Lickity Split and Away We Go

Kynleigh Davis

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
It was mid afternoon and while everyone else was tucked away in their studies Kynleigh Davis, third year Gryffindor, was wandering around the school grounds. Being cooped up inside the confines of the castle on a day as beautiful as this one seemed to her to be a crying shame and the brunette simply wouldn't allow it. She had her wand tucked securely in her back pocket and secured her long wavy hair in a loose ponytail to keep the breeze from whipping it about.

She wasn't really quite sure how or why she had ended up in this particular location, but nonetheless the stood facing the entrance to the Forbidden Forest. Placing her hands on her hips she cocked her head to the side, wondering if she should turn around now and go find somewhere else to linger or if she should simply bite the bullet and have a quick look around to see what all the fuss had been about this place. Others would have told her to use that Gryffindor courage and go ahead on in, but Kynleigh wasn't so much brave as she was curious and when curiosity struck her it usually took the force of a thousand giants to convince her that satisfying her curiosity was a bad idea. Pulling her wand from her pocket she held it in her right hand, gently tapping it against the side of her leg. To herself she said aloud, "I suppose the only lingering question here is will this really be worth the trouble I could potentially get into if I get caught?" The third year was stuck with a dilemma. Turn around and forever be haunted by her curiosity or lurk ahead and accept the consequences as they arose.

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