Little Irish Family In Need Of Peoples

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OOC First Name
I have a few new characters in need of peoples hence the name of the topic :tut:

I have Tynan-Conor Quinlan-Maddix aged 21 and looks after his two younger sisters after his dad walked out and his mother turned to alcohol and couldn't cope. He likes to drink...quite a bit and is uberly protective of his sisters. He's quite a closed person and comes across as being the quiet moody type.

For him I need:

A close friend, preferably male
Other friends, of both genders
A girlfriend

Aisling-Soifra Quinlan-Maddix aged 17, she's a little wild and crazy and likes to have fun. She's a bit of a flirt and vary sociable. Protective of her sister but no-where near as much as her brother. Not a girly person and loves music. Generally nice but has an incredibly mean-streak.

For her I need:

A few close friends
Other friends

Ailis-Naithi Quinlan-Maddix aged 16 and goes to Durmstrang, she is also a little wild and likes to have fun. Unlike her sister though she is a little more cautious of people before becoming her sociable self. Not hugely girl but has her moments and also loves music. She can be a nice, sweet girl but also quite nasty and isn't unknown to get into fights.

For her i need:

A couple of close school friends
Other school friends
A bully

Also open to any other suggestions :)
I have a character to offer!

For Aislis I have Levi Reynolds, my Durmstrang student. He's caring, sometimes to a point where people get annoyed by him. He's also quite loud and charming, never hesitating to flirt. Maybe they can be close friends?

Could you? ^_^
I could offer Solstice here for Ailis. Solstice is nice and used to meeting new people, although she doesn't have many friends right now. Her mother is part of a gypsy clan and when not at school Solstice goes with her. She loves music and she generally sings on the streets for money. She could be a friend or close friend? :)
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