Open Little Less Miserable

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Enoch Goldewyn

loner | tired | chaser
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 16 1/2 Inch Flexible Acacia Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
06/2048 (14)
Enoch wasn't sure why he bothered, but after having told Teddy about his parents, and the conversation he'd had with Alicia and also then Vanity, he was feeling perhaps a little less...empty than before. It wasn't enough to make him go back home, his brothers, none of them had reached out to him to invite him to theirs for Christmas, so why would he bother. He didn't think they'd notice if he wasn't there. If they even spent the day together. So, given that he was due to stay in school, he had just gone to the dance. He had put on a nice suit, he had tried. He couldn't do anything about how tired he looked, couldn't get himself to feel motivated to join any of the dancing, but he felt a little less miserable than he had before.
Summer loved the yule ball, perhaps even more than she did any of the other school parties. She had decided on a bit of a darker dress this year, almost opting to take a white one with her but remembering the decorations had been snowy last year. And she wasn't going to do anything that made her blend in. Not when she was made to stand out. So since black was a colour people likely weren't expecting from her after all of the reds and pinks it had felt like the perfect choice. Looking for anyone familiar she noticed one of her teammates she had never really talked too much nearby, on his own, which seemed like the perfect opportunity to change that. "Hi," She smiled at Enoch as she stood next to him. "Are you waiting on someone?" Summer questioned innocently.
Enoch glanced at the person who stood next to him. She was on the quidditch team, not in his year, but maybe the year below. He hadn't ever really paid attention to her or anything about her. She was good, at quidditch, in a way even Enoch could admit though he was often trying to be better, or had been. He hadn't really been trying recently. "No," he said, perhaps a little shortly, and without much of a smile. He didn't need to, but it was just a little his default to be a little short, and to not be smiling. "You?"
Summer wasn't quite sure what sort of person Enoch was, but his respond told her there might be a reason they hadn't spoken much before. Perhaps he wasn't a super sociable person in the first place. She nodded when he told her no but moved to shaking her head when he returned the question to her. "Oh, no. Just winging it on my own." Summer answered in as friendly a manner as she had used to greet him. "Thought I'd come say hi since I don't think we've ever really talked much before, but if I'm bothering you I'd happily go chat to someone else. No hard feelings." She said sweetly, tossing a strand of hair over her shoulder with her usual air of confidence.
Enoch was a little surprised she was on her own, he would've thought someone like Summer would have plenty friends and people to spend the ball with, though he didn't really know her. Not well. Not beyond how she played and how she looked. She was giving him an out too, allowing him to dimiss her, and hopefully without it becoming a big thing like it did with everyone else when he asked them to leave him alone. "It's fine," he said, his tone not particularly more friendly. He realised it a moment after but didn't say anything just shrugged.
Summer wasn't quite sure what to talk to Enoch about but she was determined to spend at least some time with all of her teammates. Quidditch was the obvious choice and yet she wasn't willing to fall back on that topic just yet. If he wanted to talk to her at all, she was still secretely waiting for him to dismiss her after she had given him the opportunity to do so without hurting her feelings. "Cool." She replied with a small yet somehow satisfied nod. "So what do you think of the whole snow-y theme?" Summer asked after a beat of silence, trying to figure out what would be a good thing to say. "I mean I kind of like the snow but I think all of the trees are perhaps a bit.. much." She added, moving her feet a little to see if the fake snow would crunch underneath her shoes.
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