Long time no see

Logan Stone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt
The sun shone down through the tree's and onto the lake. The water glinted and glistened in the sun. A soft breeze ran through the grounds as through Logan's hair. He looked up at the water and smiled slightly. It had been a while since he had been here and even longer since he had seen Lily. He had missed her greatly and was really looking forward t seeing her again. He shifted his position slightly while he waited impatiently for her to show. For once Logan didnt have a book in his hands so had to entertain him self, which was why he was constantly looking around et everything looking for something to fix his gaze on.
Lily walked out the big doors of the castle and looked down the lawn towards the lake. She couldn't wait to see Logan. She had missed him and she needed her gorgeous boy to huddle up to. She spotted Logan sat near the edge of the lake. She ran over to him and wrapped her arms around him from behind. "Hello handsome." She kissed his cheek as she hugged him tight.
Logan smiled widely when he heard Lily. He turned around and grinned at her. " Im fine how is my gorgous girl friend." He said giving her a big hug. He had missed her so much. Released her from the hug still smiling. " So how have you been? Its been so long i missed you so much." Logan took hold of her hand and sat back down.
Lily sat down next to Logan. "I've missed you too." She kept his hand wrapped in both of hers. She was just so glad to see him. Lily pulled her top down slightly, making sure the bruises on her stomach and ribs were completely covered. "Yeah, I'm fine." She had only just managed to get over the death of her cousins and the fights with Shaylah were still going but Lily just wanted this to be about Logan not Shaylah. "What about you??"
Logan nodded happily as he listened to Lily. " Yeah im perfectly fine now your here." Logan said with a smile. Looking out over the water he sighed slightly. " So how are things with your family. Are they any better?" He asked curiously remembering their last conversation where things werent too good with her family and such
Lily shrugged. "Paul and Jasper died, Nick moved to England. Other than that it's fine. Steve's getting an ear full though because other than Bella and Rosie, he is now the only person living with mum. He's been spending most of his time at his girlfriend's house-even though she's here." Lily found it funny how Steve went to the Shale house even when Caley wasn't there.
Logan instantly regretted his words. He felt really bad for Lily now. She had really gone through a lot and he couldnt begin to imagine how she must be feeling. " Im s sorry to hear that. You know if you ever want to talk or any thing then you know where i am." He said with a smile as he kissed the top or her head softly
Lily shook her head. "No, it's fine. I mean, I'm upset that they're gone and all but I barely spoke to either of them so there's only so much upset I can be." Lily had managed to get over it after a couple of days but she was still upset for Steve as he was close to the boys. "Anything happening with your family??" Logan barely ever talked about his family. Lily was starting to get curious.
Logan nodded. He could understand what she meant by not really being too upset about it. He had to admit however that if his family died he would in bits about it. " Well my family boring i guess. I dont really see them because im here and when im there they usually work. I dont know what they do for work though. I think they are in muggle work i have no idea." He shrugged. It was strange how he was so close to his family but had no idea what they did for a living
Lily frowned slightly. "Isn't it a bit weird being close to your parents when you have no idea what job they have. I mean, I always found it hard being close to dad because although I knew he was a death eater I never knew what he was doing." She shrugged and snuggled up to Logan. She had missed the feel of being locked inside his arms,
Logan held her tight when she snuggled up to him. He thought for a second while he made sense of what she said. It was true but he didnt find it hard to be close with them at all. " Well now you said it makes me think but im close with them now and i think that their job doesnt have an impact on that but when ever i ask my dad he says that im too young to understand so i guess he will tell me when im older." Logan said with shrug. He didnt really care what his parents did in their spare time when he wasnt around because he wasnt there to see or hear anything so it wasnt any of his business
Lily shrugged. "Still, you must be curious. I know I would be." Lily was always curious of things she didn't know the answer to. Especially when it included things like family. She did as much as possible to get the answer when that was the case. She never cared about how much trouble it always got her in. Her dad always got annoyed with her curiosity and it ended up with her being grounded constantly.
Logan shrugged again. He could safely say that he didnt share her curiosity for the the unknown. " I guess but its not really my business so i dont ask. Any ways. What do you have planned for the holidays?" He asked. Logan couldnt wait for the holidays. He got to see his family and his other friends that went to different schools.
Lily shrugged. "Dunno. Probably just sitting around the house. Maybe go to Obsidian a few times." Lily never did much during the holidays, it was mostly just playing music with Jerrod and going shopping. "What about you?? Anything interesting??" Lily had only been bumping into Logan in the holidays. The two of them never seemed to make plans to go and see each other. It just happened.
Logan shook his head. He didnt really have anything planned, his parent usually plann the holidays for him and toko his out on holidays and such. "Nothng that i know of. My mum and dadd uaually take me away for the holidays. They say i need a proper holiday after all the studing that i am doing here." He said with a shrug. Logan didnt really mind if he went on holiday or not anymore he was growing out of all that. " You could come along if you wanted. Im sure my family wouldnt mind it." He suggested to her as he looked in her direction
Lily's eyes widened. She had never been invited to go away with someone. It would be amazing to get away from Jerrod for a while. "Seriously?? Are you sure I wouldn't intrude or anything??" She didn't want to get in the way of Logan's time with his family. She'd just feel awkward, like she wasn't meant to be there. Then she'd get home sick and want to get away from them. "I mean, I'd love to. I just don't want to be a nuisance to you and your parents."
Logan grinned widely at his girl friend. He knew that his parents wouldn't mind her spending time there, in fact they would most probably welcome her with open arms. "Oh don't worry about treading on their toes. They are very considerate people and any one close to me is close to them. They will be fine. Promise." He said as he twisted her hair around his fingers. "Besides do you really need my parents approval to be with me?" He asked leaning down to look at her
Lily sat on Logan's lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. "No but it helps." Lily was used to not having approval from people. Most people thought she was too noisy and got in people's way so if Logan's parents didn't like her then it was nothing new to her. She still wanted to feel like there was somewhere other than home that she could be accepted. She hid her face in his shoulder, enjoying the feel of being with him.
Logan snaked his arms up her back and held on to her shoulders and stayed there. Placing his head on one shoulder above his hand. "Yeah it would but they are not dating you.....Well i hope not anyway because that would be a little awkward." He laughed as he looked across the lake. He wondered if this should be there special place. His parents had a special place, a meadow in Europe. Logan wasnt sure where but he knew that it was in that part of the world
Lily laughed. "I think they're a bit old for me. After all, I am twelve." She smiled up at him as she spoke. "I'm so glad you're here. I wouldn't have been able to get through everything if I had to go to Jerrod all the time. He's being a pain in the neck." Then Lily frowned slightly. "Plus, he's hiding something from me. I don't know what but he's been acting all strange and it's really starting to get on my nerves."
Logan smiled and planted a kiss at the top of her head. He knew that he was helping her through her time of need and he was only too happy too. He wanted to make her happy and to make sure she was safe. "Im always going to be here to help you through the tough times. You can always fall on me and cry on my shoulder." He whispered lightly in her ear.
Lily kissed him softly on the lips. "I know. That's one reason I love you so much." She wrapped her arms around him and held him close to her. She didn't care what anyone thought about the fact that she was dating a ravenclaw. She loved Logan enough to ignore the freaks that taunted her about it. They were just jealous because they couldn't feel this way. They had no one to feel it with.
Logan couldnt help but grin when she said that she loved him. Lily being his first actual girl friend, it was a sentence that he had not often heard from people. "And i love you." He said back to her as he rested his head against hers. "You know we have been together over a year now." He said stating a fact. He wasnt actually sure how long exactly but he knew it was over a year since they began to date.
Lily laughed. "That much is obvious." She brought her hand up to the side of his face and stroked his cheek. "We started dating before we got to school and we're now in our second year. It's not too hard to work out." Logan had always been smarter than Lily but she still had some brains. It wasn't like she was a complete idiot.
Logan laughed and nodded. "Well yeah i know that. We started dating just before we attended this school in our first year. So now we have just start our second i would probably hazard a guess say somewhere between a year and two months." He said as he looked up and thought. He had not memorized the date exactly and i would take him a while to remember as he wasnt one to memorise times and dates. "I dont know though i will have to think about i and get back to yo." He said with a giggle in his tone

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