lingering thoughts

Rue Undersee

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly 9" Essence of Veela Hair
Mum, I miss you.

I bet you didn't expect that? I love it here, yes, but it doesn't feel like home. It's my second year now, but you probably didn't know that. You never knew much about me at all. I never opened up. I felt insecure. After what you did.. I will never forgive you. But we have to move on, I suppose. And I miss home. I don't want to be here any mre, it's not fair. Why did you send me away? Was I too much bother? I won't be this time, I swear. I get teased here. Nobody like me because I'm so small. I want to come home mum. I bet you don't like me. I'm a fly you have to swat away. Just like I am with the other students here. Have you never thought of my feelings? Just once? Please mum! I don't like it here anymore. It's so huge, it scares me.

I hope I hear back from you. If I don't, there will be no point in me existing any more.

Love, Rue xxx

Rue put down her quill and sighed. She wasn't going to send it. She simply wished she could. She tore the letter into tiny shreds. Why did she bother? Suddenly Rue burst into to tears - small sharp sobs that sent trickles down her cheeks. She didn't know what to do. What she going mad? She looked at the scar on her stomach, and realised she'd never really want to go home. How could someone who loved her do something like that?

Suddenly, someone entered the room. Rue pulled down her top and spun around to face them. Her eyes were red, her cheeks pale. Her eyes had no life in them. But she wasn't fast enough. The person had seen her scar. It reached from her belly putton to her left hip, a long slash line that had never healed. She gasped, one stray tear dropping off her chin. She felt faint. What would they think?
As Haku entered the room, he noticed another girl sitting there. He watched her tear up a piece of parchment she had been writing on, and frowned. 'Why bother writing it if you are just going to tear it up?' he thought to himself as he studied the girl. She was younger than he was, and a hell of alot smaller, but she had a pretty face, which at the moment was being ruined by the tears that streak them. What was she crying about? And then, she lifted her shirt up, and where Hake assumed would be a normal, smooth stomach, there was a large scar. He gasped before stopping himelf. 'What kind of monster could do that to someone as pretty as this girl?' he aked himself as he walked over and sat next to the girl. "Are you okay?" he asked in a gentle, caring tone.

He pulled a hankercheif out of his pocket and gave it to her. "Im Haku, Haku Blaze." he introduced himself.
Rue felt sick. Her hands dropped to her sides, and she was biting her lip so hard it was bleeding. She couldn't say anything, but she took the hankerchief and nodded gratefully. She wiped her tearstained cheeks, studying to boy. He was definately older than her. She slumped down to the floor, her back against a cupboard. She didn't want to act rude and ignore the boy completely, but he mouth simply wouldn't open. She realised she was holding her breath, and slowly exhaled. She looked up at the boy, who was obviously concerned about her scar. Rue swallowed down the sick feeling in her throat, her face green and pasty. She simply sat there, shaking, feeling embarassed and frightened. Don't be sick in front of him.. She told herself, wondering whether telling herself that would make a diferrence. She wanted to run, get outside quiclky, but for some reason she sat still, and felt sorry for herself.

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