Lewis Kane

Lewis Kane

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OOC First Name
Laura :D
Lignum Vitae Wand 13" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Lewis Kane

Full Name:
My Name is Lewis Kane.
Lewis means Fame and War, which are things I don't really believe in, I'm very happy with being a doctor/Healer.
Kane means Beautiful and Fair, which is from the Welsh. My ancestors trace back to Wales. And it's been a long line of males, so the name hasn't changed much.

Date of Birth:
My Birthday is the 11th July. It's a good day, and I always take the entire day off for that.
I like the 11th of July.

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
I have Golden Blonde hair and pale blue eyes. I am tanned slightly, because I live in Australia, but am slightly paler due to the amount of time, I spend in the UK

I am quite Lovable and Brave and sometimes Sensitive. I also very smart. How else did I get into Oxford.
I am a self confessed Stereotypical nerd. And I really am Careless of what people think.

There are only my parents left. My mum who is a muggle and works with my father in his potions store in Australia. He loves to make potions like me. My dad looks a lot like me, dark hair, and blue eyes. My mum is a red head. She has blue eyes too. So it would've been. odd if I hadn't had blue eyes. I'm of average height, but taller than both of my parents. And in a lot better shape than the two of them. I find the time to excerises they don't. I don't have any siblings.
Both my grandparents are dead. My mum parents died when she was 20 years old in a plane crash. And my dad parents died a few years back. There was a gas leak in the house, caused by my grand-dad hammering into a wall, to get a picture up. It was pretty silly of him, but it was something the previous owner of the house hadn't told them, so there was really no way of knowing it would happen.

None, I had a fish once. Called it Spencer, but I got a little curious and took it apart, then put it into one of my dad's potions.
Didn't do anything, which was annoying.

Sydney, Australia

Area of Residence:
Oxford, England, UK

Blood Status:
Half Blood,
My mum's a muggle, my dad's a wizard.

Australian, but Welsh origins, if you go back for enough.

Special Abilities:
None really. I'm good at potion making, so that possibly

Interests or Hobbies:
Potion Making, Medicine.

Additional Skills:
Downing a bottle of wine in under 3 minutes! It was a dare I had to do during my first year of University.


People, generally, they confuse me at times.

Describe your character in three words:
Smart. Lovable. Fun.

Favourite place to be:
Oxford, UK. It's a really nice place. Everyone is dead nice and it is easy to make friends.

Not too many, but the ones I have I'm close to.

Hogwarts House:

Best school subjects:
Can you guess? Potions!
And I was also good at Herbology And Charms

Worst school subjects:
Astronomy, Care Of Magical Creatures.

Extracurricular Activities:


Current Job:
Student. The Best Job.

Plans for your future:
Healer. Working at St. Mungos or Possibly Hogwarts.

Your Patronus:
It's an Otter.

Your Patronus memory:
Getting my letter of acceptance into Oxford. I didn't think I'd get in.

Your Boggart:
Having a potion going really badly. Like more than blow up in your face. I'm both scared and thrilled.

Your Animagus:
Also an otter.

Mirror of Erised:
I would someone I'm in love with. A wife. Don't know who.
I've got just a few questions for you:

Do you get along well with your parents?
Do you visit them often?
What was your experience at Hogwarts like?
Why did you want to go to Oxford?
Why do you think your patronus is an otter?
Would you consider yourself to be a romantic considering your mirror of Erised depicts a woman?
Would you do anything for a dare?
Which quidditch team do you support?

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