Lion's Meet (Closed)

James Potter

Well-Known Member
16 inches Mahogony Pheonix Feather Core
James sent his Letters away with a few school owls, there were three that had to go out. Two of them belonged to his closest friend and his Aunt Hermione the third was on it's way to his coach to give him a weekly update. James didn't like having to report in like this but it was one of the conditions that had been made prior to being benched for an entire season. James frowned slightly, James had been watching the sports page and unfortunately the team had lost it's first match of the season. It hadn't too horrible though since they had only lost by three points. James was dissapointed that they had lost but they had also got the snitch which had closed the gap and hopefully they would be able to catch up in the overall league. James sat at the edge thinking of the people that he missed while watching as the sun moved slowly across the blue sky.

James missed Isabella and had sent her a few letters but none had been giving a reply. In the end he figured it was truly over between the two and regretted it very much. James couldn't help but feel that perhaps he had preassured too much of her when they had gotten back together and sent her away again. James shook his head, there was no time to feel regrets he had a year away from the Daily Prophet's eyes and would have to make the most out of it. He'd met two lovely Gryffindor girls the night he arrived and couldn't wait to see what the rest of the school had too offer. James smirked slightly at the thought, he didn't want to fall in love again untill he was sure he could handle it better but it was harmless to flirt with the girls as long as he made sure not to lead them on. It wouldn't be fair to anyone if he did that and would give him a pretty bad reputation to boot!
Kat had finished up her few letters to her parents and her sister. Yawning loudly she desperately wanted to take a nap, but knew that she needed to go ahead and send out an owl or else she'd forget to do it later on. Of course Lavender had gone back to the owlery to sleep since the weather was warm so that meant that Kat would have to walk out to the owlery. Sighing heavily she threw on a pair of sandals and headed down out of Gryffindor house and out of the castle.

There was a light breeze blowing and she wished that she'd remembered to pull her hair back because it was now blowing across her face and annoying her. She finally reached the owlery and began to climb the stairs, seeing someone familiar when she hit the landing at the top. Oh sweet Merlin, don't say something stupid...don't say something stupid Kat thought as she walked up to James Potter. "Hiya! What are you doing up here all by your lonesome?" she asked as she glanced around for her snowy owl.
James smiled as Kat spoke "just enjoying the view, had to send some letters out" James said he watched Kat look around "seems like you have some letters to send off too" James said as he walked towards her "looking for you owl?" he asked a bit curiously. James himself didn't have an owl anymore, gave it to one of his cousins since it made more sense. James was always traveling and sending more than a few owls at once so it was easier to just use post owls rather than having to take care of his own. James hit himself in the head as a sudden remeberance struck him like a bolt of lighting. He was suppose to write a letter to Erica explaining that he couldn't ask his dad about the Auror's office in London, oh well... "Just remebered I was suppose to write someone else too, you ever feel like you need a to do list inside you head?" James asked with a slight grin.
"Yeah figured I'd probably better write mum and dad to let them know how the first week of school is going. Then I had to write my sister, Serena, to catch her up on everything too," Kat said still looking around for Lavender. Where did that ruddy bird get off to? she thought to herself when she finally spotted her. Kat clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth and said softly, "Come here girl! That's a pretty girl!" Lavender swooped down swiftly and landed on her arm and Kat gently stroked her. "I need you to take these to my mum, dad, and Rena for me! Good girl!" She kissed the top of her beloved owl's head and sent her on her way before returning her attention back to James. Kat chuckled lightly under her breath and said, "All the time. I have to constantly keep little notes posted about or else I'd never get anything done. I swear sometimes I'd lose my head if if weren't attached to my body!" She looked out the window and saw that her bird had flown completely out of site and then asked, "How are you finding things here in New Zealand? You getting along well here?"
"It's okay, though I think I've already been labeled" James said matter of factly as he stared back out towards the open air. "People don't even know me, never even talked to me in person and yet they just assume I'm some arrogant prat" James said neither loud or angry. "Just because I'm a Potter and I have self confidence it therefore makes me full of myself" James said with a slight chuckle. "I'm use to it though, have to have thick skin to be in my family" James said as he smiled and turned towards Kat "so how has things been going with you?" James asked curious to know more about Kat, while hoping he didn't sound like some pathetic Git. James felt kinda stupid his mind was already scolding himself 'poor little rich kid, oh what problems you have'. James hated feeling like this but decided to just shrug it off. He couldn't help his feelings and wouldn't punish himself for them.
Kat gave the older boy a sympathetic glance. She really hoped it wasn't anyone from their house that was treating him that way...she'd hate for the Gryffindors of HNZ to be thought of as rude. Nodding slightly at what he said Kat replied, "I guess it sort of comes with the territory. Can't imagine how bad it must suck being compared to your dad and such." When he asked her how thing had been for her she sighed heavily. In truth things had been a whirlwind for her and it was only the first week of school. The whole thing with Sumner had her head reeling, but not necessarily in a bad way. Kat looked at the boy and lied perfectly, "Things have been great. Not much going on as it's the first week of school so I guess so far so good. Now if only the rest of the school year will stay just like this I'll be doing just fine. How are you finding your classes? Are the taught any differently here than they are in Scotland?"
"Not really I suppose, less poltergheists" James said thinking of Peeves and Hagrid and Grawp, he missed some of the things that was at Hogwarts Scotland but for the most part the two schools seemed to be identical. Hagrid had been busy recently trying to help a friend but knew that he wouldn't be able to get much done now that school was starting back up again and felt bad. James wished there was something he could do but knew that it was best to leave such matters up to the ministry. "We have one named Peeves, he was always flying around causing trouble" James said with a bit of a laugh "people hated him but not really, if they ever removed him from the school I think some of the more stressed students would loose their heads" James said thinking about the OWL year and how Peeves would bug the students in the Library who were trying to study. One of his House mates had went beserk and began chasing down Peeves trying to jinx him. James couldn't help but smirk at the thought.

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