Lindsay Love

Lindsay Hall

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OOC First Name
Birch 16'' with Essence of Pixie Feather
The Basics
Character's Name:
Lindsay Adelle Love

Character's Birthdate:
May 20, 2006

Lindsay's parents kept houses in both London, England and Paris, France. Because of this, she knows both English and French fluently.

Blood Status:(Note: Purebloods must be approved)
Mixed Blood

Miniosa Wand - Black Walnut 6 1/2" Essence of Pixie Feather
The best word to describe the energy of this wood is "introspective." It is not for those with flights of fancy, but rather for those who seek to explore their own personal energy and the "here and now". It is good for blocking out emotional energy so that one may focus upon the task at hand. The user of this wand will have limitless power as well as unprecedented protectional qualities.

Educated At:
Hogwarts New Zealand Years 1,2,7
Beauxbations 3-6


Shop Owned:
Magical Menagerie

Long blonde hair that Lindsay wears both straight and curly.
Emerald Green
Casual would be the word to describe Lindsay. She often dresses simply. Her beauty enhances anything she has on.
Other Distinguishing Features:Lindsay has several piercings in her ears and has her belly button pierced. In her foot, she has a small tatoo of a open heart, a symbol of her last name.

A Little Deeper
Lindsay is a friendly girl who is very bright and easy going. She studied a great deal in school and always wanted to do her best. She has a witty sense of humor. When angered, she has a snarky attitude. It is really rare for her to get angry. She can throw fire when she becomes furious, part of her Veela nature.

Special Talents/Abilities:
Lindsay Love is 1/2 Veela. She was unaware of that trait until her child was born. It was something that her mother didn't tell her because she didn't think it was appropriate but decided that it must be told since Lindsay's new child would display characteristics that part-Veela children sometimes have. That would
have caused a huge fight and rift between her parents leaving Lindsay practically alone. Her boyfriend and child's father recently died when he fell of a cliff.

Lindsay Love was born in England. Her father was raised in England and her mother was raised in France. The two met while her mother was visiting relatives in England. Camille and Heath fell in love and were married two years later. Heath and Camilla had two beautiful daughters, Lindsay and Audrey. Her mother did not work when Lindsay was growing up. They were supported by her father's job at the ministry.

Camilla stayed at home in order to control her daughters' temper. She did not want the young girls to learn of her Veela nature that she and Heath hid from them so completely. When Lindsay went off to school, she attended HNZ for two years before being force to transfer to Beauxabations where her mother is the Charms professor. In her seventh year, she transferred back to HNZ for her final year when she turned 17. When she graduated, she bought the Magical Meganerie to call her own shop.

While in New Zealand, Lindsay met Paul Rider. He was everything she could have hoped for and more. She fell in love. A year later, she became pregnant, having the baby nine months later. Paul died a month before the child was born. This left Lindsay heart broken and alone as a single mother. When she had the baby was born, her parents were forced to tell her about her part veela self. This explained much to her and left her very angry. This is when she found out she could throw fire when angry.


Father: Heath Cole Love
Age: 45 (October 19, 1980)
Occupation: Auror
Blood Status: Mixed Blood

Mother: Camille Jolie Love
Age:43 (April 8, 1982)
Occupation:Professor at Beauxabations
Blood Status:Mixed Blood (Full Blood Veela)

Age: 16 (June 26, 2010)
Occupation: Student
Blood Status: Mixed Blood

Child: Arabella Love Rider
Age: Newborn (April 2, 2025)
Blood Status:Mixed blood (1/4 Veela)

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