Living The Dream Life.

Jake Coles

Well-Known Member
Jake was in America. He had decided that it was time he got away from New Zealand life for a while and just go and have some fun. He was sat with his feet dangling into the edge of the swimming pool. Jake had always dreamed of a life where he could just do what he wanted, when he wanted to do it, and where he wanted. And America full-filled that dream for Jake.
Riley was taking a quick break away from the shop and home life. As he wasnt used to crying children around him all the time he needed to take small breaks every now and then. Of course he wouldnt stay away long, around two days was the usual as he didnt want to leave Adele alone with the baby for too long as he new that she had a social life to. Riley walked to the side of the pool in his camouflage swimming trunks and sat on the side. The pool was a little crowded and Riley found himself sat by a boy that looked around his age. Riley dipped his feet in to check the water temperature before sliding in and standing in the deep water for a few minuted
Jake looked over as he spotted a guy that looked a similar age to him sit next to him. He smiled at the guy and felt a little awkward for a few moment before deciding to talk to him. "Hey." He said, strangely recognising this guy from back in New Zealand. He must have been a well known face back in the land that Jake called home. "This may sound a little odd, but you're not from New Zealand by any chance are you?" He asked, wondering if this guy would find him strange or not.
Riley dipped his head under the water to get his hair wet and to get his whole body used to the water. When he emerged again he looked up when someone spoke to him. Running his hand through his hair before he spoke. "Oh yeah i am. I own a shop there. What made you sat thet? We dont know each other do we?" He asked the boy sat on the side of the pool. Riley didnt recognise him but maybe they had met and he had just simply forgotten. That seemed to happen a lot when it came to guys.
Jake smiled at the guy. Jake only recognised the face, he didn't remember formally meeting this guy anywhere. "Yeah, I thought I'd seen your face around, but no, I don't think I've actually met you before...I'm from New Zealand to, incase you hadn't figured..." Jake said, laughing ever so slightly. Jake pulled his top off, then slipped into the pool. He didn't care that his shorts weren't proper swimming trunks. He was a wizard, he could always apperate home and change afterwards. "Anyway, I'm Jake." He said, offering his hand out to the guy.

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