Little Sister Epiphany

Zazuka Getathorn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V [main]
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Zazuka wondered the muggle streets outside the Harbor for some reason. That reason she could not explain. This happened often more often than not ending up in front of some place that she should not be in. Normally in front of the Silver Snake. The things that happened there seemed to make even the Forbidden Forest worth a new visit. It was no matter to her now though. Not much mattered at the moment.

Zazuka's feet seemed to be moving on their own, leading her down streets that had long since become unfamiliar to the fifteen year old witch. She had no reason for them know them. Her life and everything she had come to love came from the Wizarding World including a family that loved her and she was not talking about her new Aunt and Uncle. Still she was walking as if she had somewhere to be. Down a dark ally her feet lead her this was where what little light behind her was blocked off by a shadow that came with a sinking feeling Zazuka had not had to fear in five years.
Joseph had been looking for her for ages. Ever since the little sinner's sickness had started to show up in the little girl his Mary Alice had suffered and died to give birth to. Epiphany was his last child and he though that maybe his wicked wife would at last get a girl right. But the girl had ended up being just the same, just as demonc as her older sister. He punished the demon of course for daring to try and enter is family again. To taint them with his promises of earthly pleasures instead of following the path of God.

He had found her at last just where he thought he would find a wicked thing like what had taken over his daughter Zazuka to be. In a filthy ally, removed from God-fearing society. He reached out to that pitch black head of her's and slamed the fowl beast into the wall she was so carefully looking at. "Take back you minion Hell Spawn!" He yelled. His rage had been something that brought fear to all those that looked at the hateful man. "Take this plage way from the innocent!" He said taking Zazuka by the shoulders and starting to shake her. Behind him the squeeks of a sqwarming little girl where being muffled by the hand of his eldest son Michael.
Little Epiphany had stood in silence for a while. A year and three months if she wasn't mustaken. Silence had been a skill she learned quite well though pain. They had been walking for a long time. She couldn't really tell for how long because they had not passed by a place with a clock and no matter how nimble her mind was she could never quite learn how to read the sun. If she kept to thought like these she wouldn't get hurt. If she dissapered the same would happen. If she wasn't seen she wasn't noticed.

Not that she could not become unseen at the moment. Her brother had a hold on her hand so tightly that she feared he would brake it if she tried to wonder away. It was when she saw a girl with black curly hair she knew what this was all about. After the magic started happening Epiphany was constantly getting compared to her older sister Zazuka though she had never seen her. Epiphany heard her father shouting at her and Epiphany tried to run towards Zazuka. Even at the age of four Epiphany could tell that Zazuka had done nothing to deserve what she had to endure almost daily now. She was right when she thought that Michael would stop her. She felt a hand clamp down on her mouth and her arm get twisted back.
Zazuka was ten again facing the wrath of her cruel father. Everything she had learned over the last five years completely drained out of her when she caught sight of her father's pitch black eyes. She was sopped to be safe here though she had gone out of the wizarding world. There had been no reason for her to have gone out of the wizarding world. The fates had been so kind to her why would they lead her into he father's hands now?

Zazuka slipped back into her old self thinking that if she stood perfectly still her father would tire himself out and she could escape again. Maybe she could tell Mortimer what had happened and he could find them or she could keep this to himself and never venture in the New Zealand muggle streets again. It seemed like a good plan until she heard a squeek. The moment she saw those dark eyes she knew. The girl was blood and farther more the girl had magic. Zazuka's plan changed them from saving herself to saving he little girl.
Michael Bones held on fast to the little demon while her father delt with the devil herself. He could not have thought of a better day when his younger sister Zazuka had left the house though he remembered the beating that thier mother had gotten for helping her get away. Zazuka was crime against god and therefor had to be punished for setting foot on God's green earth. Epiphany, the girl in his hands had tried to help the older demon like he had expected but he would not let her go. If anything he would hold her tighter so she could not reunite with the person that spawned her.

He like his brother and father where convinced that both Zazuka and Epiphay where possesed and while they could not save Zazuka thier father could not save the older one Epiphay still had a chance. With that in mind he held Epiphay back while painfuly reminding her where she was. "Be greatful for what your father does for you." Michael hissed his Epiphay's ear. This more than anything else made the little girl struggle more against his grasp.
Zazuka actually started to try and fight off her father even though she knew she was going to lose. "Leave her alone. She's only a child!" She yelled at her brother. "She's not cured she's but a child!" She cried desperately hoping that she could get though to Michael. She knew now that her father was not dedicated, he was mad.With what or what drove him to hate magic this much Zazuka didn't know but she knew that it was that rage that made him fall into madness.

Zazuka managed to slip though her father's closing hands knowing that he was about to try and kill her a fourth time. She dashed over to where her brother was punishing the little girl for something that she had no choice but to do. There was a cry making everything a blur of noise and action but by the time Zazuka came back into herself she was holding Epiphany in her arms and holding her close her chest.

A purple flash came from Zazuka as she saw the blurred images of her father and Michael coming towards them. There was another blur which Zazuka felt curtain was Gabriel. She tightened her hold on her little sister and closed her eyes tightly. A purple flash came from Zazuka then she passed out the words "She's only a child, she's only a child." lingering on her lips.
Gabriel had been standing next to his brother as he struggled to hold the body of their youngest sister who had contracted the demonc entity from thier sister Zazuka. They where here to cure her. Zazuka was too far gone but they could still save Epiphany. He watched as their father sorted out Zazuka one last time knowing that this would be the end. Their mother had given her life for the child they where holding there was not way they where going to let her fall into sin too. Zazuka managed to get out of thier father's grasp by some stroke of luck but he was going to make sure that it didn't happen again.

There was a moment of confusion and Zazuka's unclean hands where on their little sister. He knew that he had to get little Epiphany back or lose her forever. He advanced along with his brother and father only to slip into a dream-like state caused by the purple light that seemed to come from Zazuka herself. For a moment he didn't know why he was here or even what his name was. Then it all started trickling back into him as he stared at the black haired girl holding a younger girl in her arms. She seemed to be knocked out. This had been their aim right to kill Zazuka so the devil's promise would slip out of Epiphany. Now all there was left to do was get Epiphany out of the arms of the origonal demon child.
Joseph saw that his would have no choice but to force her to relise Epiphany by force. He launched himself at the witch woman that had taken the form of his daughter but somehow she managed to slip though his hands. She dove for Epiphany to save the spawn within. Joseph knew that if one was treatened the other would come to help. His thiory was proven by who Epiphny started to frail as he tryed to save her soul from the depths of Hell. He chased after Zazuka only to be caught in the muddle that was the four people plus Epiphany.

It was only when Zazuka pressed herself against the ally wall that he knew what had happened. Zazuka was trying to take Epiphany into hell body and soul. He wouldn't allow that. He was about to rip the innocent one away from Zazuka when he felt strange. A sort of clam washed over him. "Your hellish tricks will not work on me demon!" He cried but then he wondered why those words had come out of his mouth. Slowly everything started to trickle out of his mind. What they where doing here, what the name of the girl was, why he was looking for her...
Andy had been back to the Silver Snake but only to look at it from the outside. It still bothered her greatly to think that she was responcible for what had happened to everyone there. How could she be evil? She didn't question herself for long though. She knew exactly how, the cursed soul was finally taking hold. Walking away from the store she pulled her cloak up around her, Andy being so tall now looked every inch a formidable witch. Many already this vacation had been convinced she was of age which she never minded really. Voices distracted her but only because she was convinced she recognised one of them. Running along now in that direction, cloak flowing out behind her, amber eyes glinting Andromeda came upon the scene. She didn't know who the men were, all she did know was that her best friend and another girl, a much younger girl were up against a wall. Zazuka looked unconscious and Andy took control of the situation immediately. Whipping out both her wands she walked slowly over to stand infront of the girls, wands ready for a duel. The fact that neither man had a wand out, had made her think that perhaps these were just foolish muggles who had wandered too far.

And if they were muggles they wouldn't know she couldn't use magic. Her hood still over her head and only her amber eyes gleaming out from the darkness at them Andy looked almost like the evil Andromeda who had haunted her not so long ago in the Silver Snake.
"Leave them be and walk away" she ordered.
Gabriel had gotten over the daze that had come from the purple flash of light but it looked like their father was still under. It was up to him to get this demon out of their business. This was a mission to save souls and this hellish creature, which in his opinion looked more like what they thought Zazuka would turn into. Then again it is said that evil lyes behind a pretty face. "Back damned soul your trickery will hold no might against the will of God. Back away from our sisters and the work of the divine!" He yelled taking a hit at the hooded amber eyed creature that had just shown up. He searched his pockets and found the sliver rosary that he used to pray often. Vanity was a sin but it was his mother's. Though he had thought her wicked for having produced two devil woman he still held some love for the woman. He held the sliver cross on the end of the chain of beads out to the hooded woman while chanting latin words under his breath.
How he lost the body of his little sister he didn't know but suddenly he was looking at her in the arms of the devil woman that used to be her other little sister. He would not let the witch woman take the soul of another innocent. He advanced on Zazuka but was stopped short by the purple flash. Like his brother he was only temperately disabled but this seemed to be enough time for the devil woman to call on another of the damned. He was sure he was looking at one straight from hell because the eyes that where coming out of that hood where like the very fires of what dwelled bellow. He joined his younger brother in the chant that would surly get rid of a creature so far gone. He was just worried for their father who had not moved since the purple flash.
Andy heard the chanting and knew it immediately as a prayer. She wasn't brought up in a country where religion was paramount without it effecting her somehow. All she could do was laugh at them, the swipe that one of them took at her missed and she only concentrated her wand all the more on them. Tapping Zuka gently with her foot, she attempted to revive her while she still focused her attention on the men infront of her.

"Your religion does not belong here. It does no good, do you not know where you are? You best leave before you drag every witch and wizard within a four mile radius down on your necks"
she threatened them, her voice was almost sinister. They had threatened and seemingly harmed her best friend, if she could punish them herself she would but she had already used underage magic this vacation, true it had been in necessary circumstances but she still felt guilty about using it. The fact that these men were spouting prayers led her to believe only one thing, they were some kind of relations possibly from Willow Rain. There was no way Andy was leaving here without Zuka and the younger girl by her side. So she stayed put with her wands ready to blast at the fools if they dared come nearer and she seriously had no problem in using them.
Epiphany, clever in her young age, knew that the woman under the hood meant the girl that had helped her and her sister no harm. "She's not breathing. The girl is not breathing Miss Lady Ma'am." She said her voice soft and high like a little girl's voice should be but a bit raspy like she was not used to using it. She normally didn't talk to anyone either because she didn't have anything to say or because she was afraid of what they would say back. The girl had tried to save her though. She wouldn't forgetting that in a hurry. She pulled on the woman's cloak to get her attention back on her all the while wondering why her father was not moving either.
The girls words stirred Andy, her small hand tugging her cloak pulled it so that the hood slipped down over her back. Her deep red hair fell about her shoulders while her pale almost greyish skin seemed to almost shimmer. She kept her wands trained on the men while slowly bending down to Zuka and putting both wands into one hand, used her free hand to check Zuka's pulse. It was weak but she still had one. Turning quickly to the younger girl to reassure her before returning her gaze to the men she smiled at her.

"She's alive don't panic. Zazuka will be fine and if she isn't then I'll be performing my own unforgiveables on this lot" she glared furiously at the men, while still wracking her brains as to how to get them out of here. It was times like this that she wished she were more of a Ravenclaw.

"Pick the fool up and leave now" she ordered them, waiting to see if they would do anything she said.
Joseph had been staring out into space, just standing there. He watched as his memories trickled out of his head one by one. Finally he dropped his eyes glazed over, his mind a blank slate. On accident Zazuka had destroyed her father's mind. He was like a new born just discovering the world. He stared at all of the people not knowing who they where. No words came from his mouth just a gurgling noise. There was no return from what happened here but he didn't know this, blissfully he didn't know anything.
Gabriel was at his father's side first. "What have you done to him fowl beasts?" He yelled as he tried to pull up his fallen father but he couldn't do it on his own and his father was not helping himself up. He tried to snap some sense back into his father only to have him slobber a little bit. He remembered the purple flash that had over taken them for a moment. She wasn't as powerful as she maybe could have been or all of them would have been in this state of madness. Gabriel attributed it to the power of God that had saved his brother and him. "Michael, help me take him back to the hotel. We will deal with the creature once our father is well." He said as he swung one of his father's arm's around himself. "Know this demon spawn we will be back for our sisters." He said his voice full of rage.
Michael reached for the other arm and looked back with hatred at the three. Michael was not as cleaver as most of his family so he would ask his brother about had just happened here and why their father was acting like he had no sense left. He let Gabriel do the talking because really he didn't know what to say to something as fowl as the red haired girl who even now looked as though she belonged at Satin's right hand though she was rather pretty without the hood. He wanted to kick Epiphany for opening her big mouth but that would have to wait. With his brother at the other side of their father they started to drag him off and maybe find him some help.
A small smile reached the corner of Epiphany's lips when she saw the lady's red hair. She looked like a faerie that she had once seen in a book only with gray skin. For a moment she forgot that they where in danger until Gabriel started to speak. For a moment Michael looked like he wanted to hurt her but he didn't just took their father away. Epiphany held on tightly to the lady's cloak still. She felt that if she didn't let go then she would be find. "Zazuka, is that her name?" She asked looking up. Though she looked different there was no mistaking the eyes, speckled with small stars. "I hope your right. Dark haired Miss Lady Ma'am was really nice to me." She said as if she where not used to people being nice to her.
Andy kept her wits about her as the men decided to gather the dazed older one, it was only when they left she realized she had been holding her breath in. Turning to the small girl she smiled, the resemblence between herself and Zuka was startling.

"Yes her name is Zazuka but I call her Z or Zuka for short. She's my bestfriend and one of the nicest people in the world" she shook her gently to see if this would help, "we must help move her somehow. Did you see what happened to her? What they did to her?"

Visions of the men slamming her against the wall impaled themselves in her mind and she shuddered, they cretins would pay dearly for hurting her.
Epiphany looked at the girl on the ground then the girl that had saved them. "I is Epi, Epi, Epiphany. Thank you very muchly Miss Red Haireds Lady." She said nodding. Epiphany could form the words right in her head because of all the books she could get her hands on but her speech was still that of a four year old girl. "Daddy gots mad because of the magics he comes here to gets the magics out of mes but I don wants it to go. He finds Zuka Lady and tells her to takes the magics but she not takes it. Daddy starts hurting Zuka Lady, that I wants to stop because Zuka Lady good. Micheals starts to hurt me cos' of the worry. Zuka Lady gets a hold of mes though I don knows what but I feels safe. There was this brights light in a purples color. I feels nothing but Zuka Lady went out afters." She said in the best way she could. She hoped it was a good enough explanation for the red haired lady.

"The magics is good right Miss Red Haired Lady? All the Faerie books say that the magics is good and specials. I is not having to gets it taken away right?" She asked wide eyed. This was the most Epiphany had ever talked to someone but she wanted help the Zuka Lady that had saved her.
Andy reached out a hand and gently touched the child on the face.
"My name is Andromeda, Andy" she listened to her story and felt awful for her and for Zuka. This was crazy but she seriously didn't know how to get either of them out of here. Typical that the only Ravenclaw in the bunch would be out cold.

"Zuka, Zuka can you hear me?" she called to her, gently shaking her once more. Andy turned again to the girl and with a bright smile and a nod of her head she assured her it was.
"Magic can be very good"

she certainly wasnt' going to tell her any different now.
Zazuka stirred slightly the opened her eyes. "What hit me?" She asked her own head splitting with pain. The burst of unintended magic had taken a lot out of her. More than most of visions did. "Andy is she safe if my little sister safe?" She asked looking around. Seeing Epiphany standing there and holding on to Andy, she let out a small smile. "Thank You." She said softly.
Andy smiled brightly as Zuka came too.
"I think from the sounds of it that you hit you" she held out her hands to help her friend up, delighted that she wouldn't have to try to carry her after all. Suddenly Zuka began asking about her sister and Andy turned immediately to the young girl by her side.

"You're sisters?" she should have known of course, the resemblence was striking, "She's fine Zuka, really she is. Come on we need to get the two of you out of here before they come back. Can you move? Are you alright?"

The worry in her voice she tried to mask but didn't think she did any great job on it.

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