Like how things used to be

Camille Jones

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Oak 14 3/4 Essence of Raven Feather | Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle
Being back at school after nearly three years away was really hard to handle. Though she had done rather well on her exams, she somehow knew that things were going to come and bite her in the butt. It wasn't exactly that she was worried, but after having to live with that man for so long, she found herself wondering how she was even able to handle coming back tot this place again. Of course being at home, brought frightening memories, being back here often made her feel bad about that which she had done to her friends. She really did feel terrible about everything and now that's she had been back for awhile, things had started to return to how they used to be. But Camille, knew that she was going to have to do alot of studying to catch up on any classes she had missed. She hoped that she wouldn't be missing anymore classes, especially since next year was her OWLs and then in Seventh year she would be faced with her NEWT exams, the one that all wizard kind dreaded. She just hoped she would be able to stay focused enough to even attempt to do any sort of studying today, however she didn't want to do it in the library as she often found it to be rather crowded. Whereas, the Student Lounge was barely ever used. Atleast to her knowledge anyway. It never was when she was a first year. That seemed so long ago now.

Camille mused at the fact that she had also made some rather big discoveries about herself when she had been away. For starters, it seemed that for all her faults, Camille was into ladies, or rather being the age she is, she is into girls. It was a discovery that had both shocked and sscared her. It was not a life she had ever envisaged for herself, but she was not completely against the idea either. Her mother was at first alitle worried, but she had warmed to the idea rather quickly and so finally it was left to Cammy to decide what she wanted to do. She had decided to accept it, though she hadn't yet told anyone outside her family for fear of ridicule, as much as she hated to admitt it, she was having little trouble accepting it, no matter how hard she tried. The blonde sighed as she entered the lounge and sat on one of the couches, pulling out a bag of books as she did so.
Emmaline Stewart had to admit she was enjoying her fifth year at Hogwarts more than any so far. She had gotten to know the people she was sharing the school with a lot better and had found some of them to be rather pleasant. But her cheerful disposition didn't only come from getting to know some rather nice people Emmaline was also feeling a new found confidence that she hadn't felt before. Over the years she had always suspected that her sexual orientation was that of something other that the standard heterosexual. Boys had never really been in anyway attractive to her and had always preferred the company of other females. It wasn't until very recently after a long diliberation and careful thinking did the brunette accept the fact that had always been there. She a was lesbian, it wasn't a big deal, in fact her sisters hadn't been at all surprised that when she had announced the news to them. Her adoptive mother was simply delighted that Emmaline had been so open with her, not sneaking around fearing that Sianna wasn't going to accept her. Though it was her step father to be that needed the convincing, he was a very straight laced guy who was very anti-lesbians and had made the situation rather heated if not awkward. Not that Emmaline really cared, he wasn't really family anyway so his opinion didn't matter. Nevertheless she was out to her family and it felt great to not have to keep it a secret any longer. She wasn't openly out at Hogwarts yet for the fact that it was more her business than everyone elses but if asked she wasn't going to deny it.

Slipping into the student lounge for some well earned relaxation after some lengthy study Emmaline scanned the room for anyone she knew. Eyes landing on a blond that she vaugely recognized but couldn't put a name to the Ravenclaw shrugged, she was always one to strike up a conversation even if her sisters weren't. Dropping her bag at the foot of the couch Emmaline dropped into the seat next to the blond smiling, "I hope you don't mind me sitting here?" she asked tucking her feet up under her. "I'm sure I know you from somewhere but I cannot remember your name." Emmaline smiled and offered the girl a friendly hand, secretly hoping that she wasn't one of those girls who had heard down the grape vine that she was gay and that a single touch would mean they would catch it, "My name's Emmaline." she said hoping the girl would take the offered hand and not make the Ravenclaw feel awkward.

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