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- OOC First Name
- Ana V.
- Wand
- Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Sapphire stepped on stage when the DJ said that they could step up. Sapphire had been shaking all over backstage and looking out at everyone now she was starting to think that maybe this wasn't a good idea. Her heart was hammering. He needed to introduce them though so Sapphire cleared her throat and stepped up to the enchanted microphone. "Um" Sapphire winced as the feed back came from mic Ok not so loud Sapphire thought "We are the Hogwarts String Experiment and we will be your entertainment for a portion of the night. I'm the cellist and default for anything else Sapphire Bookchild. Next to me in red is Kate Moon our violin, behind me is Danielle Warbeak she will be playing guitar and next to her is Auden Lefevre our viola. Sapphire said her voice smooth and even with just a hint of her Greek accent showing. She could see that she hadn't lost the audience yet so she went on.
"Without further ado we will start the night something I wrote last year called 'A Giver' then we will switch to Kate for her choice for the night." Sapphire said flashing everyone a smile the queuing Danielle to start them off like always. Sapphire started with her cello then let the other two know it was time for them to start after Sapphire started to sing. As soon as she heard music flowing all her nerves fell by the wayside. Her heart steadied as the main section of the song started and Kate and Danielle sang a long side her while Auden kept tempo with her viola. Suddenly the melody dropped leaving Sapphire to sing the final words. When they finished she looked out and saw that many had been dancing a waltz to the beat. She smiled to herself then gestured to Kate to start them off with the next song.
"Without further ado we will start the night something I wrote last year called 'A Giver' then we will switch to Kate for her choice for the night." Sapphire said flashing everyone a smile the queuing Danielle to start them off like always. Sapphire started with her cello then let the other two know it was time for them to start after Sapphire started to sing. As soon as she heard music flowing all her nerves fell by the wayside. Her heart steadied as the main section of the song started and Kate and Danielle sang a long side her while Auden kept tempo with her viola. Suddenly the melody dropped leaving Sapphire to sing the final words. When they finished she looked out and saw that many had been dancing a waltz to the beat. She smiled to herself then gestured to Kate to start them off with the next song.
Out of Character:
- The song