Lexi Mason

Alexia Mason

Well-Known Member
Full Name:
- Alexia Mason

Date of Birth:
- April 13.

Current Age:
- 20

Basic Appearance:
- Long brown hair with lighter highlights, yellow eyes.

- Unforgiving, Independent, Goof, Slacker, Head Strong.

- Alexander Remington(Half brother)-25
- Sandra Mason(mother)(Missing, claimed to be dead)

- None.

Area of Residence:
- New Zealand (Just moved from Germany)

Blood Status:
- Mixed-blood.

- Born and raised in Germany, on her own.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Dancing, Learning, Working.

Additional Skills:
- Dancing.

- Science, Runes.

- History

Describe your character in three words:
- Slacker, Generous, Misunderstood.

Favourite place to be:
- Italy

- Kari Kelly

Hogwarts House:
- Hogwarts Scotland, Slytherin.

Best school subjects:
- Runes; and transfiguration, and Astronomy.

Worst school subjects:
- Herbology.

Extracurricular Activities:
- Flying.

- 2021

Current Job:
- Unemployed.

Plans for your future:
- Become Independently Wealthy.

Your Patronus:
- A Tigress, because of their grace and stealth.

Your Patronus memory:
- Graduating hogwarts.

Your Boggart:
- Losing Alexander.

Mirror of Erised:
- Seeing her mother again.
Hi Alexia,

just a few questions to begin with ;)

* How long has your mother been missing?
* What do you know about your father?
* Have you spent much time in Italy to say it is your favorite place?
* Did you try out for the quidditch team while at school?
* What achievements if any do you have from school?
* Do you make friends easy?
* Does anyone inspire you?
1. How long has your mother been missing? Her mother has been missing sense she was 8 years old.
2. What do you know about your father? She knew her father longer than her mother, and he was the one who told her she had a half brother.
3. Have you spent much time in Italy to say it is your favorite place? She spent two years in Italy for a extended vacation.
4. Did you try out for the quidditch team while at school? Yes, but they would not let her play because of how much trouble she caused.
5. What achievements if any do you have from school? Alexia excelled in runes, and still works with them today.
6. Do you make friends easy? Alexia tried to make friends but most were to judgmental to know the real her.
7. Does anyone inspire you? She looks up to her big brother Alex, because he has done everything hes wanted to so far.

thanks for asking ^_^

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