Leviathan Dominic Zhefarovich

Leviathan Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 10" Flexible Pine Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
"Consider me dead if that's what you want...

gather around me, the day has come..."

Straight through the threshold, the morning calls
My declaration hurts, just wanna stab it right now
</i><SIZE size="50">
[name] Leviathan Dominic Zhefarovich
[etymology] The name Leviathan comes from the legacy of demons in Hell and he is one of the princes, naturally a name that Axel liked, and he wanted a powerful name for his firstborn. The impression that it gives out is a violent and prideful person. The middle name that Axel had given his firstborn was Dominic, and it means a lord. It gives out the impression of a faithful and powerful person. The surname Zhefarovich comes from Bulgaria and it means powerful, dexterous, virulent enforcer which is true in the darker nature of the entire family, very few have been unaffected by this. Leviathan is one of the darker ones.
[origin] The surname Zhefarovich originates from Romania and Bulgaria. However the heritage of Romanian has long since washed away. The Zhefarovich family are large, containing three branches, with one typically being the main branch, which is the darkest, another being the more likely to be in businesses, and the last branch being the quietest and also the more pleasant if one could consider them pleasant at all. Most of the Zhefarovich family are pure-blooded, and have laws and strict rules which they are known for, and many are either Death Eaters or associated with them. They are known for their tightness and also on how they hate muggles and anything to do with them. While allying with some other families, the Zhefarovich do control others. They are very isolated, and while some people consider them to be legendary, they are also very hostile and malevolent, and will not stop a fight until they die from it. More often than not, they keep to themselves in Bulgaria while some spread around, their main base is in a Manor where no one can access unless they know where it is, and have many other secret places. The Zhefarovich had this tradition to give into the inner dark nature, and many other traditions that if broken, one would die. Leviathan's first and middle name were chosen by Axel, in means of making his firstborn a Zhefarovich to be reckoned with.
[nicknames] Leviathan only goes by one nickname, a shortening of his name, Levi. He answers to that, and most of the family call him Levi. He also has a nickname formed by his future wife, Ariah, and that is Grumpy.
[alliance] Leviathan has found that he is in alliance with the Death Eaters, on the side of evil.
[birthdate] Being born at night, around nine of the clock on May 10th, 2012, Leviathan was four minutes older than his twin sister, Kamaria.
[age] He is currently twenty-four-years-old.
[gender] Leviathan is a male.
[sexual orientation] Heterosexual which means that Leviathan is attracted only to the opposite sex, which is females. He does not have much of an interest in males and considers males as mates. When it comes down to choosing whether Leviathan is attracted to aesthetics or personality, it is both, though more so with aesthetics. Leviathan prefers a woman that is thin, with odd colored eyes and blonde hair.
[dialects] Leviathan can fluently speak both English and Bulgarian, and his first language was English.
[hometown] He was born in London, England in a small house in the wizarding world. He grew up there for the most part, however when he moved back in with his dad, that was when he managed to get out of England.
[residency] Levaithan currently resides in Porirua, New Zealand. His house is large, and has an outdoor pool and hot tub in the backyard. He currently lives with Ariah Zhefarovich, his wife.
[heritage] Since Axel is Bulgarian, and Emerald was British, it makes Leviathan one-half Bulgarian and one-half English.
[blood status] Leviathan is a pure-blood. Leviathan will boast to others what his blood status is, and he is one of the prejudice, though he won't speak with anyone below that or at least treat them with respect.
[blood type] AB Negative is Leviathan's blood type. It is rumored that in his family, those with AB Positive align with the side of good, whereas AB Negative align with the side of evil. This has been proven both wrong and correct. There is a belief in Japan that a blood type would give someone good traits and bad. The good traits from this belief are cool, controlled and rational, and the bad traits are critical, indecisive and unforgiving. These traits are true to his character.
[wand] Leviathan's wand of choice is Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood. The walnut wood is a dark colored wood, but it doesn't slant neither toward light or dark magic. The Vampiric blood used as an essence gives it a boost of power, though can result in backfiring on the owner. The wand is loyal only to Leviathan, even if it was won over.
[occupation] Leviathan is currently unemployed.
[health status] He is perfectly healthy, though he tends to have irrational anger problems.
[allergies] He does not have any allergy.
[pet] Leviathan owns a black Raven named Bokev.
[title] Prefect and President of the Brotherhood of MAGIC
Wasn't meant to be there, when I opened the door
Congratulations, you've found yourself
[five words] Ruthless, Stubborn, Mean, Lazy, Cold
[personality] Leviathan is a complicated boy made up of mixed emotions. He is stuck up about his blood type, and thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread. He is a talented wizard and very cunning. He will put effort into stuff that he enjoys but will end up falling asleep in class when he gets bored. He can be found being nice and friendly to those he finds worthy of his time, and he is often very strict and protective over his twin sister Kamaria. As a Zhefarovich, he has a nasty temper and more often than naught a nasty attitude. Leviathan can be found usually in a calm mood where he is often thinking of doing whatever or he is found drowsy and not wanting to do much with anyone. Leviathan also seems to have a dark side as well, but he does not really show it either. Leviathan is attracted to oddballs as well as girls with blonde hair and green eyes.
[beliefs] That all muggle-borns should be exiled from the magical world or become like slaves to those with pure-blood.
[boggart] Leviathan's boggart would be simple, yet almost humorous to others. It would take form of half-blood children, claiming that a muggle is their mother or a muggle-born, and that Leviathan is the father.
[fears] What Leviathan fears is not what most would expect, but besides the fact that he is a pure-blood, he has fears of people knowing that he is half inbred, but that is from his mother's family. He fears of being a large disappointment of the family, and he also has a fear of drowning. He doesn't go swimming, because of that. He prefers to stay on land unless he is flying. Leviathan also has a fear of fire ants and any bug that is red. He cannot stand them.
[likes] Leviathan enjoys flying and playing Quidditch, but he has not tried out for the team because he does not get along with most of the Slytherins. He also enjoys picking on people, when he is bored and when he finds an opening.
[dislikes] There are many things that Leviathan really dislikes, and one of them is any other blood less than mixed-blood. He hates anyone with a lot of muggle lineage, and he cannot stand half-breeds as well. However, very few male part-veelas have proved their worth to Leviathan. Leviathan really hates anything active and he cannot stand Aurors and those that want to take down the pure-bloods that are standing up for what they believe in. He disliked others that tried to put him down, but that is the beauty of what makes him rather hateful.
[goals] Leviathan actually has no goals in his life other than being himself and not bothering thinking about things.
[good habits] He keeps his hair and everything clean, and he neatens everything up.
[bad habits] Leviathan has a bad habit of cracking his joints, even when people tell him not to. He also has a lack of attention span because he generally only thinks of things that are interesting. And he will also fall asleep almost everywhere and will not fight sleep. He can fall asleep while even talking.
[strengths] Leviathan's strengths rests within his mind and his physical body. He wanted nothing more but to laze around but he can be rather active from time to time. He is very smart and quick-witted, but sometimes his reflexes are not the best in the world. Leviathan is really strong with his body, and can lift up to more than half his own weight. He can also fight when he is not being too lazy as well. Leviathan is also strong in his tongue, allowing him to speak his mind and be extremely blunt about what he is saying and what he wants to be said. Though his heart is not one of his strengths because he really doesn't care about many things in this world. When it comes to magic, that is where his true strengths lie. Though his mother's magic was defective, his father's was not. That makes up for what he was lacking in genes. He is powerful with anything destructive, and he is smart while making potions, except when his reflexes come to play.
[weaknesses] One of Leviathan's greatest weaknesses is his temper. He has one large temper, and when it goes off the handle, he tends to not ever think about what he is doing. He tends to have acts of rage that leaves a room destroyed or something broken. He does have enough since to not hit a girl while he is under one of these spells. He also has a great weakness of his reflexes. He has to think for a moment before he would do anything. He has to wonder why he does something before he does it. Sometimes when it comes to play in potions, it ends up affecting him, especially if the potion explodes. Leviathan also has a weakness in flying somewhat. He prefers to have his feet planted on the ground, but if need be, he can actually play Quidditch so long as he does not look down. He likes quidditch, but when he looks down, it just turns into a headache. Leviathan also has a weakness to girls like Ariah, and they can get him to be a little nicer than he normally is.
[loyalties] His loyalties rely in the Zhefarovich Family.
[magical talents] Leviathan's talent rely on his offensive spells as well as brewing advanced potions. He does not have a good handle on charms, but he has a good handle on spells that seem a little more destructive because that is what he cares more about and that is destruction. One would think that he would be able to handle curses well because his natural instinct is to harm someone and not have any remorse over it.
[other talents] Leviathan has a sharp tongue and he is able to answer to any comeback with a sharp one of his own without smiling and such. He also has a talent to play the organ but he also has the talents to play the violin as well. Leviathan can also cook and clean things, but he just does not do it willingly. He also has talents of climbing trees, and he also has a talent of making drinks using fruits.
[patronus form] It takes the form of a crocodile.
[annoyances] What annoys Leviathan the most are muggle-borns. He cannot stand people that think that they are right when they are not. Leviathan does not like weirdness and he does not like extremely happy and preppy princesses as they get on his nerves a lot.
You saw me begging, you saw me down on my knees
Been preaching too many times to an hysterical mind
[chinese year] Being born in 2012, it makes Leviathan a Dragon. People born in the Year of the Dragon are healthy, energetic, excitable, short-tempered, and stubborn. They are also honest, sensitive, brave, and they inspire confidence and trust. Dragon people are the most eccentric of any in the eastern zodiac. They neither borrow money nor make flowery speeches, but they tend to be soft-hearted which sometimes gives others an advantage over them. They are compatible with Rats, Snakes, Monkeys, and Roosters.
[zodiac sign] Leviathan's zodiac sign is a Taurus, the Bull. As a Taurus, it makes Leviathan patient, reliable, warmhearted, loving, persistent, determined, placid and security loving while they also tend to be jealous, possessive, resentful, inflexible, self-indulgent and greedy. These are likely to be true when it comes down to her character. What a Bull likes are stability, being attracted, things natural, time to ponder, comfort and pleasure while they do not like disruption, being pushed too hard, synthetic or "man made" things, being rushed, and being indoors. The color that Tauruses like is the color pink, and their starstone is emerald. These apply to Leviathan, but he hates the color pink.
[fixed sign] A Taurus has a fixed sign, which means that the person can be described as someone who has stabilization, determination, depth and persistence. Leviathan has all of these qualities, and it fits his character.
[personal sign] Also being a Taurus makes someone principally aware of and concerned with individual concerns. This is true to Leviathan's character because he is concerned with individual concerns. Well, mainly the pure-bloods.
[planet] The planet that rules the sign Taurus is Venus. Many believe love is the meaning of this planet but it is the appreciation of love and beauty that is much more accurate. Venus has a sensual quality which represents the higher aspirations of spirit and denotes our softer aspects of femininity; giving all of the people, male or female, the power of attraction. It is the sign that represents our more artistic side and the spiritual vibrations over everyday matters. However on the downside, it can make someone carelessness, possessiveness, being indecisive, overly romantic and dependent on others. Though on the brighter side, it can also make a person friendliness, tact, social graces and gentleness.
[element] Leviathan's element is Earth. An emphasis on this element indicate a practical, cautious, and pragmatic approach to life. In the majority of cases there is the need to build solid, 'real' material success, for example, home and career succeess. Earthy people may benefit from connecting to the earth element via gardening, pottery, facial mud packs. Long range planning and the determination to succeed are strong traits for this element, as is melancholy, greed and fear if taken too far. A person with a lack of earth may find it difficult to live in the 'real' world and to keep themselves grounded. Their expectations in general may be a little unrealistic. Leviathan fits this rather strong, and some of his most prominent traits are truthful, straight-forward, just, upright and virtuous in dealings with other people with the downside of being aggressive, egocentric, suspicious, controlled, non-caring and thinking he is never wrong.
[birthstone] Leviathan's birthstone is the Emerald. The emerald was once linked to health and the curing of ailments, as well as being associated with the ability to see in to the future, giving them an almost spell-binding, magical reputation.

I felt defenseless, and you don't know how it feels
So won't you f*cking behave yourself...
[martial status] Leviathan is in an arranged marriage, which means that he had been engaged from the birth, for means of the family, which in this case was to further spread the pure-blood line. His wife is Ariah Nina Zhefarovich nee Rowan..
[when] They were engaged at June 3rd, 2014, however they started a relationship on November 30th, 2026, though broke it off around May 30th, 2029. Things returned to normal and soon they were wed on July 18th, 2030.
[leviathan zhefarovich and ariah rowan] Though arranged at birth to be married, Leviathan was unaware of her existence until he had met her when she had transferred into his school. However the moment that he had met her, she proved to be one of those happier girls, someone that he didn't want to marry. However, he started to like her, and became her secret admirer. He sent her gifts and she started to think that it was someone else. Eventually he was announced as her secret admirer after the bullying didn't work. She found out that he liked her through a secret that he had, and he lost his temper. They went to the Yule Ball that year, in his third year and her fourth. He asked her to be his girlfriend when she was a fifth year, the same day that she had turned his hair pink. Leviathan got into many fights because of his jealousy, but that managed to break them apart during the latest of his sixth year, and her seventh. While he still loves her, and she him, it is still not too obvious to either of them while they are apart. They are still set to be married after his graduates. It was like love at first sight, once thy were reunited, and things worked out. They are currently happily married.
[past relationships] None
[innocence] Leviathan lost his innocence in July of 2030 after he was married, and though he isn't too...experienced, he thought that it was still fun regardless.
[past sexual partners] None
[turn ons] Meanness, hatefulness, blondes, green eyes, and soft skin
[turn offs] Snobbish, princesses, dirt, tomboy attitudes, those that are nice to everything
[aphrodisiacs] Strawberries, incense smelling like dragon's blood, green apple slices
[the perfect female] Someone that was blonde, with green eyes, and hateful to everything that was not pure. Someone pretty much the same as Levi but only a female.
[the perfect date] Cuddling next to a fire, or napping together

I have made up my mind every time
It's all in there, without despair
[playby] Thomas Andrew Felton or also known as Tom Felton
[natural hair] Leviathan's natural hair color is a pale blonde, though it seems to be darkening to a golden hue, which is the color of his father's. It is thin, and styles rather easily, which also means that it is easy to mess up without gel or something in his hair. It is very straight, and will not curl for any normal means necessary. It is rather soft, but one cannot get close enough to touch it. He keeps it at a moderate length, and will not put anymore dyes in it.
[eyes] Leviathan's eyes are a liquid silver, that can darken to an onyx color if he is mad, or if there is not much light in the room. When one looks into his eyes, they see pride, and coldness. He does not allow anything positive into his eyes, except when he is around Ariah Rowan. He can shield his emotions behind his eyes, and when he glares, it looks intimidating, one that replicates the glare of his father. The meaning of the color of his eyes are riches, changeability, mysticism, and wisdom.
[height] With his genes, he gets then from his father's side of the family. They have many tall men, and Leviathan is no exception. He stands at a height of six feet and seven and a half inches.
[weight] Leviathan weighs about two hundred pounds because of his muscles and his size as well as his height.
[complexion] His skin is somewhat pale, but it can tan. It is smooth, and nearly flawless with a few scars here and there.
[scars] There are a few on his arms and legs, but he had a large one on his neck because of a fight he had gotten into in his fifth year with Damian Metzger.
[birthmark] A crescent moon on the left side of the neck.
[smile] It is a crooked smile, that mostly looks forced. Though it will appear natural when he is around those that he cares about.
[body build] He is rather built, but he is still lean, almost skinny and like a toothpick. However he is naturally strong, and he does work out to build more muscles.
[body modifications] Right now he just has the Zhefarovich symbol covering his entire back.
[dominant hand] Leviathan is dominant with his left hand, and he doesn't use his right hand much. He is one of the few Zhefarovich members that cannot use their other hand for dueling.
[style] Leviathan is very off about wearing muggle things. He did not want to know about what he wears is muggle wear from time to time, but most of the time, Levi is found in robes and wizarding attire. It is generally very loose, and consists of dark colors. He prefers dark colors because he believes that the lighter colors does not look as well on him at least.

<SIZE size="50">It's been dragged in the dirt
So you've saved your soul?
</i><FONT font="times new roman">
[school] Leviathan has attended Hogwarts New Zealand for all seven years of his schooling.
[hogwarts house] He was sorted into the house of Salazar Slytherin.
[special titles and awards] In his sixth year, Leviathan was given the title of Prefect. When it comes down to awards, he had won in his sixth year, as Most Likely to be Late to His Own Funeral and Most Sarcastic, and with Ariah Rowan, he won First to Get Married and Cutest Couple.
[extracurricular activities] The only club that he participated in was the Brotherhood of MAGIC, and he has been the President since his sixth and seventh year.
[favorite subject] Potions
[best subject] Potions
[loathed subject] History of Magic
[worst subject] Astronomy
[favorite professor] Professor Styx
[loathed professor] Professor Smith
[grade average] Acceptable
[owl grades]
Potions: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Charms: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
History of Magic: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Arithmancy: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Transfiguration: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Astronomy: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Herbology: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Care of Magical Creatures: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable

[newt grades]
Potions: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Charms: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
History of Magic: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Arithmancy: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Transfiguration: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Astronomy: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Herbology: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Arithmancy: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Care of Magical Creatures: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable

[graduated] June of 2030

-----Too be continued on the next post
"Every scar wears a thought...

leaving battles that I've loved..."

It's been hard, it's been fiercely infected
It always depends who will deliver


[wife] Ariah Nina Rowan-Zhefarovich
[born] August 9th, 2011
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Russian, 1/2 Slovakian
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Slytherin Alumni, Prefect
[playby] Carrie Underwood
[roleplayer] Jessye


[daughter] Andromeda Nylora Zhefarovich
[born] January 23rd, 2032
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/4 Russian, 1/4 Slovakian, 1/4 British, 1/4 Bulgarian
[playby] Madilyn Bailey


[mother] Emerald Lavender Grimrar
[born] August 18th, 1992
[died] June 2nd, 2032
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] British
[occupation] Unemployed; In Azkaban
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni
[playby] Kelly Clarkson
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[father] Axel Lastor Zhefarovich
[born] November 25th, 1993
[blood status] Pure-blood
[title] Viscount of the Zhefarovich Family
[heritage] Bulgarian
[occupation] Potions Professor at Hogwarts New Zealand
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni, Prefect
[playby] Alexander Skarsgard
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[mother-in-law] Arielle Kristov
[born] May 1st, 1983
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Russian
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Elena Terleeva


[father-in-law] Aric Dalek Rowan
[born] March 6th, 1983
[died] September 20th, 2025
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Slovakian
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Pierce Brosnan


[older brother-in-law] Adrian Rurik Rowan
[born] December 1st, 2003
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Russian, 1/2 Slovakian
[occupation] Auror
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Gryffindor Alumni, Prefect
[playby] Leif Stacey
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[older half-brother-in-law] Colton Dalek Kovac
[born] April 3rd, 2004
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Italian, 1/2 Slovakian
[seeing] Gabrielle Desidera Snow
[occupation] Saint Mungo's Healer
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni, Prefect and Head Boy
[playby] Steven R. McQueen
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[older half-sister-in-law] Gabrielle Desideria Snow-Kovac
[born] November 27th, 2006
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] French
[seeing] Colton Dalek Kovac
[occupation] Saint Mungo's Healer
[education] Beauxbatons Alumni, Prefect
[playby] Julianne Hough
[roleplayer] Jessye


[older brother-in-law] Yvo Darren Rowan
[born] September 14th, 2006
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Russian, 1/2 Slovakian
[occupation] Unspeakable
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Charlie Hunnam
[roleplayer] Jessye


[younger twin sister] Kamaria Hestia Zhefarovich
[born] May 5th, 2012
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 British, 1/2 Bulgarian
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Ravenclaw, Prefect and Head Girl
[playby] Evan Rachel Wood
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger sister] Athena Monique Zhefarovich
[born] December 31st, 2015
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 British, 1/2 Bulgarian
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Slytherin, Prefect
[playby] Alexandra Tretta
[roleplayer] Cyndi


[younger brother] Elijah Odin Zhefarovich
[born] November 10th, 2018
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 British, 1/2 Bulgarian
[education] Durmstrang
[playby] Thor Knai


[younger half-brother] Aleric Kyrix Zhefarovich
[born] May 22nd, 2024
[blood status] Mixed-blood
[heritage] 1/2 British, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Julian Morris


[younger half-brother] Adriel Gordon Zhefarovich
[born] November 11th, 2025
[blood status] Mixed-blood
[heritage] 1/2 British, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Max Minghella


[younger half-sister] Astrilda Thyone Zhefarovich
[born] November 11th, 2025
[blood status] Mixed-blood
[heritage] 1/2 British, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Mandi Perkins
<SIZE size="50">It's been dropped, it's been suddenly present
Have you ever known, such a beautiful mind that gives you shelter
</i><FONT font="times new roman"><SIZE size="50">
Leviathan and Kamaria were born in May, to a single mother Emerald Grimrar. The twins were from a one-night-stand from Axel Zhefarovich. Because of Emerald's condition, she could not raise the children right. She caused the babies to be scarred. During the first two years of Levi's life, he did not have a father, but Axel returned for a short while, just in time to give Emerald another pure-blood child, born to be Athena Zhefarovich. Axel stuck around for a while, but vanished after Athena was born. Levi took a notice in Emerald's behavior and he remained alone during his childhood, his own developing anger issues. Soon, they were just allowed to associate with the other pure-blood children. Levi did not mind that at all because he did not reject his mother's beliefs at all. He learned many things from the Crabbe family, the Nott family, and the Malfoy family. Kara was not accepting the beliefs and she stuck with Athena. Levi did not allow any others to make fun of them, but when he found out about Kara's not pure friend, Levi ran and beat the living crap out of him. Levi started to hate his mother for what she was doing to his sisters. Axel returned and he was the only one that did not love Axel at first. When they went to New Zealand, and Axel followed them there, Levi received the letter to go to Hogwarts in New Zealand. Levi left with his sister. Levi was sorted into Slytherin like his mother and few other members of the family. However, after a few months of school, his mother vanished and Axel claimed his children, and no one cared. Levi took a while to warm up to his dad, and he finally came around. During his first year, he was not very active, sleeping in the common room. He met a few people, bullied and didn't care much for friends. He stayed in the same dorm with Kaleb and the rest. By his second year, they were all good friends. He also got caught outside sleeping in his second year. Not long though, he met his future wife, Ariah Rowan. Axel had set up the marriage when he was two, and Ariah had no idea. So, Levi asked his friends to help him get Ariah to like her, so he began to tease her and bully her, though it wasn't working. Levi also went to his sister, and she told him to buy her things and he went under as 'the secret admirer'. Things backfired though when she thought it was Xavier Snow. Levi was outraged, and punched the wall, harming his hand. They spoke, and he got even more upset when he learned that he made her cry. He had a temper. He found out Xavier was lying to Ariah, and hurt her feelings, so Levi went with Theodore, Kaleb and Aleyha to go beat him up. Levi threw a few punches, and all. But he landed in detention with the rest of them. He was stuck with Ariah, and they talked. The second year ended. By the time third year began, he stopped with the bullying but Ariah witnessed his anger when he felt betrayed by her using his weakness against him. Now, after the auction, Ariah won him, and now they were both doomed to go to the Yule Ball together.

The Yule Ball was a disaster, but afterward, when she dyed his hair red, some things went wrong and then turned his hair pink. Levi got mad, but then he asked her to be his girlfriend, and then they were going steady. Levi had never been happier. Fifth year came around, and everything was going well. Then Levi even blew himself up and hurt his arm. Levi even asked her to the Yule Ball, and he told her not to bother with the half-breeds, like Damian. They ended up fighting and leaving the Yule Ball early that night. He also spotted Ariah hanging around Damian after he had told her not to, and he fought with Damian until he was able to leave with the Gryffindor in bruises, himself looking not much better. During his sixth year, it was going well, until Levi's jealousy got the best of him. He and Ariah exploded at each other, and he ended their relationship. He went to her graduation, but left shortly after, since he could not bear to be around her. He was prefect during the sixth year, but he had long since stopped caring. His seventh year came around, and he had no idea what was going on with Ariah, and he bullied a first year while at it. It was time to graduate, and with his sister as Head Girl, he could not wait to get home though he dreaded getting married to a woman that he thought hated him. He reunited with her, and then the wedding was in a month. They were married, and feeling better. However now they are trying for a baby before July of 2031.​
"I was late for the kill, but early for the slaughter...

I don't care how it bleeds..."

Cutting ways that I've walked
I'm waiting for something to show

[first year] Years 2023-2024
Laying Down
1/Just smile and shake it off
Skipping Potions.
[second year] Years 2024-2025
Birds of a Feather...
It's getting late
Just a Little Closer...
Imma Keel Him Dead, D-E-D, Dead!!
Today is Going to be a Drag, but I'm Sorry Anyway
[third year] Years 2025-2026
Sleeping, Sly Snake
Let's see, no fighting, right?
With Me
[fourth year] Years 2026-2027
Slytherin House Meeting
What the HELL Did you Do to My Hair!?!
[fifth year] Years 2027-2028
Making a new friend.. or enemy?
Beyond Torture
Hmph, boys
[sixth year] Years 2028-2029
A total shock
Prefects Meeting Y13
Diverse Crowds
So why are we out here?
So this is it?
[seventh year] Years 2029-2030
Calling All Brothers and Future Brothers
Prefects Meeting Y14
Slytherin Meeting (Y14)
Puppy Love?
Graduation 2030: Ceremony
A Surprise Dinner
none in this year

<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50">Earning miles through it all
I'm down the drain and I've got nothing to fear

<FONT font="times new roman"><SIZE size="50">Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Dark green - Late For the Kill, Early For the Slaughter by Soilwork; Black - Stabbing the Drama by Soilwork
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye​

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