Living a Teenage Dream

Izaak Finch

Well-Known Member


it had not taken izaak finch long to fall asleep, a couple of glasses of wine was all it had taken
for him to nod off soundly into the deep dark loneliness of the night. but tonight he was not
alone, not really as his breaths began to deepen and his mind began to explore its inner most
working. tonight his dreams took him not to a fictional working or a weird wack up of reality
and fantasy but rather a memory that had been fished out from beneath the years of maturity
that had surpassed the once upon a time blue-eyed boy. it was not the nightmares that he’d
had the misfortune of falling into since the accident but rather ones that tacked a sleepy smile
to his face as he slept on into the darkening night, one of a youthfulness regrettably forgotten

today was the day that izaak jay finch was sixteen years old. and tonight would be the night
that he would celebrate it, hard into the morning until he all but collapsed from the exhaustion
of it all. the music throbbed around him and the bodies that gyrated together on the makeshift
dance floor. voices wished him a happy birthday, smiles faced him everywhere he turned, the
music was good, his friends were all here but there was one person missing from his view that
izaak could not help but to pine for. his girlfriend. the newly sixteen year old swept his azure
blue eyes across the house he had known and loved for the past three years, he thought he
spied marcus amongst a stringful of pretty girls but thought better than striding over to ask him
if he knew where melodie was, the teenager merely gave a rolling chuckle beneath his breath.
it was typical, for the both of them really. because izaak and melodie had had their ups and
downs, but right now the boy was completely happy with where they were; up, very up. with a
smile still kept close to his lips as he waded his way through a sea of his school friends into
the thick of the moment. the breath he had been about to take got hooked somewhere inside
of his chest as his heart began to thud wildly out of control. there melodie ann lowe was, in all
her veela perfection , twisting her body to the music in a way that would make any boy pant, it
had her boyfriend hung with the incentive to start begging for more than the relatively innocent
relationship they had shared for quite some time now. his red converse sneakers rocked a
few more steps forward until his chest was practically pressed up against her back. “ladies,”
he addressed melodie’s friends with a charming grin and a sparkle in his blue eyes that would
have any girl green with envy of the hufflepuff. “mind if i steal my girlfriend?” but izaak barely
gave them time to respond, instead his lips sought the porcelain skin at the nape of her neck,
dipping a kiss there as his hands slid tantalizingly slowly up her hourglass torso.

“hello you,”
came the murmur, low and husky in all but a whisper as izaak kept mysteriously
behind his girlfriend. “dance with me?” as if on perfect cue, the music switched and changed
to a song more appropriate for the kind of dancing any teenage boy would have in mind. the
circle around the couple seemed to grow more crowded with whoops and the occasional wolf
whistle as their bodies moved together in time with the particularly raunchy song. izaak could
already feel himself growing hot as they danced, and for some reason it seemed more fuelled
with tension then it ever had before. “you still haven’t given me my birthday present yet mels.”
the slytherin chuckled jokingly into melodie’s ear, happy that no one but her could hear it.

NOTES , set in december. WORD COUNT , sixfivefour. GRAPHICS , by yours truly. LYRICS , while we were dreaming - the pink moutaintops.


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- i m m a - g e t - y o u r - h e a r t - r a c i n g - i n - m y - s k i n -
t i g h t - j e a n s - b e - y o u r - t e e n a g e - d r e a m - t o n i g h t
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sleep had recently become a torturous event filled with fears, and if it was achieved at all, only lasted
two hours at the most. the apartment had been repaired and thr fire damage was no longer visible, but
the all too apparant empty crib in the nursery only fueled the fire inside her heart, one that wouldn't
be put out until her son was returned to her, alive and well. but that night as melodie's auburn hair hit
the pillow and her eyelids closed over her hazel eyes, sleep came. a silence seemed to fall over the house
hold, lucas fast asleep in the nursery and izaak's deep breaths in the next room. the slow rise and fall of
the veela's chest began to increase in pace as she fell into a deep slumber, one in which tonight her dreams
would not haunt her, but instead reach deep into her mind and draw on memories she had not dwelled on
in a long time. though she was lying in a seemingly empty bed, a cheeky smile spread across melodie
lowe's lips, she was not alone.

as the newly sixteen year old stepped into the stuffy room her eyes lit up and her step almost instantly
fell in time with the music that pulsed through her head. her girlfriends were not far behind her, all were
sporting similar pairs of heels, the sign that they had all begun to recognise the change in their maturity.
melodie winked cheekily at marcus as she passed him and what appeared to be a gaggle of girls all fighting
for an ounce of the boy's attention. they were all extrememly pretty, but none of them seemed to turn heads
like the veela did as she walked through the crowd, something she still didn't quite understand. the group of
girls soon found comfort on the dancefloor, their bodies teasing as they wound up and down, none of them quite
knowing what sort of impact they were having on the wide eyed boys that crowded around them. tucking a
strand of auburn hair behind her auburn hair, melodie didn't have to go looking for boyfriend because as she
heard his familiar voice and felt his chest against her back, she knew he had found her first. melodie
giggled as izaak took hold of her and his lips graced the soft skin on the nape of her neck. she turned her head
to face his azure eyes that returned her gaze with that signature sparkle the way they always had, and the
way the teenager hoped they always would. as the slytherin's strong hands slid up her torso they brought
a tingling sensation with them and melodie's heartrate began to increase more rapidly by the minute. though
the teens still seemed themselves their birthdays had brought more than just presents, hers in the form of an
hourglass figure and his a deeper voice, both things they recognised but had never really thought about until
now. the temperature between the two bodies climbed rapidly but the crowd of teenagers weren't about to just
give them the space the couple so obviously longed for as their bodies grew closer and brought with them
a tension and urgency they had never felt before.

"hello to you too..." melodie replied in the same hushed tone in an effort to keep their conversation as private
as could possibly be "...birthday boy" she added with a smirk upon her glossed lips. her boyfriend's question
didn't need an answer as the music cleverly changed and her body began to move in time with his. melodie
acknowledged the raunchy nature of the song and presence of more students that seemed to be forming a circle
around her and her beau, though she chose to ignore both as she became more lost in the moment with each
movement of her body. the chuckled whisper in her ear formed a knowing smile across her lips "don't worry
you'll get it, later"
she said, teasing him with the gift he would have to wait for. though it was a surprise, part
of her knew that izaak was smart enough to have worked out what she was going to give him. afterall it was
what any sixteen year old boy would ask for.

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WORD COUNT. . LYRICS. teenage dream-katy perry. WEARING. coming soon. NOTES. squee.


if izaak wasn’t the luckiest boy in the room then he’d be damned. because no amount of soot
black eye make-up or skin on show or flashy smiles could ever compare to everything that
was the girl in his arms as her body heat grew hot and sticky with his own. and well, he knew
she could dance but he had never felt this vulnerable to the heavenly twist of her hips, or the
long cascade of her lustrous auburn hair, or the perfect curves that had found her body over
the past year. if he had died and went to heaven, the sixteen year old would not have in the
least been surprised. in fact he could have died right then as he was told he’d receive his gift
later. unsure as to whether it was the vodka he had sipped at earlier or the tease in her voice,
izaak began to feel the entire room spin around he and melodie. thoughts raced eagerly as he
pondered, what possibly did she have for him that he would have to wait until later to receive
it? something a little more private perhaps? a tide of hormones swept through the teenager, a
smirk lulled over his lips and he felt the blood rush down from his head. he didn’t want to jinx it
but as izaak rocked his hips in sync with his girlfriend’s and the music, he could not help but to
think that this might finally be the night, the one that changed him from a boy to a young man.

pouting his lips playfully in a kiss held against her cheek, izaak groaned once his hand had
grazed the ribs that lay just beneath her chest. despite the raging hormones that controlled
him and the new kind of fiery lust for his girlfriend that had just been insinuated, izaak finch
was a perfect gentleman and no amount of melodie’s irresistibleness would have him entirely
all over her in the very public eyes of their schoolmates. privately though he would cave to the
temptations, if there was one thing izaak was sure of in his life then it was that. “can’t i just
have it now?”
the whine was only half jesting as izaak pressed against her body once more
before deciding to ease her on with a little encouragement. their lips grazed each other’s over
the howls of the fifth years, his tongue slipped past her lips to play against her the sweet taste
of her own. izaak grinned into the kiss and held his girlfriend fast against him, the thud of his
heart racing radically as he seemed to notice the different sort of fire that this kiss was burning
with. the intensity of it all was too much to handle in the hot little living area though , especially
as his already tight jeans grew even tighter with Melodie’s body right up against him. and so
when izaak drew breathlessly yet reluctantly away, heat in his cheeks from the way she had
managed to make his body react to her, his azure eyes pleaded puppy dog style. “i’ll be good
i promise.”
he grinned laughingly, for they both knew that his behaviour would not adhere to
that promise.

NOTES , tired. WORD COUNT , fivefourtwo. GRAPHICS , by yours truly. LYRICS , while we were dreaming - the pink moutaintops.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- i m m a - g e t - y o u r - h e a r t - r a c i n g - i n - m y - s k i n -
t i g h t - j e a n s - b e - y o u r - t e e n a g e - d r e a m - t o n i g h t
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

parting her lips to receive his, melodie felt him grin and she couldn't help but do so herself. the whine
that came from her boyfriend was almost pitiful, encouragement enough for her to turn her slim body
to face his and conjure a grin that spoke louder than any of the words that followed. "i suppose it could
be arranged"
she whispered into his ear. taking his hand in hers she bit her lip nervously and began to
lead izaak through the crowd of sweating fifth years and away from their prying eyes. the pounding
music became an echo that was easily overpowered by the sound of the sixteen year old's heart inside
her chest and the breaths that jolted her chest each second. pausing for a moment, melodie looked up
at her boyfriend, her fingers running through his hair as she looked him straight in the eyes, a look
of fear and excitement all at the same time. the raging teenage hormones seemed to take over at that
moment as she smiled and turned away, barely giving izaak a chance to say anything as she took his
hand and pulled him along behind her, heading straight for the teenage boy's bedroom. all of this was
so new to both of them, but everything was falling into place so quickly that melodie didn't allow her
self to worry about anything as she squeesed izaak's hand she knew that there was nobody that she
would have rather been with right than the boy that she loved more than anybody she had before.

her heartbeat only began to slow down as the pair reached izaak's bedroom and it seemed as though
every moment melodie had spent with him had lead up to this one. pulling a strand of loose hair from
her face, melodie stood completely still and looked into the room, hesitating as she knew all to well
that once they stepped in there would be no going back. "i love you" came the quiet murmur from her
mouth as if she was afraid to say it, afraid that once it was out in the air she couldn't just take it back.
but something inside the teenager knew that she had to say it, because she did love izaak, she always
had, and when she looked into his azure blue eyes she really believed that she would love him forever.
she could hear the thud of her heart only slightly out of time with his, and her jeans felt tighter on her
throbbing thighs as she clutched izaak's hand, not willing to let go anytime soon. cheers and whistles
could still be heard from the booming living room and melodie was happy that they were now alone,
but the years they had known eachother couldn't erase how awkward she felt standing in the hallway,
waiting for him to make the first move as sweat and desire filled the small space between their bodies
that would be closed in a matter of minutes. though with everything that went through her head there
was not an ounce of doubt, a thought that what they were about to do was anything but right.

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WORD COUNT. five twenty nine. LYRICS. teenage dream-katy perry. WEARING. coming soon. NOTES. blah.



it was not at all a struggle to spy what lay beneath that grin of melodie’s as it swept right over
her tempting and taunting lips. it was a sense of knowing of what was to come, a certain wave
of electricity shooting through what space was left between their desiring bodies. she needn’t
have whispered a word more, he understood. but oh sweet lord she did and the sixteen year
old was soon a mess with the tingles her hot breath against his ear had caused. feeling a hard
shudder race down between his shoulder blades, izaak gripped his girlfriend’s hand tighter in
the clammy heat of his own as she began to pick her way through the web of hormonal teens,
not unlike themselves, and lead him along with her. his azure blue eyes had managed to keep
themselves tamely on her graceful shoulders but acting the part of a gentleman was growing
harder and harder with their destination in mind. luckily by the time she turned around to meet
his gaze, izaak had still held onto his last sliver of composure. but as melodie’s gentle fingers
combed through his hair, zipping shivers down his spine, izaak was rearing to entice her into
a heated display of public affection right then and there. swapping their emotions through the
charges in their desiring eyes, izaak knew that his girlfriend was more or less on the same
page, if not a little more nervous but the young boy would do all in his power to soothe that
before they went anywhere tonight. and so the couple managed to slip away from their friends
and into the less crowded halls of his home.

the realisation that this was reality all seemed to come tumbling down upon izaak only when
they came to stand outside of his bedroom door. there was nothing and no one that would be
able to stop the teenagers from committing to this now, the decision was just theirs to make.
he was finally legal by the country’s law and she, well she seemed wanting and in all honesty
izaak had never wanted someone as much as he did melodie lowe right now. his breath was
almost a pant in expectation but slowed and stopped as those three little words slipped quietly
from her lips. robbed of his breath for a moment as their eyes caught each other’s, izaak was
greeted briefly by his fear of commitment. if he spoke his true feelings then there would be no
more fooling around, it would be melodie and izaak hotter and stronger than ever before. the
sixteen year old drew a shaky breath, far more nervous for this than the act that would surely
follow it. “i... i...” there shouldn’t be anything holding him back and there wasn’t, except for the
fact that for three small words, eight simple letters, the phrase packed a hell of a lot of gut. “i
love you too.”
it came finally with a soft nod of his head and a certain smiling sparkle deep in
the blue of his irises. because he did love melodie lowe and honestly, how could he not? with
her hand squeezing his ever so tightly, izaak pressed his lips sweetly against his girlfriend’s
forehead and then with but a glance towards his bedroom, lead her slowly in through the door.

steady hands pulled the door shut behind them, the click of the lock as he flicked it sealing the
deal that the two of them would make tonight. there would be no more disturbances, no more
interruptions, just izaak and melodie and a bed at their disposal. izaak tugged the cord of a
lamp with his free hand and suddenly the entire room was filled with a warm, cosily dimmed
light. and suddenly, she seemed like an angel before him; sweet, innocent, pure, with those
beautiful eyes in a tilt up at him. he couldn’t believe that they were actually going to do this. it
came only naturally to lead her slowly over to the bed, not wanting to rush her when this was
their very first time. they sat together down on the mattress, their eyes never strayed from one
another’s and as much as izaak’s body was screaming at him to have his way with her right
then and there, his head and his heart told him to take it slow. their kisses began gently with
his lips beneath her jaw, dropping preparatory suckles along her flawless skin. only breaking
to gaze into her eyes, yet still they kept their hands held in the sweetest of manners. “are you
for girls it was a much bigger deal and apparently it hurt too but the sixteen year old
just hoped she felt as comfortable doing this with him as he was with her. because izaak truly
couldn’t think of a more amazing present. not even the new surfboard from leah could top it.
WORD COUNT , eighttwosix. GRAPHICS , by yours truly. LYRICS , while we were dreaming - the pink moutaintops.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- i m m a - g e t - y o u r - h e a r t - r a c i n g - i n - m y - s k i n -
t i g h t - j e a n s - b e - y o u r - t e e n a g e - d r e a m - t o n i g h t
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

her mind was racing so fast that she couldn't keep up with it. melodie couldn't figure out what her
brain was telling her, what her heart was telling her, and what her body was telling her. they all
wanted different things,as the couple stood at the door one thing was certain, that she loved izaak
finch. his patience with her, his trust in her and his love for he proved that and tonight she would
give herself to him on a platter. the silence that followed the three words that had carelessly slipped
from her lips were excrutiating, the teenager was sure that she had said the right thing and it lead her
to wonder if she had ruined the whole night. slowly but surely a reply stumbled out of her boyfriend
and reassured her that he loved her and she loved him, there was nothing more to it. they were ready
now and with a flick of a lock nothing was going to stop them. as izaak's lips grazed her forehead melodie
felt a tingle run down her spine, she knew what her body was telling her, and her heart seemed to be
in agreement that she was ready. they were about to do something very powerful, and very unlike
anything they had known before. as light flooded the boy's bedroom it made everything seem all the
more real to the sixteen year old and produced a feeling inside of her that she had never met before.
a deadly mix of hormones, love, lust and uncertainty, all working at once to make it all the more
confusing and even harder for her body to take.

with her pale face in the dim light, so innocent and pure, it made what they were doing seem even
more like a sin as she let izaak take the lead, their hands still held together so as if a sign that they
were both nervous, but she more so than he was. melodie closed her eyes as light kisses were dropped
along her jaw and down her neck, willing all the uncertainty to disappear. but as izaak spoke she was
reminded not only of a fear but of why she loved him so much. through the urgency of the moment he
had somehow managed to be a complete gentleman. opening her eyes gently a light nod was all it
took to acknowledge what she had been trying to hide. "are you?" she asked sheepishly, her pale
cheeks flushing an unfamiliar shade of pink. the teenagers had never spoken about it before, always
assuming it was something that didn't need to be discussed. but it was something that they needed
to stop side stepping, they were about to do a big thing, or so she had been told by her girlfriends.
what they were about to do was much bigger than the giggling sleepover conversations about 'the
facts of life' something melodie never got a chance to hear from her mother before she was gone. but
being with her boyfriend seemed to make all of that disappear, and assuming that they would both
know what to do, she leant forward and planted a gentle kiss on izaak's lips. "i'm ready." she said in
a matter of fact sort of way.

leaning in closer to her boyfriend she let her hands drop from his and kissed him gently on the lips
once, twice, three more times, letting her weary hands travel along his chest and around his collar to
the buttons on his shirt. she carefully let her fingers slip the first button undone, followed closely by
the second, pretending that she knew exactly what she was doing. the next, however, didn't go as as
easily as two before it and melodie's clammy hands wouldn't let it. bowing her head laughter broke
the intense moment, and with a glance up to izaak her expression looked almost pathetic, letting him
do it himself she realised how clumsy and naiive they both were in this situation. melodie really didn't
know much about what they were about to do, and all she could hope for was that her boyfriend had
some sort of an idea, either way they would figure it out together, somehow. melodie kicked off her
loose heels and knelt on the bed before izaak, she was all his now and as her heart raced she knew
that she wanted this more than anything, she wanted him more than anything. the night had only
just begun but it was already perfect in her eyes.

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WORD COUNT. seven fifty nine. LYRICS. teenage dream-katy perry.



the hard fire that seemed to be rearing behind the cool blue of his eyes softened as izaak saw
his girlfriend nod meekly, an admittance of what he had suspected all along. sometimes the
nauseating beat of nervousness was good, a flutter in one’s stomach of butterflies that were
winged with excitement too, just a sign that you were only human. and while izaak knew that
they were diving headfirst into the unknown tonight, straight into a certain unity that would
change who they were forever, he hoped that melodie’s anxiety was absent of any negative
connotations because he for one was over the moon to be sharing this experience with her.
with the reciprocal of the question he had asked, izaak granted the hufflepuff with a uncertain
shrug of his broadening shoulders and half a smile pinching his lips kindly upwards. to even
begin to try and formulate a proper answer had the sixteen year old’s head spinning. none of
his anxiety though had originated from the thought of doing this and doing it with melodie. no,
izaak had grown nervous about what would happen after, after they had slipped their clothes
back own and made a secretive return to the party still raging outside, after everybody else
had left, even after the new semester began. what would become of them? would they still be
the same old izaak and melodie, the izaak and melodie they had been for eleven long years?

the thoughts fled forgotten from the boy’s mind as he felt the plush softness of melodie’s lips
colliding with his lips. the first sweet taste of her barely caught as she pulled back away again
but this time with a determination that excited the teen more than he knew it probably should
have. but how else was he supposed to react when he felt as if he had been waiting for this
forever? his azure eyes sparked and glinted before his girlfriend, instilling the two with more
than enough anticipation of what was soon to come. after the many kisses that had unfolded
between the two, the several jaunts that something had already happened between them, the
conversations he had had with marcus and those with the beach boys like himself, the ones
that had already gotten themselves laid; it all came down to the here and now and this most
beautiful young woman inching ever closer to instigate their night of kisses, ones of a more
frantic nature than the sweetness they were to be weaned from. drowning in the familiarity of
her lips, izaak arched his body in further to melodie even after their kiss had broken. hands,
large of palm and slender of finger fisted gently into the soft auburn locks that tumbled down
past her shoulders as her own more delicate pair found the stiff of his collar. she popped one
button and he smiled, she popped open the second and he pecked her cheek encouragingly.
but when she was halfway down his torso and lingering at the third button, izaak laughed in a
ruined wreck of the moment along with her and resigned to his own efforts with the innocent
look she flashed him. his own fingers, trembling with sheer adrenalin, began their work on the
remaining buttons but were so easily distracted by the clutter of her heels as they fell to the

with his jaw ajar and somehow magically bound with that first so simple removing of an item
of clothing, izaak stared into his girlfriends eyes. the music throbbed in his head though
muffled by the locked door, his heart thudded a melody in his chest and his jeans suddenly
became to feel unbearably uncomfortable. he wanted melodie lowe and every inch of her
milky white skin, every freckle that dotted her body, each curve in her torso. he wanted her
bad, so so bad and each lightning strike inside of his storming blue eyes told such a thing. the
blue-eyed boy forced the bulk of the inappropriate thoughts down his throat with a gulp as he
was caught somewhere between shredding the clothes from melodie’s body and acting like
the sweetheart he had always been towards her. his body versus his heart. in the end they’d
both get what they wanted, so he touched upon an instinct and sighing, thumbed open the
last few buttons of his shirt yet leaving it to flap about his newly formed six-pack. “come here
holding out his arms either side of him, izaak soon wrapped them around his girlfriend
when she leant near enough in one big, comforting bear hug. he loved that they could still act
like everyday friends, even though they were about to do things to one another that average,
everyday friends wouldn’t dare to dream of. the sweet, intoxicating scent of her soaked izaak
in heaven as his lips brushed her cheek soothingly and he shuffled back from her, slipping his
shirt from his shoulders. the light seemed to compliment izaak, it’s dimmed hues enhancing
the sun-kissed bronzed skin and the rippling muscle that was present even in the smallest of
moves as tossing the checkered shirt forgotten to his bedroom floor. his body, while still lanky
had gained a new dimension with the excessive training he had been putting in for the dream
he was planning on snagging after school; izaak finch, surfing pro. and now it seemed the
hard work had paid off, especially now against the presence of an eternally beautiful girl with
red hot veela blood running through her veins. but this was nothing that melodie hadn’t seen
before, just not something she had seen in the privacy and the intimacy of behind his locked
bedroom door. “it’s just me mels.” izaak murmured with a comforting smile as he shifted back
onto the mattress, his hands winding around the backs of her denim-clothed thighs as he did
so. “it’s just us.” sure it might be a little different, but that’s what it was essentially right?

with a soft and pleasured “ooft,” izaak fell back into his pillows and brought his girlfriend along
with him. the sunken comfort of his bed and the excitement of having her legs now either side
of his seemed a slight mismatch in mood but it didn’t occur to izaak in the least as he leant up
to engage melodie in a kiss like no other they had ever shared before. his tongue fought wildly
against the tango of hers and his hands slipped beneath her shirt, caressing her bare, cinched
waist, he was itching to get her out of it and himself out of his jeans. somewhere outside, the
music had switched and changed entirely with the girls of the party deciding to chant along,
not having any idea as to just what kind of romantic soundtrack they were singing up for the
birthday boy. “you’re so... beautiful...” izaak whispered softly through their frenzied kisses as
his hands reached up to pull her shirt over her head.

WORD COUNT , oneohsevenoh. GRAPHICS , by yours truly. LYRICS , while we were dreaming - the pink moutaintops.


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- i m m a - g e t - y o u r - h e a r t - r a c i n g - i n - m y - s k i n -
t i g h t - j e a n s - b e - y o u r - t e e n a g e - d r e a m - t o n i g h t
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

izaak needn't do anything more than shrug his shoulders in reply to melodie's pressing question
because with half a smile on his lips she knew he was thinking the same thing. of course the act
they were about to commit was dauntng, but it was what would happen afterwards that scared
them the most. they had known each other for eleven years and it was more than confusing to think
that this would change their relationship more than anything they had experienced together.
in their eyes they were adults but they wouldn't understand how big what they were doing was,
not until they were much older. tonight they would see more of one another than they ever had
before, and it would either make or break them. it would either make them closer or pull them
apart. the thoughts were daunting, but they weren't the ones racing through melodie's mind, they
were masked by the one thought of how close they were going to be and that thought was more
powerful than any the teen had felt before. as her boyfriend's eyes sparkled before her, their
bodies grew hotter with anticipation, enough for the sixteen year old to forget anything else but
him, how long he had waited for this and how much she wanted it to be perfect. though their own
experience wouldn't be anything like on the television or in the books, the way she was feeling it
may as well be. the fear that she had completely ruined the moment was dashed when izaak
returned the laugh and understood exactly what her look was telling him to do. she inhaled deeply
as she waited, impatiently for him to free his torso from the constraints of his shirt, just the first
step of the night. as the shirt fell open the adrenaline was a rush, sending melodie's hot veela blood
pumping through her veins at double speed.

the excitement of the first sight of skin made the teen crumble before izaak's bluer than blue eyes.
she wanted her skin against his, no, she needed it. she fell into the familiarity of his arms and
straight into a bear hug, such a contrast to what they had been doing a minute earlier, but that was
melodie and izaak, they were different, and although they were a couple they were still best friends,
something that melodie hoped with all her heart would never have to change. with one swift move
the shirt she had struggled with fell to the ground beneatht them revealing her boyfriend's sun kissed
skin along with a new change to his torso, now developed and muscular. it tensed with the touch of
her delicate hands and izaak could sense she was still nervous, his murmur a bid to soothe her, remind
her how much she wanted him. because it was just him, it was izaak finch, her best friend, her boy
friend and her world and it was just them, all alone and in love about to give in to their desires. with
their bodies perfectly in synch melodie fell with him, her eyes locked on his as his head hit the pillow
and her legs straddled his and something took over her, as she held her arms off, aiding him in pulling
her shirt over her head, her neat auburn locks beginning to look imperfect in the dim light that flooded
the bedroom. melodie blushed as izaak whispered through their kisses and the chanting of her girl
friend's became apparant through the locked door. the time for talking was over as their lips stayed
locked tight and melodie pulled herbody in closer to his, her bare and milky white skin touching his,
sending shivers through the whole of her body. her human instincts took over, sending her hands
down his tensed torso and to the belt that was holding him in so tightly. her fingers set to work,
this time determined not to take away from the moment in any way. pulling on the belt it left the belt
loops and fell to the floor along with the first two items of clothing discarded just moments before.
with a grin piching at her lips she taunted him with a light peck on his lips before sitting up and
waiting for him to do what he wanted with her.

her chest heaved up and down with each breath, taking the energy right out of her with every thud
of her heart in synch with the pumping of the blood so quickly through her veins. melodie trusted
izaak with all her heart and all her soul and that was apparant as her long lashes closed over her
brown eyes and her plush lips pressed against her boyfriend's neck and planted a trail of kisses
down his chest to his naval before looking up at him, a look that asked what to do next. she hoped
he knew what he was doing, that his years as one of marcus 'friends had allowed him the knowledge
he needed to love her the arrogant ladies man seemed to posess so easily. though she didn't like to
admit that she didn't know what she was doing, it was true. she wasn't ignorant, more like naiive in
her eyes, she wasn't completely stupid, she knew the basics that had gotten her this far and izaak
would be able to pick up the slack on her behalf, if not being old fashioned melodie thought that he,
being the man, should take the lead. it was his day and his present afterall and he should choose
the direction of which it was going to go.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WORD COUNT. nine fifty one. LYRICS. teenage dream-katy perry.



it had not taken long to rid melodie of her shirt but izaak could not seem to pull it from her fast
enough. and when he finally had, when the material was loose and limp in the palms of his
hand, the young boy was as good as stunned. his jaw hung open on its hinge at the sight that
hovered above him. she was a vision, a perfect picture that he’d lock safe in his memory for
the rest of his life, the first girl that he would ever have, the first girl that he had ever wanted.
and izaak jay was beyond breathless. the things he wanted to do with her... the boy attempted
to shake his head from the reverie, tried to remind himself that it all would come so very true
in a matter of minutes, he just needed to stop getting ahead of himself and soak up these last
few moments of their innocence together for all they were worth. but it was not by any of his
own attempts that izaak was dragged from his desire-thickened thoughts as all of a sudden
melodie’s hands were tugging at his belt with more confidence than she had his buttons. izaak
drew in a needy breath to calm himself down, just willing her to yank it from its loops already
before the desire to rush things became too unbearable to handle. the metal buckle clanked
as it fell to the floor beside their shirts and izaak finally felt as if he was able to breathe again.

he was ready to entice her into another kiss, long and undying, as that cheeky grin came to
play against her perfectly shaped lips. but his girlfriend seem to have other ideas in mind as
their lips met only once and only briefly, teasing in every respect. the sixteen year old smirked
as melodie leant back onto a perched seat atop his legs, teasing in its own manner as if to let
her know that she wouldn’t be getting away with that tonight. it was all a matter of moments
before his eyes had fallen beneath her neck, watching the heavy breaths consume her chest,
in and out, in and out. they swept down to her thin stomach too, gazing only for a moment as
he let his desires play kind for a second before flicking his azure blue eyes back up at the girl
he wanted with all of his heart to make love to. because love was what they had been feeling
all this time, right? but it didn’t come into izaak’s mind that perhaps if they had just mentioned
something they might have been ready earlier. tonight was perfect and even though it was
only a thin wall that divided them and the rest of the tipsy, boisterous teenagers, izaak could
not have felt more secluded than he did right now. the rate of his heart seemed to burst in
speed to the point where it could have gathered enough momentum to gallop straight out of
his chest. his azure eyes watched surprised as melodie’s lips began to ravish his chest and
his stomach. the muscles that lay just beneath the skin tensed into iron, extremely sensitive to
the soft graze of her lips against him. izaak threw his head back hard into the plush pillows for
a second time that night as his girlfriend planted a kiss against his navel, a loud enough groan
tore from him, practically begging for her to continue on. his hands grabbed at the bare skin of
her waist and squeezed it tightly in response to her kisses, hoping madly that she would not
stop. but there melodie lowe was staring across his chest at him with those wide questioning
eyes and izaak wondered if she had known at all the kind of wonderful feelings she had just
electrified him with. his hands wandered curiously past her waist, along her hips and slowly
over her behind as his eyes gave a look of knowledge, of experience beyond his experiences.
he knew and he’d do his very best to try and make this as special and as meaningful for his
girlfriend as possible. with a chuckling smile on a changed expression, the sixteen year old
flipped their positions so that now his arms were either side of her but his smile still remained
as dazzling as ever when he graced melodie’s sweet face with a few gentle kisses. his fingers
as lithe as they were undid the button of her jeans in a matter of seconds, but that was not the
hardest part. somehow they ended up in a fit of laughter as he tugged the tight denim from
her legs, knowing his own wouldn’t be that much easier. but once the couple were free of any
offending denim that had clothed their beautiful bodies, izaak smiled softly as he knelt before
his girlfriend in his boxer shorts with one last, long kiss to share before the night well and truly
became theirs.

in the deep of the night, izaak’s breaths began to quicken and sharpen to the point where he
was almost panting amongst the tangle of sheets. “mels...” he moaned out into the night, so
loud that it might have been enough to wake the sleeping household but he wasn’t conscious
to care. instead he emitted another moan, louder still as the dream deepened and quickened
his weary heart’s tired beat. “nghhhh” the twenty-two year old rolled over, onto his stomach, a
tattoo on the back of his shoulder, inked with the initials of the girl that had been the love of
his life, the one he had dreamt about every night that he hadn’t had her. but it wasn’t who he
was dreaming about tonight though. “melodie.”

WORD COUNT , eightfourone. GRAPHICS , by yours truly. LYRICS , while we were dreaming - the pink moutaintops.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- i m m a - g e t - y o u r - h e a r t - r a c i n g - i n - m y - s k i n -
t i g h t - j e a n s - b e - y o u r - t e e n a g e - d r e a m - t o n i g h t
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

with her boyfriend's arms either side of her, melodie's smile mirrored that of his as he planted sweet
kisses so gently across her soft skin. a rush stronger than all that had come before it fell over her as
their bodies became free of the tight denim that had been restricting them. her hands wandered at
his mercy and the thrill of what they were about to do overpowered the sound of the teenagers in
the next room, it almost drownded out the sound of her heart still beating so heavily in her chest.
the feeling of his bare and hot skin against hers was electrifying and with one last gasp of breath
the teenager fell into her boyfriend's trusting arms and relinquished her body to him and the night.

stirring in her sleep melodie began to roll over, trying to pull the knotted bed sheets with her as she let
out a groan as her heartbeat quickened to the point in which she felt as though it would jump right out
of her chest. the sleeping household stayed silent except for the rapid breaths that seemed almost in
synch in their own way. stirring once more, the twenty two year old rubbed her eyes and her fingetips
brushed over the droplets of sweat that had collected on her brow. hearing a familiar voice melodie
heaved her body into a sitting position, almost suprised that whoever was calling out to her wasn't a
child, but a man. blinking in the dead of the night she could have sworn she was still dreaming, but as
she heard her name for a second time it was much clearer and there was no denying that the voice
that was calling out to her was izaak's. realising she was far from the dream that had taken over her
mind, she pulled back the tangled web of sheets, her heartrate slowing down as her feet touched
ground. walking through the hall of the apartment she soon reached her best friend's door and as
her fingertips grazed the door knob scenes of her frightfully vivid dream flashed before her eyes,
leading her to blink a few times before finally turning it and stepping into izaak's room. "iz?" melodie
whispered to his back, it appeared that he was still sleeping, yet the brunette had been so sure of
what she had heard only moments before. "izaak" she whispered again, her cold fingers touching his
shoulder in an attempt to alert him to her presence. melodie gave his sturdy shoulder a gentle push
and her friend began to stir from his heated slumber. thinking that izaak was suffering from another
of his tormenting nightmares she perched on the edge of the bed as he began to wake up. "what is
she asked quietly, her hazel eyes blinking in the darkness as she looked down on her friend.

looking over at him as he began to awaken melodie couldn't help but blush at the thought of what
she had just dreamt, the truth was that she hadn't though of izaak like that in a long time, they
were friends now but she couldn't deny that there was still chemistry between them, there always
had been. but they had decided a long while ago that they were better off as friends, something
they had kept to but that didn't stop the thoughts racing through her mind. there had to have been
a reason for those images being placed in her mind. it was more than just a trip down memory lane,
it had reminded her of why she loved izaak so much, in a way she hadn't felt since their own time at
hogwarts. the room was warm and seemed silent still, the only noise being the sound of her chest
heaving up and down. though years and years had passed between the pair, tonight melodie felt
the very same way she had about him all those years ago and there was something inside of her
that screamed for her to explore those feelings and relive them once more, the same thing asking
questioning whether she had really just dreamt that or not.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WORD COUNT. six ninety four. LYRICS. teenage dream-katy perry. NOTES. blah.



the dream that was pacing sharply through his subconscious, dragged up from the deep dark
corners that all his happier moments had been pushed into, was not one that izaak finch really
wanted to wake up from. and who could blame him? after the months of restless nights in the
face of his terrifyingly real nightmares the twenty two year old was enjoying every moment of
this trip down memory lane. inaudible murmurs and groans were muffled by the plush down in
his pillow, his toes curled and flexed at the boarded foot of the bed, his breaths shallowed in a
flurry of conjured up excitement and still he called her name and it seemed the real melodie had
answered his calls. izaak felt a gentle brush of a hand, the cold tips of fingers as they came to
touch against his flushed skin, he felt it in his dream and heard his name whispered too. but it
didn’t register with the sixteen year old inside his head that there might just be a world outside
what concerned him there in his old bedroom. but then the pressing force of reality budged a
little harder against him as izaak felt his shoulder being pushed. in the blink of an eye izaak had
tumbled down into the disappointing state of awareness, realising now in his conscious mind
that it had only been a dream. still asleep but stirring, a groan broke out from his chest, a bid to
drag him back into its blissful oblivion but squeezing his eyes closed tighter seemed not to aid
his efforts at all. instead he was finding the dream harder and harder to fall back into, all that
was left now was its impression upon him. he could still taste the vodka he had been drinking,
mixed with the staleness of sleep, inside his mouth. he could feel the sweat beading over his
forehead and soaking into its hairline just as it had been at the mercy of melodie and her sweet,
sweet body. and he was so wound up with the passion that the couple had exerted in his mind
that the first conscious thought that dared to sneak into his still confused mind was, cold shower,
though it soon was gunned down to priority number two as a hauntingly familiar voice
came to question him. the young man sprung up despite the restraints the tangled duvet held
over him as it twisted around his limbs and balled his hands into fists to rub feverishly at his
azure eyes . “whaa-?” the deep timbre of his voice was thickened with the drowsy aftermath of
sleep as his sight peeled up to see melodie through the filtered light of the moon.

with a surprise izaak leaped back against the headboard of the bed, gathering the sheets about
him so she wouldn’t be able to see the kind of state she had worked him into, even if had been
her imaginary self. “you.” he murmured with a thick tongue, his mind throwing back vivid images
of her beneath him as their eyes met amongst the dappled filter of light and dark. izaak hadn’t
had this feeling, this craving for flesh upon flesh, tongue upon tongue, and that all too heated
act of passion since alexis. and so it made him nervous to have the girl that had made it happen
right there beside him on the bed when all he could think about was laying her down on it like
he had when he was sixteen. “it’s just you.” came his mumble that sliced through the silence of
the room, heightening his indecent fluster at the intimacy of it all. “it’s just us.” though not quite
sure of what exactly he was saying or what had compelled him to do so as he stared wide-eyed
into the gaze of his best friend, izaak could only feel as if it had something to do with his dream
because the images that came bounding along with it belonged there too. was it wrong to crave
melodie’s hands down his chest, or her lips against his abdomen? was it wrong to want to kiss
her the way he had when he was sixteen? was it wrong to say that all he wanted to do was her?
but as the clock flashed two-thirty am in a city that never said never, izaak was playing with ‘no’.

NOTES , not blah - you're amazing ♥ WORD COUNT , seventhreeseven. GRAPHICS , by yours truly. LYRICS , while we were dreaming - the pink moutaintops.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- i m m a - g e t - y o u r - h e a r t - r a c i n g - i n - m y - s k i n -
t i g h t - j e a n s - b e - y o u r - t e e n a g e - d r e a m - t o n i g h t
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

her hazel eyed hues looked towards the door, assuming that her friend wanted to be left
alone as he didn't immediately awake from his slumber. but just as melodie had all but
given up and decided to retreat back to her own bedroom, izaak sprung up against the
headboard, causing her heart to skip a beat. the tangled bed covers went with him and
the twenty two year old held her hand to her chest, having had the living daylights scared
out of her by his all too sudden movement. with the sheets gathered around him and his
azure blue eyes staring straight at her, he looked so vulnerable, a look she hadn't seen in
him all to often. the darkness that surrounded them within the room reminded her that it
wasn't yet morning, but melodie couldn't have felt more awake as she blinked back at her
best friend through the blackness. one eyebrow raised, she held his gaze but it wasn't until
he spoke for a third time that melodie was hit again with another message from her rudely
interrupted dream. the significance of what izaak had just said would have been lost on any
body else, but what he said was all too familiar to her to be a coincidence. the sweat that
beaded along her hairline seemed to be mirrored in her friend's, as she once again became
a slave to the vivid images of the dream she had been unwilingly dragged away from. him
falling back against his pillow, her legs either side of his and that kiss they experienced like
none other they ever had before. the walk down memory lane seemed so real, nothing like
the six long years it had been since the night they gave in to their desires for the very first
time. the clock flashed two-thirty and the silence between the pair was one of the most
awkward that had ever passed between them, the dream was turning over and over in her
mind. could it at all been possible that the pair had somehow experienced the same one?
why else would her best friend utter the exact same words he had the night of his sixteenth
birthday? she remembered the song, the smells, the sounds. in the most vivid of ways she
remembered every second of that night and somehow she knew that izaak did too. it had
been so long since she had been close to a man and right at the moment she wanted the
feeling of her skin against nobody else but his?

melodie wasted no time in deciding whether it was right or wrong, some stort of nostalgia
within her took over and for the first time in years her lips brushed over her best friend's
in the most unfriendly of ways. the reprocutions of dragging their past out into the night
seemed to be pushed back into the darkest corner of her mind as her legs moved so they were
now on either side of his, as if the dream were playing out all over again. the sweat between
the two bodies was more apparant now as their eyes met in a mix of confusion and what she
could only describe as lust. melodie hardly knew what her body was telling her, and why it
had put her in such a situation that was far from where she belonged. the touch of his skin
felt so familiar to her, as if she had felt a million times before, and she probably had, but it
had been a long time since she had felt her skin against his like this, since she had wanted
him like this. it might have been wrong, but right then and there she couldn't see past what
the vivid images in her mind were conveying to her, and what her body was pleading her to
do. this time wouldn't be like the first, the clumsy removing of clothing and awkward laughs
filling the room around them, so many years had passed between them, and tonight would
be different, better. they knew what they were doing, but more importantly, they knew
eachother almost as well as they knew themselves. they were still the same melodie and
izaak, they always would be.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WORD COUNT. six ninety four. LYRICS. teenage dream-katy perry.


as he struggled with the coarse breaths pumping vigorously through his chest, izaak was faced
with a counter weight to his trying efforts – melodie was edging closer. his heart thrashed wildly
against his ribcage, drumming out a reckless, nervous beat that he could’ve sworn was almost
audible in the thick of the night. a tiny part of him cried out inside, reminding the twenty-two year
old of the last time he had ever used his lips in such a manner. the very moment before he and
his fiancée had crashed into that damned tree in the last few breaths that she would ever take.
alexis, and he wondered if she could hear his thoughts up in heaven. would she be angry? or
jealous? or would she be happy that he was finally beginning to grasp a hold of his life again?
because no matter how impossible it had seemed before, izaak could not stay a widower for
rest of his life. the pressure built excruciatingly in his chest until it was enough to pull his eyelids
down over his azure blues and feel his lips tingle at the sensation of melodie’s own grazing over
them. it drew an instinct straight out of the young man and starving for more, izaak clasped his
hand around the slim limb of her upper arm. the skin there was warm, soft, bare, just as it had
been in the depths of his dream and it fuelled izaak with a curiosity as to whether the rest of her
still felt as lovely as before. long before he had proposed to alexis, before even he and isabella
had had their time as a couple, the pair of friends had shared a night with one another, the first
since their time at hogwarts. it had blown his mind then. but since then even they had slipped a
little more experience up their sleeves and had grown into real adults, ones that often came to
function by their responsibilities and at other times sought to abandon them completely. so as
izaak trickled his cool blue eyes down to her elegant thighs when they came to slid either side
of his, he could not help but to wonder what kind of wild experience they could share tonight.

izaak jay finch knew as he lifted his eyes back up to melodie that he had been staring a little too
hard and longingly at the graceful legs that had once been, and clearly still were, his weakness.
the twenty two year old had always been a legs kind of guy, it was the only logical excuse he
could bring to the table to excuse his hungry stare. though izaak knew that it wasn’t just only his
fetish for melodie’s well-toned limbs that had him so worked up, it was everything she had given
him that night of his sixteenth birthday, even if everything had been a little awkward and new to
them. a lusting fire burned between their eyes, licking the whites of their wide eyes with hints of
confusion. izaak jay couldn’t seem to understand why he wanted her this badly now when it felt
like forever since he had been living under her roof, he couldn’t understand why that dream had
paid a visit the way he had, but izaak didn’t need to understand it to act upon it. melodie was
managing to excite him with her mere position on his lap and the more he thought about it, the
more the lust seemed to ignite inside of him and the more uncomfortable he grew in his boxers.
there were no need for those sheets now. “you wouldn’t believe the dream i just had.” the desire
riddled young man whispered hotly into his friends ear before sliding his lips beneath the line of
her jaw. after seventeen years izaak knew almost all there was to know about melodie lowe, the
kind of breakfast cereal she preferred, the names of the movies she had cried in, the shape her
lips twitched into when she tried not to laugh at one of his jokes, he knew all of the lines of her
favourite song because that was how much time he spent with her and he knew exactly where
to kiss her to make her squirm with delight under his touch, which was exactly what izaak was
doing now. “... about you and me.” he mumbled against her hot and sticky skin as he bunched
her shirt at the curve of her waist, revealing a perfect portion of her porcelain skin. he wanted to
tear her from its cotton binds but for now was too busy taunting her with his lips. they surfaced
from her neck and brushed against the plush heat of hers, pecking them briefly before coming
to mumble another string of words against them. “and we were-” but izaak was cut off by the
extremities of his own thoughts as his fingers found the sweat that had dampened her hairline
and wondered curiously how it had come to be exerted. they hadn’t been kissing that long nor
that strenuously. come to think of it, why was she here on his lap? surely it couldn’t have been
because she was secretly waiting for a moment to pounce on him all this time, that wasn’t like
melodie. they respected one another. izaak could only think of one thing. “did you have a dream
drawing back from her face, the young man stared curiously into the eyes of his beautiful
friend with his hands still holding her bare waist, his heart still thumping, still waiting to have her.

WORD COUNT , ninethreeeight. GRAPHICS , by yours truly. LYRICS , while we were dreaming - the pink moutaintops.

melodie's arm tingled as she felt the grasp of izaak's against it, something she had felt so often
before, but not in this way in awhile. she barely noticed the way in which her best friend's eyes
had been lingering on her body, as hers were held in the same curious stare against his strong
arms, clasping onto her porcelain skin. it seemed so unbelievable to think that she had known
the man in front of her for seventeen years, because as she was poised upon his lap in the dim
light of the night she felt as though she was seeing him for the first time. no matter how many
reasons she came up with to turn her away from him, they all seemed irrelevant. that one part
of her that told her not to cross the boundary was grossly out numbered by the pounding of her
heart and the vivid images of their first night of passion lingering in her mind. melodie held her
head back as izaak's hot breath whispered into her ear before his lips trailed down past her jaw,
leaving her gasping for a breath as her fingers clung onto his arms. the hazel hues of her eyes
widened as his words registered in her brain. had he too had the very same dream? it seemed
like the only plausible explanation as to how she had ended up on his lap, and how he had
kissed her back. it wasn't as if either of them had had these thoughts or feelings towards each
other in a long time, before that night they had been best friends, and nothing more. which was
not to say they hadn't crossed that line before, before izaak had met isabella, before he had
proposed to alexis. alexis. the name was all it took to bring an uneasy feeling to her stomach
as izaak hands clasped at her bare waist. melodie would never forget the night her friend had
come to her, his face torn and tears running down his cheek. it had been a long while since
the crash, and as the mumbled string of words came to a halt and his eyes met hers, the
young woman wondered if alexis was looking down on them, and whether she would be angry
at the couple, or whether she would be happy to see izaak on top of his life, and moving on.

"i know-" she whispered back with a thick and hot breath, pulling away from her best friend and
staring into his azure blue eyes. "your birthday." she added, her own words becoming stuck in
her throat as she spoke, it didn't take a genius to work out that they had both experienced the
very same dream, she could see the thought of it ticking over in izaak's brain. though she now
understood the sudden lust they had experienced for oneanother, she couldn't quite understand
why the flash back had come when it did, izaak had been under her roof for quite some time
now, but such a dream had never taunted them like it had that night. it had been for a reason,
but as of now she was uncertain as to what that reason could be. as his fingers found the sweat
that had dampened her forehead, her fingers found his too. running those fingers through his
hair she smiled at the familiarity of it all, of him. her hands cupped his face and she let her
thumb trace the scar on his cheek, reminding her that this wasn't a dream, and they weren't
sixteen anymore, they had been through so much since that night and they both had the scars
to prove it. somehow they had managed to stay the best of friends through at all, and that
had to mean something. as her plush lips gently touched his melodie was reminded of the last
lips that had touched hers, none other than the third musketeer, marcus. and just like their
times at hogwarts, izaak had won the girl again. they hadn't spoken since the night he had all
but hit izaak and left the pair even more confused than they had been before. too much time
had passed, too many memories. she wouldn't admit how scared she was to be intimate, after
adam, after everything. but there was something about the way izaak's hands held her waist
that made her feel safe. no matter how things melodie was unsure of in her life, she would
always be sure of one thing, that she loved izaak jay finch, in her own way. there was nothing
left now but to give in to the desire that she could no longer ignore, so removing his hands
from her waist, melodie carefully slipped her shirt over her head and looked straight into
his eyes, her slender fingers grasping his hands the way she had so many times before, and
her lips grazed his cheek gently, just the beginning of what the night had in store for them.


his birthday. there had been many of those that melodie had shared with him, more than what he
could count on his hands though only one seemed to jut to attention in the crevices of his mind. of
course, his sixteenth birthday. it all made sense now, for whatever reason they had had the same
dream and both of the pair of best friends had been afflicted by the raw passion that had driven
their bodies and their hearts that night all those long years ago. izaak’s azure eyes burned bright
with a lustful fire as his mind trailed curiously back to the lewd images that his subconscious had
evoked. all else seemed foggy and irrelevant, like the fact that he would have to leave for work in
a few hours. he needed his best friend and he needed her now or else he’d surely implode with
all this desire that ached through him. a shudder race up his backbone as melodie’s fingers ran
intricate patterns against the grain of his hair and he parted his lips to the sweet intimacy of it all.
it had been so long since the last time and far longer since the first but even though izaak knew
that this was supposed to be weird, that being turned on by his best friend shouldn’t be right, it all
felt so natural and so good there in the early hours of the morning. the heat of her palms slipped
down to his burning cheeks, where the blood boiled just beneath the skin, and he felt the faint
ridges of his scar traced sweetly by her thumb. the twenty-two year old’s breath was quickening
for more reasons than one but izaak wasn’t about to let on just how nervous he was to be having
intercourse for the first time in a very long time. to think that it wouldn’t be with alexis was absurd
and if it weren’t for the dream that had just jilted him, izaak wouldn’t have been able to remember
what it had been like with anybody else but her. he took a calming breath, in and out, so when
their lips collided again izaak was finally resolved, he was going to do this and it would all be fine.

he basked in the familiarity of their kiss, revelled in it, cherished it and however impossible it was,
it had managed to both calm his weary heart and send it racing simultaneously. his fingers dug
further into melodie’s silken skin as if he was bracing himself against her waist, easing off some
of the pressure that was building up inside of him. but his efforts were all too soon lost to the night
as izaak’s wide azure eyes soaked in the view of the stunning woman in his lap pulling the shirt
he had so desperately wanted her out of, over her head. there was nothing left for izaak to do but
to fall back into time because there in her apartment he was just as starry-eyed and in awe as he
had been when he was sixteen. he felt like a school boy all over again and not even the familiar
feel of her hands around his own or her soothing lips against his cheek could wear down his dizzy
shock. “wow.” it was all that izaak could manage as his hands slipped from the grasp of hers and
reached for the thin sheet to pull it over their heads. he didn’t want the world to see her beauty,
he wanted to greedily believe that only his eyes were worthy of the marvellous young woman that
sat in tight and cosy on his lap. inside the intimacy of their cotton fort izaak gave his best friend a
kiss, one like no other that throttled his excitement through the roof. his tongue flicked against her
lips, parting them for an entrance into a hot frenching of her mouth. this wasn’t like the kiss they
had shared in his bedroom when they were sixteen, they weren’t virgins anymore and they knew
exactly how to heat things up with a touch of ones lips. and through one kiss, izaak knew that this
night wasn’t just going to be purely for the pleasure of their physical selves. izaak was going to
make love to her, he was going to do it right and as their lips parted, his graced a sweet kiss on
the tip of her nose just to affirm this. his hands caressed the bare skin on her back, the soft velvet
feel was something to remember against his work roughened hands. but while one hand started
to fiddle with the elastic waist of her pyjama bottoms, the other reached out of the sheets and
grappled around on the nightstand for his wallet and what he knew had been left untouched in
there. “protection.” he murmured meaningfully to melodie after having found what he was looking
for and leant in to kiss her mouth. they would not make mistakes tonight, neither could afford to.
WORD COUNT , eightfourone. GRAPHICS , by yours truly. LYRICS , while we were dreaming - the pink moutaintops.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- i m m a - g e t - y o u r - h e a r t - r a c i n g - i n - m y - s k i n -
t i g h t - j e a n s - b e - y o u r - t e e n a g e - d r e a m - t o n i g h t
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

though the faint mumbles of one of the twins stirring could be heard from the next room, melodie
chose to ignore it. she was lost in the frenzie of lustful kisses she as sharing with her best friend
and the world outside of that bedroom seemed irrelevant, the world outside of the apartment even
more so. izaak's comment seemed to perfectly sum up everything she was feeling as he pulled the
loose sheet over their heads, sealing the deal they had with eachother for the night, letting herself
fall softly onto izaak, and in turn fall back in time. though the pair had never grown up and gotten
married, there seemed to be something much more powerful that had held them so tightly together,
their friendship was the most powerful and meaningful relationship that melodie had ever had, and
it was something she never took for granted like she had the many other things she was blessed with
in life. feeling the close warmth of her best friend's body against hers, the twenty-two year old felt
as though she had stepped right into a time machine, because if she had been told a few years ago that
she would be sharing a bed with izaak, she would have never believed it. but as their powerful and
lustful kisses continued, it all felt so natural, it almost felt right. a beaming smile spread across the
veela's face as her friend's lips pecked the very tip of her nose, reminding her that this wasn't going to
be like all the other times, izaak loved her, whether it was in a completely platonic way or not, it didn't
seem to matter. the murmur that came from his lips upon hers reminded melodie that this wasn't just a
dream, and they had to be careful. with the mental state the young woman had been left in after her
last pregnancy and the unfortunate events that lead to the end of both alexis and isabella's, she knew
that niether of them could afford to make any mistakes, they weren't ready to be in that position again.
once izaak's hands were back in the privacy of their cotton fort and the elastic band of her pajama
bottoms were loose, melodie leant into the deep and heated kiss, and well and truly left the world
around her behind, not for a second dwelling on how she might feel about her actions come the morning.

melodie woke to the sound of meaningless baby talk coming from the next room, the twins were no
longer stirring, they were wide awake. with a weary hand the young woman rubbed her tired eyes
and realised what the time was, not yet realising who's arms were wrapped around her cinched
waist. turning her head, ready to bury it into the pillow and pretend she didn't have to get up and
continue with the usual morning routine, she was faced with izaak. a rather under-dressed izaak
at that. sitting bolt upright in the bed she gave the young man a light shake, her hands resting on
his shoulders and her eyes wide. "izaak" she said, "wake up." by the looks of the time he would
have to get up soon or he would be late to work. all the brunette wanted to do was jump right
out of the bed and escape the awkwardness that seemed to be screaming at her. if it wasn't for
her rather apparant lack of clothing she would have done so right away. melodie had to ask her
self the question of why she had woken up in her best friend's bed, and the even more gripping
question, what had they done last night? though unfortunately deep down she knew the answer
to both of those questions. this was without a doubt one of the most awkward positions she
had been in, though the young woman shouldn't have been so quick to jump the gun as matters
only got worse when aiden toddled into the room demanding his mother get up. pulling the sheets
up in record time, melodie attempted to wake her sleeping friend again, hoping his appearance
would somehow make matters better, she was convinced they couldn't get any worse.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WORD COUNT. seven zero eight. LYRICS. teenage dream-katy perry.


the hours passed by all too quickly for izaak finch’s liking once he had lulled into an exhausted
sleep all tangled up in melodie lowe. he didn’t want to wake up though not only because he
was tired but more so because he had discovered a little secret that night in the aftermath of
their wild passion, one that made both his stomach and his whole world flip upside down. his
best friend would not have seen his face so gaunt and ghostly when he had slipped back into
bed behind her, in fact she had probably been too exhausted to notice. the young man himself
had been robbed of too much energy to be able to hold that kind of conversation anyway. and
while the act itself had been good, wonderful, mind-blowing and then some more in the heat
of the moment, as it always had been between the two best friends, the consequences of their
reckless romp together would be far more dire than they had ever accounted for. so as he felt
his shoulders shaken and his name called amongst the first few rays of the morning sunlight,
izaak jay began to stir unwillingly and merely curled in closer to the warm body in his arms. it
wasn’t until another voice had trespassed into his groggy mind that izaak finally flickered open
his azure blue eyes and blinked slowly up at the clock on the nightstand. “aw sh*t.” the twenty
two year old mumbled inaudibly upon realising that he had ten minutes until he had to be at
work. rolling across the mattress to jump straight into his morning routine, izaak noticed his
apparent lack of clothing and for a second all memory of what had ensued only a couple of
hours ago escaped the young man. a body, a waist, a woman he remembered holding when
he had stirred and if it can’t have possibly been alexis then it must have been... izaak’s eyes
widened beyond belief at the sight of his best friend in the bed next to him with the very same
mysterious disappearance of her clothing. and all of a sudden, it all made horrific sense when
every last lewd memory of the ecstasy she had soaked him in last night came trickling back
and before it when he had declared his sensibility and after when he had realised that they
might as well not have taken the precaution after all. izaak knew that melodie felt awkward,
she looked awkward but as his stomach twisted and turned inside of him, izaak managed to
feel a whole lot worse. he wanted to be sick just at the thought of what had possibly been
conceived last night and what she had possibly conceived. who knew, the pair might just be
finally having the kid that everyone had expected them to grow up and have together after all.

although the sheets were dragged up to hide their nude bodies from aiden’s eyes, izaak could
not have possibly felt more exposed as he met with the two year old’s eyes. thank heavens he
was only two, he would have had no clue what kind of a situation he was only making more
awkward here. “aiden...” izaak mumbled incoherently, still not entirely with it after the sleep he
had had, or lack thereof. pinching the bridge of his nose with a forefinger and thumb just as a
migraine began to throb there, he hastily formulated a web of bribery in his mind. “mummy’s
tired but if you let me get changed, i’ll make you and lucas fruit loops for breakfast. how does
that sound?”
the little boy nodded eagerly with a grin before tottering out of the room to fetch
his brother. and other then the senseless chatter from the boys in the next room, he and mel
were left in silence. izaak didn’t want to face her, he couldn’t with a secret this huge to hide
and he knew that he needed to tell it, now just wasn’t the time. “i uh, i have to go.” he spoke a
matter-of-factly with his back to mel as he pulled on his boxer briefs and work shorts. the night
was still playing like a broken record through his head and he hadn’t been drunk like he had
been when he had slept with isabella, he remembered every last vivid detail of it and it was so
strange and so awkward to think that it had all been with melodie lowe. a hand reached back
to scratch his shoulder blade, to subconsciously touch the initials of his late fiancée that he
had gotten inked there and for yet another reason to pile on top of all of the others, izaak was
given another reason to feel ill. his breath deepened, he knew he’d have to face the girl by his
side that was not alexis and with a resigned sigh, he stood up to pull his uniform from the
drawer. “i need to talk to you about something but it’s gonna have to wait.” having slipped the
blue lifeguard jersery over his head, izaak allowed for a moment his eyes to glance down at
his best friend’s stomach. the colour drained from his face, his jaw locked, the azure of his
eyes seemed to harden in upset. but it was only for a moment because her boys bounced into
the room again, one taking each of his hands as they attempted to drag him out of the room
for the treat he had promised them both, asking simultaneously why their mother had been
sleeping in izaak’s bed. he raised his eyebrows at melodie, challenging her to answer this
time for he had already fished them both out of one stick situation this morning. but as the
tiniest hints of a smirk touched the very corners of his lips, izaak felt as if it conveyed more
than just a challenge. it reassured him that through it all, they were still best friends. yes they
had slept together but so what? they had done it plenty of times before. awhile ago that is, but
it mattered not. and for a moment it all seemed like one gigantic overreaction until he came to
remember again the consequences that they just might have to face come his knock-off time.

WORD COUNT , oneohfivesix. GRAPHICS , by yours truly. LYRICS , while we were dreaming - the pink moutaintops.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- i m m a - g e t - y o u r - h e a r t - r a c i n g - i n - m y - s k i n -
t i g h t - j e a n s - b e - y o u r - t e e n a g e - d r e a m - t o n i g h t
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

the young veela woman couldn't seem to do anything more than let her hazel irises stare so
widely towards her son. her plush lips parted and formed an 'o' shape, and she stumbled over
what on earth there was she could say to distract aiden from the situation he had just made a
whole lot more awkward. thankfully, her best friend came to her rescue, noticing the clear look
of shock written all over her face. melodie's ivory skin turned an even lighter shade of white as
she looked over at izaak and a feeling of slight relief came over her as a string of words in the
form of a bribery seemed to spill from his lips. as the toddler pattered off down the hall to retrieve
his brother, one of melodie's hands went straight to her head in a bid to ease the pain that was
shooting through it. "thankyou." she said simply, a sympathetic look upon her face. still clutching
the thin sheet over her nude body, melodie knew she couldn't have possibly felt much more
embarrassed or exposed in her life, and the silence that the pair were left in made the situation
almost unbearable. this wasn't like the pair, the tension that was building up was something
they had never felt with eachother before. melodie was quickly beginning to regret last night. it
had only been a dream that had reignited feelings that the best friends hadn't had for one another
in a long time. the fact that there was still chemistry between them had only driven them further
into the night, ultimately leaving them both deep in regret. though if the young woman had known
what izaak was intent on putting off telling her, there wouldn't have been a ounce of doubt in her
mind that they had made the wrong decision. in the heat of the moment it seemed so right but as
her sons toddled back into the room and izaak's gaze left her stomach, she couldn't think of a
thing she wanted to do more than to run from her best friend's bedroom. the ball was now in her
court to come up with a save, izaak having rescued them both the first time around. with her
hands gripping more tightly around the sheet, her eyebrows mirrored that of izaak's before she
turned to her son's. "well," she began "when you two get scared, i let you sleep in my bed don't
she explained, looking up to izaak once more to make sure that she was going in the right
direction, "well, i got a bit scared last night, and izaak let me sleep in his bed" she finished, and
thanked the heavens that aiden and lucas were not yet old enough to see straight through her
pathetic attempt to cover up the situation at hand.

once izaak had left the room, his hands taking a twin each, melodie burst into tears. something
she hadn't done in a long time. she loved izaak with all her heart, but last night really had been
one huge mistake for the pair. they had been pinned together from the start, but they had gone
down that road already, and after izaak's sixteenth birthday they had found out that they were
better off just as friends. it was good in theory, but clearly not in practice. afterall this was not
the first time the friend's had been together since then, but it had never really meant a thing, had
it? hiding her tears behind her hands melodie cursed herself for being so stupid, not matter how
much she had wanted him then, and how much he wanted her, had it all been enough to justify
their actions? biting her bottom lip nervously as she heard the front door slam and the sound of
her boys screeching with delight at the sudden sugar rush their bribe had provided them, the
twenty two year old remembered the last lips that had touched hers before her best friend's.
to remember, sent an uneasy feeling galloping into her stomach, marcus. she remembered that
night as clear as any other, the way the dutch courage of the last few shots she had downed
with izaak had lead her to slap the ex gryffindor before her lips had kissed him with such force,
only egged on by izaak commenting that she had never kissed him that way before. it was true
that the subject of marcus built up so much anger inside the young woman, and melodie truly
couldn't find the true source of all those pent up feelings. though as she sat in izaak's bed, still
completely nude, the last thing she should have been thinking about was how this was all effect
marcus. she hadn't seen him since that night, since he had declared his love for her, then only a
matter of seconds later told her he would have to get over her. nobody had said he would have
to find out, but if he did he would be livid. melodie wanted to forget all that had happened last
night, to sweep it under the rug and never speak of it again. though the act itself had been amazing
as it always was with izaak, the aftermath that she was left stewing in was anything but. all
that she could think about were the consequences of her actions, they weren't teenagers any
more, they had to be responsible and think their decisions through, something that she knew
both of them knew now. after pulling on her clothes, and by some miracle managing to calm both
aiden and lucas down, there was nothing left for her to do than to wait for izaak to return and
talk to her about whatever it was he was getting at that morning. the veela could not for the life
of her think what it was, apart from perhaps wanting to establish the boundaries that they needed
now more than ever. her nails had slowly but surely worn down through the day, one of her
nervous habits having come back that she was sure she would never see again. their night of
passion hadn't been that bad, her paranoid thoughts were getting away on her, surely izaak
didn't think it was bad, if not that, then there was only one thing the mother could think of, the
very thought of it drained the colour from her face, sending her straight to the bathroom as she
waited for the familiar click of the door, for izaak to put an end to thoughts that ate away at her.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WORD COUNT. oneonetwofour. LYRICS. teenage dream-katy perry.


izaak jay had to hand it to melodie, for such an early hour of the morning and such a surprise
question, she had done exceptionally well in formulating excuses even if only a two year old
would buy it. thankfully it was a pair of two year olds they were selling it to and so izaak and
melodie managed to fish themselves out of a potentially disastrous moment by the very skin
of their teeth. the twins resumed their persistent tugging on his hands without so much as a
shrug and finally with one last glance towards his best friend and the mess they had made of
his sheets last night, izaak left the room with an anxious turn of his stomach. eleven hours he
had to somehow pull a speech out of his hat, one that would have to soften the nuclear blow
that was positively headed their way. but was there a way to wrap it up, to tie a big flourishing
bow around the situation and pretend that it was just another page in the novels of their busy
lives? izaak was as stumped as hell on that one because the more he thought about it the more
it seemed like a whole new book instead. and with that, the draft of the previous one would be
thrown to the dogs. he wouldn’t be able to waste the winter away in some place warmer far
away from the shores of his beloved home, he could pretty much wave goodbye to any hopes
of restoring his friendship with marcus, and then there was alianne. izaak clasp a hand over
his stomach as it tingled, a different sort this time around, one that came with the thought of
her whenever she seemed to pop into his mind. and as of late, that had been a lot. izaak would
be lying if he said that it didn’t matter, that having a baby with melodie lowe wouldn’t affect
future relationships because right now even, as it played out in his head, it was the unofficial
end to whatever chance he might of had with the violet-eyed beauty, the girl with the beaming
smile and the wild tendencies. and that was something that struck down deep for izaak finch.

an array of lines subconsciously furrowed his brow as izaak reached far into the pantry for the
colourful box of cereal the twins were squealing excited over. he knew it shouldn’t have been
on his mind but the only thing that izaak could think of as he set their plastic bowls out on the
countertop and poured the artificially coloured loops of sugary cereal into each of them was
that one day he might just be doing this for their own child. his mind recoiled at the thought,
it was weird, it was way too weird to warrant a place in his imagination and yet somehow it
had buried itself deep within there. after having splashed an amount of milk in to the bowls
and setting them down before aiden and lucas with a spoon each, the man grabbed his phone
and keys as he echoed a “you’re welcome, be good for mummy” from their excited thankyou’s
for the special breakfast. he was hoping that when he finally got out of the apartment and shut
the door behind him that maybe the thought of the friends having a baby together would be
left behind too but as izaak found throughout the course of the day, the possibility had been
practically glued to his mind. by some miracle he managed to make it through the day’s work
without forgetting to make a rescue or perhaps steaming over some poor beach goer with the
buggy as a consequence of his mind being stuck elsewhere. he was half tempted to dash back
to melodie during his lunch break and deal the news then and there just to get it over with,
but thought better of the situation. so when five o’clock finally rolled around and the beach
flags had been tucked securely away, izaak walked back down the way with a feeling so heavy
in his stomach that he felt as if at any moment he could have been sick all over the pavement.

when he reached the apartment his hands shook violently as they twisted open the door. there
would be absolutely no going back now. as soon as he took one step inside the news would be
poured out all over the floor. izaak kept his head down as he stepped through the doorframe,
not wanting to see if melodie was there yet as he kicked off his thongs and tossed his keys on
to a side table with a jingle. but he couldn’t evade the truth forever and so he looked up, found
himself staring straight into the hazel eyes of his best friend from across the room and felt his
stomach drop to the floor. even through his brown, sun-kissed skin izaak finch was as white
as a ghost’s and terrified as if he had seen one too. images flashed into his head, those of last
night as he made sweet love to her, never expecting to be faced with such severe consequences
at the time and suddenly izaak couldn’t even bare to look at her. his head turned mildly to the
left, his azure eyes hardened on a picture behind her that leah had taken a long long time ago.
it had always been a favourite of his, one in which they were laughing together at a joke that
had been spoken off camera but it wasn’t until now that he noticed melodie looked exactly the
same as she had in his dream last night. it must have been at his sixteenth birthday. the young
man wished he could laugh this one off just as his younger self was doing in that photograph.
but now was not a time for fun and games, this was reality and this was life and the pair of
them were deemed to serve the consequences of their rash actions last night. izaak breathed
in and then breathed out just as slowly. the confession lingered on his tongue, his mouth was
open, ready to spit it out but he found that he had to count himself in in order to say it. one,
two, three... “it broke.” momentarily his azure eyes glanced distantly into melodie’s before
tacking his gaze wishfully to the photo again and chewing down on the inside of his cheek.
there was no question as to what 'it' was, melodie was smart enough to figure that one out all
on her own. she'd know now what exactly what he'd done to her and it sickened him with guilt.

WORD COUNT , oneoheightseven. GRAPHICS , by yours truly. LYRICS , while we were dreaming - the pink moutaintops.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- i m m a - g e t - y o u r - h e a r t - r a c i n g - i n - m y - s k i n -
t i g h t - j e a n s - b e - y o u r - t e e n a g e - d r e a m - t o n i g h t
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

hearing the jingle of keys as they hit the side table, melodie jumped although it was something
she heard nearly every day, something had her on edge and sick with worry. as izaak entered the
living room the twenty-two year old was glad that to hear the faint sound of her sons, who were
clearly occupied and she didn't expect for a moment for them to interrupt whatever izaak was
about to spill to her. she had worried and stressed all day, and as his gaze fought not to meet with
hers she knew it was for a reason, she wasn't overreacting, she could see it in the paleness of his
face, that whatever this was, it was serious. it only took an utter of two words to send the brunette
spiralling downwards. she was smart enough to figure out what 'it' was and her best friend obviously
knew that as his azure blue eyes strayed from hers once more. her worst fears had been realised,
and it seemed that one of the only wise choices the pair had made last night, might have well have
not been made at all. her gaze hardened as she searched for something in izaak's eyes, just a small
glint of hope would be all that she needed, but she found nothing, instead finding comfort in holding
her head in her hands, only one thought running through her mind, how could this have happened?
as if the pair hadn't been through enough in the past few years, it seemed almost impossible for her
to comprehend that something like this could happen after they had only just taken back the control
of their lives, only to have it ripped away from them again after one silly decision. she didn't want to
believe it, she wanted to stay in the darkness that her hands had provided but somehow she knew
that they had to be adults and that she couldn't simply hide from her problems any longer, this was
something that they simply couldn't sweep under the rug or leave to deal with at a later date.

"how could this happen?" came the weak croak as melodie lifted her head up, her eyes pleading for
some sort of logical answer as to what they had done so wrong to deserve for something like this to
happen to them. but there really was only one logical answer, they had made a silly and completely
childish decision, one that she would have expected from hormone engulfed teenagers, but not them.
they couldn't have a baby, there was no way that either of them were ready, melodie's hands grew
hot and hear head began to pound at the very thought of it. only now was she finally managing to care
for the sons that she already had, let alone another child. turning away from izaak for only a moment,
melodie made her way down to the very couch she had recieved the news of alexis, the couch that so
many events had passed on, but none like this. taking a seat she looked up at her friend, her skin tone
matching the whiteness of his as she searched for words. "we can't have a baby." she said simply, even
though the fact was that they loved oneanother, and if push came to shove they would find some way
to make the situation work. releasing her hands from the grasp they had on the edge of the couch, they
managed to find their way to her toned stomach and the thoughts that ran through her mind only made
the pounding in her head grow worse, and the conclusion that they would have to wait days at least
before anything could be confirmed. closing her eyes did nothing to calm her heartbeat that began to
increase by the minute as flashes of the dream that had caused all of this strife played over and over
in her mind, causing her stomach to turn somersaults beneath the weary hands. standing up once more
melodie made her way over to izaak, and turning her gaze upwards so their eyes met she took his
hand in hers, "wha-what do we do?" she asked the impossible of him, "where do we go from here?"
neither of the pair wanted to ask those questions, let alone have to answer them, but somebody had
to, there was nobody to look after them or make the decisions for them, they had to grow up and face it.

as selfish as it seemed, for a moment melodie didn't stop to think of the impact this would be having on
izaak, the kinds of heartbreak she knew she was still feeling after cassie and ella. but what she thought
of was herself, after the birth of her fatherless sons she had been left with a depression that had taken
her all that time to overcome, only worsened by the attack and her subsequent loss of memory. those
had been the extreme circumstances, but who was to say it wouldn't happen again. melodie hadn't any
idea whether she would be able to cope with another pregnancy, her mind was jumping to all sorts of
conclusions, even though she didn't know if she was carrying her best friend's child. all she could do was
assume, izaak had gotten both isabella and alexis pregnant without the intention, who was to say the
same hadn't happened to her. turning her head ever so slightly, the veela caught what izaak's gaze had
been fixed on and she found herself staring longingly at her favourite photo of herself and izaak, it was
not only her favourite photo of them but probably her favourite picture she had. taken long before all
of the drama their lives had encountered, it seemed to capture the essence of what izaak and melodie
really were, and as cliche as it sounded, the brunette somehow knew that whatever the outcome of
the situation, it would be alright, they would get through it like they always had and always would.

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WORD COUNT. oneohohseven. LYRICS. teenage dream-katy perry.

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