
Alyssa Chevalier

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Willow Wand 13 1/4" Essence of Veela Hair
Alyssa marched up to the owlery and immediantly scrunched her nose up when she smelled the scent of owl. Althought this place was probably cleaner then some it still bothered Alyssa's nose everytime she came up here. But Alyssa had come up here for to write a letter to her mother and was very intent on sending it. Alyssa also hoped that maybe she'd get a letter from some of her other friends, whom had already left hogwarts.

Taking out her quill and quickly dipping it in some ink, Alyssa neatly began to write her letter down on some Parchment.

Dearest Mother,

I think we may have a problem here. The thing is; Theodore doesn't want to come how so we can visit Paris!! He refuses to pack and insists on givng me an attitude whenever I try and help him! i honestly don't know what to do or say, but talk to Daddy...he might be able to think of something before you have to come pick us up in a few days.

Write back quickly please!

Alyssa Snow

When Alyssa had finished writing the letter she put her Quill away and fetched her Pygmy Owl. She attached the letter to it's leg before she kissed it's head and sent it off towards her Mansion back in Bordeaux France.
Dearest Alyssa,

I believe that your father had somehow already figured this out. but he claims that he is far to busy to really care what Theodore does. I know deep down he cares. But his line of 'work' has kept him away from home and he hasn't had much time for anything...especially family. I fear that he has become to involved with his work and soon ignore us all. I don't want him to influence you and Theodore into anything. This family has enough scars.
I do not know if he will lsiten to me. But I shall speak to him and see if I can get anything out of him. You need to make Theodore packs anyways. Little Bijou had been looking foward to spending the week with her favorite cousin.

Love you always,

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