Liberty Barnett

Liberty Kaelen

history tutor; grandmother; class of 2028
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
8/2010 (52)
Full Name: Liberty Isabella Barnett
- Birth Date: 15th August 2009
- Current Age: 16 years old
- Basic Appearance:Natural brown hair (tint of red) green eyes, 5'7 and a half tall.
- Parents: Coppellia Sauky and Mark Barnett
- Siblings, if any: Little brother, Cedric, Baby Sister, Natalie, and recently found older brother, Tobias
- Pets, if any: Purple Pigmy Puff called Dyllan and a small white kitten called Kimmy
- Area of Residence: South-West England
- Blood status: Half-Blood (Mothers side)

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why): Hufflepuff. I dont know why, i tried to be in Slytherin.
- Best school subjects (And why): Astronomy and Divination. Both subjects are quite difficult and are quite complicated, which makes them more interesting. Also loved quidditch in first year.
- Worst school subjects (And why): Transfiguration. Libby can never get the spell right and always gets the thing she's changing wrong. Occasionally her pens have ears.

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be?
A wolf
- What would their Boggart be? A Death Eater with a bright florecent pink beard
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) No idea, maybe somthing that could fly though?
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Herself as a quidditch player, her family proud of her.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Not sure, maybe the time she found she was a witch...

Saying: "It isn't evolution, it's simply a world full of people Larissa has decided not to kill."

Hey Libby i just have a couple questions for you

Why is Libby's boggart a Death Eater with a bright florecent pink beard?
Why is Libby's patronus a wolf?
Gonaro said:
Hey Libby i just have a couple questions for you

Why is Libby's boggart a Death Eater with a bright florecent pink beard?
Because Libby hates Death eater after the chased her a few weeks ago, and imaginging one in a pink bear would make her laugh.

Why is Libby's patronus a wolf? Because wolves are strong and have good sences, and can be both cute and fierce
Hi Libby,

I've got a few questions for you, you can answer them IC or OOC if you like though.

1. Why did you want to be in Slytherin?
2. Do you think being in Hufflepuff was a mistake or are you taking it in stride?
3. How old is Cedric?
4. Do you think he will be a muggle or a wizard?
5. Are your parents married?
6. Give 5 words each to describe your parents and brothers personality.
- Best school subjects (And why): Charms and potions, charms because i love learning spells and trying them out, and potions because i love making stuff :p
- Worst school subjects (And why): Althouhg im not taking, i would hate to do Muggle studies as my dad is a muggle and i already
Would your favorite and least favorite be the same as your best and worse? Because as I can see your answer was for favorite and least favorite.
8. When did Liberty learn about Death Eaters?
9. What do your parents do?
10. 5'5" is quite tall for a 12 year old, do you feel like an out cast for being so tall?
11. Use five words to describe your personality, and explain below.
12. Why does she want to be taller then her brother? How tall is he?

I think that is it for now.. hope you don't mind love.
Abbey Lurken said:
Hi Libby,

I've got a few questions for you, you can answer them IC or OOC if you like though.

1. Why did you want to be in Slytherin? Because libby used to love playing pranks on people and because her best friend and mum were in it
2. Do you think being in Hufflepuff was a mistake or are you taking it in stride? When i first found out i was like "noooo" but now i love it and i think the sorting hat was right, i think ive changed and no longer would suit slytherin.
3. How old is Cedric? 8 years
4. Do you think he will be a muggle or a wizard? We're not sure about that because our mum is pure blood and dad, muggle and muggle born, so could be 50-50
5. Are your parents married? yes, they married 17 months before i was born
6. Give 5 words each to describe your parents and brothers personality. They have there own, Mum- powerful, secretive, strong, sly, and stubborn, dad - wise, gental, funny, clever, nagging. brother - small, weird, annoying, strong, carful
- Best school subjects (And why): Charms and potions, charms because i love learning spells and trying them out, and potions because i love making stuff :p
- Worst school subjects (And why): Althouhg im not taking, i would hate to do Muggle studies as my dad is a muggle and i already
Would your favorite and least favorite be the same as your best and worse? Because as I can see your answer was for favorite and least favorite. i think so? not ure what you mean
8. When did Liberty learn about Death Eaters? Well when she was four she learnt about being a witch ect, and she got told my her mum about the different houses and personailties, but she started to know alot about them when she was nine and met her best friend larissa.
9. What do your parents do? mum is a professional quidditch player and dad is a writer
10. 5'5" is quite tall for a 12 year old, do you feel like an out cast for being so tall? Not really, untill i was 11 i was always as small as everyone else, and i know they will catch me up. i dont think ill grow much more
11. Use five words to describe your personality, and explain below. Weird, colourful, helpful, funny, unique| Weird - because she says random things colourful - because shes always messing around and laughing, helpful - she likes helping people funny - even though she doesnt mean it to be, she does things that people laugh at, unique - special in a weird and wonderful waii XD
12. Why does she want to be taller then her brother? How tall is he? She wants to stay taller because she feels as the eldest she has more power, and he at the moment at eight is 4'6

I think that is it for now.. hope you don't mind love.

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