Libray secrets

John Moon

OOC First Name
Sorting was end. Now he wanted only one thing. Young Moon wanted go to the Libray. Many bookshelfs were in there.
John don't interesting books. He interesting magic. Bad luck - magic was in books. And books he hate. All books was terrible. Really terrible. But he must read. Moon hate rules. It was too terrible.
In the Libray he waited people who was John friend. Yes, John had small count of friends. But James, James Sun was Moon friend. He was very good friend. James Sun was John cousin. Or mothers sister son.
Where is James? John said.
James was happy getting to Slytherin house. Sun was happy that John getd to Slytherin house too. Sorting was end, and why would James talk about sorting now? At last, It is over! So he don't need to talk about that sorting ceremony. It was great, right, but at same time a bit scared. James liked to read books, that was one of his hobbys, and almost friends. James really hates rule, they are stupid! Rules are to break them, yes, that is good. James thinks lot of guys like that. No one can know, only themselves. How can Sun knows, who thinks about rules that, and who thinks about rules that? No one really knows that.
James was going to Libray. He see his cousin here.
- Hey! Young Slytherin would say that.
At last, James was here. Now he was happy. Because, John saw cousin. It's so cool.
James was very young. Yes, he is only 11. James born in 18 april. But John born in 13 March. Yes, John is older.
Hey, how are you? he asked James. It was very important question.
What did you do in yesterday? John again asked question. Okay, it is very stupid question. He waited sorting resultats.
James looked around all Libray. Libray was pretty big.
- Good, and you? Sun asked that to his cousin. John Moon was pretty good friend, not pretty stupid friend. James don't want to have as friends very stupid boys or girls. Slytherin will feel very stupid then, very very stupid. James got other question from Moon. Question without answer isn't really question. So, Sun will answer.
- I don't remember and you? James said.
I'm good too. he said.
What? You don't remember? YOU DON'T REMEMBER? John shouted. Now, he cousin don't remember what he do yesterday. He was mad. Big mad dog? No, James was very mad cousin.
Okay, you are.. stupid? No, James was not stupid. Boy was simple don't remember boy.
Here is over 1 000 books? John asked James.
James don't liked John. Yes, John was his cousin, but very stupid cousin few minutes. Why John can't be normal cousin, like others have normal cousins? James wanted to have normal cousins too, but John was stupid and don't knowed it.
- Are you... stupid? James asked John.
- There is more than 1 000 books. I think. James said and looked at all books.

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