Little Megs.

Megan Vine

Well-Known Member
Full Name: Megan Alexandria Vine.
Nicknames: Megs
Birth Date: May 16 2021
Current Age: 11
Basic Appearance: Short brown hair, normaly in bunches or plaits. Glasses, thick rimmed. a splatter of freckles on her pale skin across the brige of her nose. 4 ft exactly.
Parents: Annie Vine. Her father is unknown
Pets, if any:A goldfish called sparky and a snake called legs.
Area of Residence: Brisbane, Australia
Blood status: Muggleborn

(all characters:)
What would their Patronus be? A rabbit, They are her favourite animal and they represent the sweet and fluffy side of her that is almost always showing.
What would their Boggart be? Losing her mum in any way.
What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) An owl. She has always wanted to fly and it shows the intelligent side of her.
What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? People appreciating her brains and knowlege instead of taking the mick out of her constantly.
What memory could they use to create a Patronus? When she was six and she spent the whole day with her mum sitting on the sofa in their jim jams watching films and eating chocolate.
Does she have any brothers or sisters?

Why is her father unknown?

What is she most looking forwards to doing when she reaches hogwarts?

What does she want to do when she grows up?

Sorry thats all I can think of, Hope it helps.

.x. Alexia .x.
Does she have any brothers or sisters? Not by her known family, she has no idea about her fathers side.

Why is her father unknown? Megan was the result of a drunken night out, her mother is not sure who Megans dad is but, un-known to megan, she thinks she may know.

What is she most looking forwards to doing when she reaches hogwarts? Megan isn't sure, she knows she wants to do lessons and her favourite will probably be the most factual one. Where there is a definate answer for everything in it.

What does she want to do when she grows up? She doesn't know. Probably figuring things out or somethings to do with history.

Hope that answered them nicely.
1. How does Megan feel about being muggle-born?
2. Why do your pets have such 'ironic' names?
3. Does Megan like the wizarding world?
4. What are her views on blood status? Like, Pure Bloods, does it matter?
1. How does Megan feel about being muggle-born? Megan is fine with it, at the moment she isn't aware that there is another way to be.

2. Why do your pets have such 'ironic' names? Megans' mother is a bit mad and named them like that for a laugh.

3. Does Megan like the wizarding world? She likes some of it. Megan isn't keen on the non factual part of it, like there is no way to explain magic, but she does like the history and potions, things with definate answers.

4. What are her views on blood status? Like, Pure Bloods, does it matter?
Like I said before, she doesn't actually realise that there are people that grew up knowing about it, I think she won't be bothered by it much when she does understand it.

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