Letters to You and You Only

Isabelle Marie

🦅 Quibberon Quafflepunchers Seeker 🦅 French 🦅
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
6/2028 (21)
Izzy arrived at the Owlery. She wasn't sure if she was ready or not to do this, but regardless she knew she had to before she got back during the summer and it was better to do it now than later. She fed one of the owls and pet it before giving him the letter. "Please bring this to Andre in France." She sighed as he left, leaving her to wonder whether she should've really written to her father this soon. At least she didn't have to worry about it any longer. Not until she received his reply.</FONT>


I hope everything is well. Ravenclaw won our first quidditch match of the year, isn't that exciting? I'm coping pretty well here and I've become closer to my friends. I had the weirdest feeling at brightstone the other day, as if I've seen this woman before but it's strange, I know I haven't ever seen her around here before. She just had this extreme familiarity to her. I think...I know it might sound really odd, because it was years ago and it can't possibly be true, but she looked like ma. I'm probably hallucinating but I had to tell someone and I needed to tell you.

Please don't forget to reply like you normally do. I beg you. I don't want to hear about that witch woman you're living with anymore. I can't deal with her right now or her children, even if her son goes to the same school as me so I'm reminded every once in a while. I'm sorry. Also, please reply as soon as you can. And not with her around. This means a lot to me, as I don't normally write to you that often.

With all the love,
Izzy<FONT font="Lucida">
Dear Isabelle

It is very nice to hear from you again. We do miss you here very much and I hope you are having a great time at...that school. That is wonderful news, tell me a little bit more about that game once you get back, s'il vous plaît? I really need to start remembering all these funny names from the wizard world.

It is time that you know the truth. Last week I heard from your mother. I was just as shocked as you when you read this that yes, she is still alive. There might be a chance that the woman you saw is your mother, no matter how absurd it sounds and trust me we are on the same page here. I do not understand how she is still alive and breathing but my dear, your mère is alive. I am as shaken as I have never been before as I write to you.

She has given me some information that may change your life. By not much.
You have a brother, Izzy. A brother who is magical, like you. A while before you were born, 3 years before you were born to be exact, we had a baby boy. He is 17 now or in his last year of school - and yes, he does go to the same school as you. Please do not freak out my dear - the chances that you have met him are big. His name is Zach if I am not mistaken.

The reason why we did not keep him is a completely different story for another time, I'll have to explain it all to you when you get back for the holidays. It is something both your mother and I should tell you together.

If you do get a chance to see her sometime between now and the end of the year wish her well from me, oui?

That is all that I have I'm afraid. It is now time for me to go.

Miss you lots,

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