for several minute but if it was for his beloved Emiko, then time didn't really matter. He watch her sit beside him, he sat up straight as he gave her the flower. He knew that it was black and most girl wouldn't like it, but he could never stand hanging around the corner bringing red rose, it was pretty embarrassing for him. "Sorry for what, Emiko chan?" He said as a smile appear on his face. "How are you doing? Where's your sister?" He asked as he look at his right and left trying to see if there was anyone he knew watching them.
Emiko smiled politely as Kyouhei gave her a black rose. She really liked it. She kissed him lightly on the cheek and thanked him. "I'm sorry for not seeing you, I was worried that you had grown apart from and me and my sister kept me under a watchful eye. She never let me out of her sight, I was only able to get away by telling her that I wanted her to leave me alone. I still feel awful about it, but I wanted to see you as quickly as possible. I missed you alot over these months"

She looked at him softly, watching his actions carefully.
After listening to what Emiko told Kyouhei about Hikari, he started boiling up in anger. He knew that he could kill her anytime he wanted but since she was Emiko's sister, he wont hurt her. But perhaps he would if Emiko wasn't around? "You know... I can kill her if you want... Well that is if you want..." He paused a little trying to se her reaction and then continue speaking "I can understand why she's been keeping an eye on you. But anyway, did your mom told her to take care of you as if you're a baby?" He lifted his eyebrow, no he wasn't happy to hear that Hikari had been keeping an eye on his Emiko."I know, it's been crazy for me t oo. My family, my cousins, Sunako chan" He stopped as he rested his head on his hand. Even though he had been hurting his sister, he still loved her and he could not believe that she was going to be with the Koshiba. "I'm sorry, are you hungry? Do you want anything to eat?" He lifted his head trying to cover his sadness.
Emiko gasped in shock over Kyouhei's suggestion. She was sure he would have never voiced it as a thought. "Oh Kyouhei, you musn't I love my sister, no matter how annoying she may be" She quickly said resting a hand softly on his arm. She was worried about him. He seemed really sad and was trying to hide it from her. Emiko however saw right through him, as she did everyone. "Kyouhei, my sister keeps an eye on me because she is protecting me. I am as you say fragile, I get hurt easily. It took her all she had to restrain herself from coming here with me today. I am proud of her because of this. She is my guardian angel, and she always has been. You must never hurt her" She said softly. She didn't want it to sound as if it were an order. More of a request. If he really wanted to hurt Hikari she had no doubt that she wouldn't be able to stop him.

"Thankyou but no, I am not hungry" She said smiling slightly.
Being loved by someone was what Kyouhei had always wanted, he could never show someone else that he loved them unless they were very special. "Well you know I'm not going to hurt you" The brown eyed boy wasn't sure if the love would last longer, at least for him it would but he didn't know the other way around. He knew that there were a lot of guys who would love to be with his current girlfriend and he knew that she could be with them whenever she wanted. "I won't... Hurt her if that's what you want. At least I will try not to hurt her" He sat straight, taking a deep breath and look at the river, it was so peace and calm. He had secretly like it but no one knew not even Ranmaru or Sunako. "What's an angle like? Why do you want to be with me? I'm nothing compare to your sister or... Other freaks I mean guys" He smirk a little and showed no emotion to her.
Emiko smiled at Kyouhei. She knew he would never hurt her, but it was not herself she was worried about. She was troubled by other girls. She had no doubt that if Kyouhei really wanted a girl he could get her. What if he got tired of Emiko? What if she became a bore? Would he never want to see her again? Would Hikari get angry because she loved Kyouhei? What if they eventually got married? What then? She was in love with Kyouhei, not for what he looked like or how he acted, but because of what she knew was on the inside. Even though he was extremely good looking, so that did help. She let out a slight laugh as he almost bombarded her with questions. What would she answer first?

“Oh Kyouhei, you do make me laugh, but as for your questions, I shall try to explain as best I can. Firstly, an Angel, or more commonly, a Guardian Angel, is an Angel whom is assigned to watch-over, guide and protect an individual. Often a Guardian Angel is referred to as a saviour of Dreams. That is what Hikari is too me. In regards to wanting to be with you... I honestly don’t know. I mean as I said before, you make me laugh and you seem to understand me, sometimes on a level I haven’t seen in Hikari before either. As for the other boys, they are all only interested in my money, you have your own, so I know thats not it
No, Kyouhei had never heard of a guardian angel. But after knowing what it was, he had secretly want one. None of his family believe in the term guardian which was pretty sad. "Well I guess that's good for you that you have several guardian... Angels... As for my family, they never really believe that one can be protected by others. We're the only one who can protect ourselves." The second eldest of the quintuplets paused as he think about Sunako sacrificing herself for the Koshiba. He had always hated his relatives. This explained why he was never around. "No... No one else". kyouhei stood up walking toward the fence and look down to the water. "Life's full of lie, Emiko chan. You don't know who your enemy is. He said showing no emotion in his face. Father told him not to show emotion so the enemy won't know what he was thinking about. In this case, people around him were the enemies of his.
Emiko frowned and walked over to stand next to Kyouhei. He wasn't showing her emotion. This made her sad as it made her feel like he didn't trust her. Did he? She didn't know because he never told her anything. He would never say how he felt. Only he thought it. She had to continually decifer what he might have been thinking, but right now, she didn't have a clue as to what that might be thinking. She tentatively held out her hand to touch his. She wasn't sure she should stir him from his thoughts, but there was nothing else she could do. What was wrong with him?

Life is full of Lies... He had said, You don't know who your enemy is... Did she?
This wasn't the first time Kyouhei scare other people. Perhaps Wmiko was Scared as well? Perhaps not. When she touched him, a sudden feeling came up to him, something warm, something that he had ne'er had before. Was it love? The boy slid his hand into his pocket feeling a black box that he bought earlier. He turn himself facing Emiko still not showing any emotion. Kyouhei grab the box as he took it out of his pocket an opened the black box. There was a white gold ring with diamonds in it. It was pretty pricy but with hard work, he could earn it. A small smile appear on his face as he took Emiko's hand and slid the ring to jer figure. "Do you think your parents will let you marry me once you've graduated?" He moved closer to her as he rested his forehead against hers and kissed her passionately for the very first time. "I'll protect you... Always" he said while closing his eyes and hugged her tightly.
Emiko gasped as she saw the beautiful white gold band containing diamonds. It was absoluetly beautiful. Emiko couldn't believe he was asking her to marry him. She nodded and kissed him back before leaning into his hug. At this point in time she didn't care if her parents would accept this or not. But why wouldn't they, they wanted her to marry and have kids. She was half way there. She smiled at him and looked up. "I love you Kyouhei" She said as she laid her head on his chest.
Kyouhei was so happy that Emiko would want to marry him. His pulse raised so much faster, the girl laid her head on his chest, he knew that he could hear his heart beat. He took a deep breath hoping that it would slow down but it wont. No one had really told him that they loved him so this was pretty new for him. "I love you too, Emiko chan" He rested his chin on her head as he held her tightly.

The Ring :p

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