Link Potter

Link Potter

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Chimera Scale Fragment Core
Full Name:
- Link Jacob Potter

Date of Birth:
- July 16th 2028

Current Age:
- 11

Basic Appearance:
- Short unkept black hair dark brown hair, average build with green eyes. No visible scars

- Very easy going, but also able to study when he feels like it. Not afraid to stand up for friends and family even if it means breaking the rules. Enjoys adventure and can be known to get others especially his twin sister Lyra. His favorite Color is Red and enjoys going fast.


-Father: James Sirius Potter
-Paternal Grandfather: Harry James Potter
-Paternal Grandmother: Ginny Potter (Maiden Name: Weasley)
-Paternal Uncle: Albus Serverus Potter
-Paternal Aunt: Lily Luna Potter

-Mother: Kiera Melanie Potter (Maiden Name: Kingsley)
-Maternal Grandfather: Sean Michael Kingsley
-Maternal Grandmother: Jacquline Nicole Burk Black
-Maternal Uncle: Cameron Jacob Kingsley
-Maternal Aunt: Cyndi Angeline Kingsley (through marraige, Maiden Name: Weasley)
-Maternal Aunt: Katherine Elizabeth Kingsley

-Sibling: Lyra Hope Potter (Twin)
-Sibling: Jemma James Potter

Area of Residence:

Blood Status:
- Mixed Blood, father was a mixed blooc, mother was a half blood


Special Abilities:
- None

Interests or Hobbies:

Link enjoys playing Quidditch, his favorite position is Beater. He also enjoys pranks and has a knack for causing/ being attracted to trouble.

Additional Skills:
- Trouble seems to love Link wherever he goes.

- Link is an Optomist which combined with his courage allows him to deal with any situation put before him. He might not be the brightest in brains however he sure is in spirit.

- Impatient/ Hyper Active... He probably has ADHD considering he doesn't like to sit still and would rather be moving.

Describe your character in three words:
- Fun, Wild, Happy

Favourite place to be:
- Quidditch Pitch

- Lyra and pretty much everyone that not in Slytherin with a few exceptions.

Hogwarts House:
- Gryffindor

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Have fun, win the house cup and quidditch cup, protect Lyra

Best school subjects:
- PE, English, Math

Worst school subjects:
- Geography, Writing

Extracurricular Activities:
- Quidditch
-Playing jokes with Lyra

***Work in Progress****

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