Lonely Beauxbatons Student

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Rayn Jung

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
R a y n . J u n g
[sub]baby you know I can't forget // no gain , no gain , no gain[/sub]

Biography // Relationship
[sup]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[/sup]​
Hey guys. I'm Nicolette and this is my character, Rayn. I'm trying to look for some friends for him, maybe even a fling or an interest? He's quite a shy guy at first and his quietness can sometimes be mistaken for being stand off-ish. He's actually a really sweet and funny guy who likes playing pranks and telling jokes. He has been bullied in the past for looking like a girl so he has a slightly low self-esteem but really, it's nothing too bad. He's not the type of guy who wants many friends, he believes keeping a few close friends is more than enough.

Also, Rayn's bisexual although he prefers males slightly over females but he doesn't rule them out if it comes to dates or flings or whatever. He is still a virgin and his past flings (both genders included) has never gotten further than a kiss there and a touch here.

So yeah, anyone up for some RPing? I'm itching to start! I haven't RPed in properly in almost 2 years so I can't waiiiiiiiitttttt!!
Hey Nicolette!

I have two characters that could be possible friends for Rayn if you're interested, the first one is my Durmstrang student Clover Sheppard, she's the same age as Rayn, and she's pansexual. She's quite impulsive, and doesn't understand boundaries at all, and she obviously gets herself into trouble because of this, but apart from that, she's a very out of the box and understanding person, and she's accepting of everybody no matter what the situation. She's very athletic and is planning on being a professional Quidditch player once she graduates. So let me know if Clover and Rayn could be friends?

My second character I can offer up is my fourteen year old Beauxbatons student Jonathon Phillips, he prefers to be called Batman, and only really answers to that name. He's a comic book and video game nerd, and he is very socially awkward after living a very sheltered life, and doesn't really know how to talk to people. He's come out of his shell more since making a friend or two but he still is very secluded and antisocial. So yeah it's really up to you if you want them to be friends, the age difference might be a problem too, but once Batman trusts somebody he's a completely different person!

Let me know if you're interested!
- Anna ^_^
Hey Nicolette! :D

I have Vicxen Dodge and she is a Beauxbatons 6th year. It has been awhile since I last RP'd with her, but she is very athletic and caring. Her mother died during her fifth year at Beauxbatons, so sometimes she gets a little depressed when she thinks about her family. Viccy is not very mean, so maybe the two could be friends? Tell if you want anymore information on her. :)

Hey Lette,

So I have Pheebz here for Rayn. She is a fifth year bb girl and she is totally into dance and stuff. She's not really that well developed as only only recently reactivated her and stuff, but yeah. She is going to be a lesbian eventually, and i was thinking that if you are up for it, maybe she and Rayn can have a fling or something, and then be friends later, and he could maybe be the first person she tells she is a lesbian too. But of course it is ultimately your choice.

Anna:: Hi Anna! Thanks for replying! :D
Clover and Rayn
They could definitely be friends. Rayn isn't very athletic and is actually a little afraid of heights! So I can foresee Clover trying to push Rayn out of his comfort zone and tries teaching him how to play Quidditch instead of watching it from afar like he usually does.

Jonathan and Rayn
I actually really like the sound of Batman. xD Totally unrelated but little my brother kept calling me Batman yesterday and kept giving things around me (i.e my boyfriend and laptop) names associating with Batman. My laptop was Robin, my boyfriend is Alfred, my mom is Mr. Penguin and all sorts of random stuff. Anyways, back on topic. I can see Rayn and Jonathan developing a sibling-like bond, older-brother-younger-brother kind of thing. Rayn is muggle born so he has quite a bit of knowledge of comic characters already and they can bond over that. Moreover, Rayn is the youngest in the family and is also the only male aside from his dad. So, he doesn't know what it's like to be an older sibling or have a brother. I can see Rayn enjoying playing big brother to Batman.

Lovi:: Hey Lovi! Thanks for replying! :D
Vicxen and Rayn
Vicxen sounds cool, they can definitely be friends. Rayn has never experienced any personal loss so he'd be useless in giving comforting people. Regardless of that, he'll still try to cheer her up if she is ever depressed. Maybe they can share an intimate talk with each other? Like Rayn can tell her about his insecurites about his features and she can tell him about her loss.

Teigs:: Hey Teigs! Thanks for replying! :D
Pheobe and Rayn
Rayn is slightly undercooked as well since I'm a bit rusty at creating characters after 2 years away from all sorts of writing (aside from school essays). Rayn likes to sing so they can find some common ground with music and all? Rayn was born into a musically-inclined family so he knows his stuff. I'm definitely up for a fling! I don't see why Rayn and Pheobe can't be friends even after a fling so sure, why not? He's not the type to hold much against anyone. Rayn will be honoured to be the first person to know about Pheobe. He treasures loyalty above all else and will keep it a secret as long as he lives.
Great, that would be awesome, I think they would be aawesome together, they could make a great team xD anyway, when you want to get something done just let me know and we can get started.
Aw! That's so cute! I could totally see Clover taking him out of his comfort zone and teaching him how to play Quidditch! Knowing Clover she would probably talk to fast, and rush teaching him so he wouldn't understand a thing! She's impatient so that could totally happen. Would you like to start something or shall I?

The awkward part about that is he already has an older brother, but they could make close friends. Jonathon's birth mother is muggle and he's living with her so his touch with the magical world is slightly askew but that won't last too long hopefully. Jonathon needs more people too look up to, and people that will take responsibility over him because he's naive beyond belief, we should rp them straight away! Should I start something or would you like to?

Note: I'm going somewhere tonight so if you want me to start something it will take a wee while.
Jaejoong :wub:



I have my Kuang twins... Part Chinese part Korean (16, Beauxbaton)

Both of the twins are really sweet, comical, and friendly, they're both comical and are very sporty. But of course... Vivian is so much more feminine than Brad.

Vivian gets nervous when she's in the crowds but she'll get over it when her brother's there. She's a ballerina, a model, a future businesswoman. Vivian gets into fight with her brother all the time, mostly they fight about who's snowboard skill is better.

Brad Kuang loves to pull pranks. He's a bi sexual but he had never been with a guy before. He's very good at snowboarding and is a huge fan of muggle gadgets like the rest of the family. Brad is too energetic, goofy, and very fun.
sally:: IU <3 Thanks for replying! :D
Vivian and Rayn
Because they're both Koreans, I can see the two of them speaking in Korean and picking on each other since they're almost polar opposites of one another. Their relationship could be almost sibling like but not to the extreme of Vivian and her own brother. haha

Brad Kuang
I can see them being best mates seeing as they're both bisexual and all. They could also have a one-time fling together possibly? That is up to you if you want. I think the two of them will actually get along pretty well. Rayn likes being friends with people who are energetic and goofy and Brad is exactly just that.
Vicxen&Rayn: That would be good for Vicxen because she has lost her sister, mother, and father. She only had her older brother, Victor, left. It would be nice if she had a heart to heart with someone. I can start a thread for the two. :)
I can always offer James here who goes to Beaux for anything you like he is pretty sweet kid though sometimes he can be emotional and rambles on when he is not nervous but when you get to the heart of who he is you will know he will always be their for you.
Brandon:: Hey Brandon! Thanks for replying! :D

James and Rayn
I like the sound of James. The two of them share common values, most importantly loyalty. Rayn can't stand betrayal of any sorts. They're a year apart but I can see them getting along fine. I can imagine that the first meeting would be pretty awkward because Rayn is insanely quiet during first meetings because he doesn't know how to act around new people. Maybe further along the two of them can be a couple? That's up to you to decide. ^^ Do you want to start the thread or do you want me to?
If you could that would be awesome
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