Letters to Durmstrang

Joceline Richarde

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OOC First Name
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Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather.
Dear Ivan,
I feel I must apologize for the actions of myself, my brother and the attraction you drew by coming to New Zealand because of Thomas. I honestly never meant to bother you with the drama that is Hogwarts, but it seems that you've even been mentioned in our infamous "Gossip Magazine." It says that you and Thomas are twins, I don't exactly believe it because Gossip Girl writes well gossip.

Anywho, I am quite curious, what is Durmstrang like? I've heard rumors that they imprison magical beasts and use them in Care of Magical Creatures, is this true? I know for a fact that there is a Werewolf here, because one of our transfers got extremely skiddish when there were rumors of our Head Boy being a Werewolf when he was in fact an animagi. We don't treat them like that here, but we do ridicule, well I don't because I cannot stand the magical world and would rather not know what I do know about the world.

Would it be inappropriate of me to ask what your homelife is like? I've honestly never heard of you from Aiden, and you have peaked my curiousity. Do you have any siblings? What are your parents like? Are you close to them? Are they muggles or both magical?

Joceline Richarde

PS. Feel free to return any questions, or not answer. But I would like to keep in touch.
PPS. Happy Chirstmas, Ivan and a Happy New Year.

You are doing a very risqué thing sending me this letter, your bother is still not happy with me but he is my room-mate. But I suppose me reply is even more risqué huh?

Apology accepted. But I must say it was fun while it lasted, even if it did cause some trouble. I must say Hogwarts does sound very interesting, a Gossip Magazine you say? Well that is most definitely an interesting idea, a lie, but interesting nonetheless.

Durmstrang? Why do the dump interest you for? Anyway I'm sure Aiden has told you all about it. Cold, damp, depressing, you're normal school really. Yes, those rumors are true, I don't normally attend that class though, far too dull for me, if you've seen one Werewolf you've seen them all. Wow I'm surprised Hogwarts allows such disgusting creatures in their school, I thought it was much too goodie-goodie for that. And why do you attend Magic school if you hate it so much.

Well seeing as I have an insight of sorts to what yours is like I feel it only right that you have an idea of mine. I have no siblings, mother and father were lucky to have me, past incidents have left them both unable to have any children. Mother is a quiet woman, keeps herself to herself and tries not to anger father. Father is ruthless man, I look up to him a lot. I'm not very close to them, they are nothing like me really, I have a bit of both of them in me so I'd say I just can't connect to one enough to be close to them. And they are both like me, Pure Blood.

How have you been?


P.S. Same to you Joceline.
I think my action was rather innocent, yours is the guilty one. But don't fret, I wont tell on you. Besides, everyone needs to be risqué every so often. It seems you brought it out of me, I've never conducted myself in such a mannor.

Aiden and I aren't exactly the typical brother-sister relationship, so small talk about our schools are basically a no-go, so thank you for confirming my reasons to continue at Hogwarts New Zealand for the rest of my witchery schooling. To answer your question, look at Gaspard. I'm technically a Lorka, I cannot quit no matter how much I would like to, that and I'd rather not live on the streets at twelve.

Is it your father's ruthlessness that you look up to? If so, is this a trait you believe that was rubbed off on you? Don't take this in the wrong way, but from the way you've discribed your family, I invision a nineteen-thirties family. One rather rambunctious son, a mother that holds her tongue at every chance possible, and a strict, seemingly heartless head of house.

Pure bloods confuse me a fair bit. I cannot seem to comprehend how they claim to be pure when basically they have reduced to incest to continue the blood line. This is what I've taken from it, I by no means are claiming yours have. Perhaps this is because I was raised as a muggle, and I have a different aspect of blood status' then others. Would you say this is true?

I've been well enough. Trying to break out of my shell, and get my nose out of the books just a little bit, but failing rather miserably. It seems the only person I can speak to is my Gryffindor friend, Wendy Chaos. I assume Aiden has told you of Isabella, he was completely hung up on her last year, and it humors me that they broke up because of my best friend, well they are half sisters.

How have you been? Did your examinations go well for you? Or have you not recieved the marks yet? If you haven't good luck, and if you have, good job and I assume you'll do even better next time.

Joceline Richarde.

I wouldn't call my actions guilty, it would simply be rude if I didn't reply to you, wouldn't it? And from what you've said I've gathered quite a name for myself in New Zealand, rude is not one I would like to gain along with, whatever people are calling me.

I suppose you do bring up a very good point, I briefly met Gaspard, lovely man isn't he. And being homeless would be a major downer at twelve years of age.

Ruthlessness is only one word to describe my father, it being the most prominent. I look up to him because, despite his ruthlessness, he is a great wizard and he, along with his family have a legacy at Drumstrang, one which I hope to up hold. And no, I don't believe it has rubbed off on me, then again, I'm only twelve. You are one very opinionated twelve year old, maybe you should learn to hold your tongue like my mother. I joke. On paper it may seem that way, but my parents do love each other dearly, and my mother is just a naturally quiet, shy woman, very loving to me and my father though.

I believe you are quickly beginning to give me a headache, but I find all these questions quite amusing. Yes, it is true some Pure Blood families have been reduced to incest, but very far out relations, nothing immediate. And you are right, my family have done nothing of the sort.

Well, you maybe failing miserably, but the concept is nice one. Oh yes Miss. Chaos has been the topic of a few conversations. Interesting girl. Chaos seems to be a suitable name for the two girls, Wendy sounds like she might be a good influence for if you are trying to break out of your shell, I'd stick close to her.

I've been well too, it gets quite boring here around this time of year, people studying and whatnot. I on the other hand find it a rather tedious task and do very little of it. Examinations have come and gone as have the marks. Lets just say I won't be receiving any awards for top student, but I do well enough. And I wouldn't be too hard to do better next time, my grades have much room for improvement. How did yours go?

Until next time,
Dear Ivan,
Lovely spinning, of said blame. However, I did give you the freedom to not reply at all, but that would make for rather uncomfortable dinner conversation the next time, should you choose, you come over. Yes, you seemed to, with Miss Koshiba. I am honestly shocked that you would stoop - no stoop isn't the correct word and I cannot think of it at the moment, but you clearly can see that I am surprised you had brief relations with our Green Haired Goth, as well as Larissa Sedgewick, who claims not to be a vain Veela but, what Veela have you ever met that isn't superscilious? My count: zero to two.

If you wish to uphold such a legacy, I suggest taking better care of your studies Mr. Petrov. Hold my tongue? If you weren't a Durmstrang boy, I would think you slow. It is a highly known fact that we Hogwarts girls can barely comprehend such a phrase let alone do it. Besides, when has airing ones opinion, either in secrecy or in the open have ever been an actually negative thing. If you think of all the moments in history, well muggle history, I know not of Wizarding history, all those that have been repremanded for airing their opinions, that weren't discriminatory have been reprised. Dear me, I'm rambling once more. I really must drink more tea in the mornings, wouldn't you find?

I'm pleased to be of service, Ivan. But if questions give you head aches when written on paper, perhaps we shouldn't meet in person once more. I am a rather inquisitive twelve year old.

The concept of my failing is a pleasant one to you? Perhaps I do not understand. Feel free to tidy this up before I assume that you mean that you like to see others fail, and if you do, please lie, I would rather not know that about you. As for Wendy, we do tend to stay rather close to each other, however lately she seems inticed by my now..technically distant relative (I'm actually not all too sure if we are related because he is related through my father's wife, while I am the daughter of an affair Gaspard had twelve years ago). A Styx boy. He naturally is the Hogwarts version of yourself, except in his first year. I honestly don't see the attraction that all the other girls to do him.

We both leave room for improvement, Ivan. However, I could recieve awards for top student, because I am the type of girl that doesn't need to study before tests, quizzes or exams, much like my dear old brother, and can remember things from the top of my head. People often thought I was cheating in elementary school, but I am just a rather curious girl. The only reason I did poorly is because of my lack of passion.

Passion is a rather important thing, I feel, when learning something. If a Professor drolls on in a monotone, you feel no need to learn, it is the same if you aren't passionate about the thing you are learning. Both of these scenarios are my problems. That and one of the Professor's gives me the hebby-jeebies. The Herbology Professor to be exact, and coincidently, my probable relative. Professor Styx, well.. he isn't exactly a pleasant chap, and if you knew of or knew the Styx's I assume you'd understand.

Stopping myself before this letter becomes a novella;
Joceline Richarde.

Yes you did, but you are very interesting and I enjoy these little letters back and forth between us, they actually make Drumstrang somewhat bearable. Well well this Gossip Girl does get some of her facts right. And those two girls, whose names I honestly didn't remember, were just harmless fun. I needed a change from the girls here and Drumstrang and they were two very different girls.

Studies isn't the most important thing needed for me to uphold my families legacy. I meant no offence in calling you opinionated, I actually see it more of a compliment. And yes you do tend to ramble, but I find it amusing. Another meeting seems like the best option, at least I have your charming voice to help sooth the headaches your questions give me.

Dear me no. I mean the concept of finally getting your noses out of the books and breaking out of your shell, is nice one. It is quite a shame that it's failing but keep trying, your goal is one worth fighting for. A Hogwarts version of myself you say. Now this I got to see. Hogwarts just got a whole lot interesting.

And moving swiftly on from talk of academic studies, it is a rather weak spot for me. Although I do believe passion is a very important thing, not just in studies but in live.

How is Thomas these days?

Looking forward to your next novel
Dear Ivan,
I also enjoy these letters. And my words are going to sound quite repetitious of yours, but they do make Hogwarts far more bearable. No matter, if Gossip Girl is right about something or not, just a petty child, of course this is coming from the 'Gossipmongerer' of the Hogwarts Monthly. Unfortunately the position I wished to be in was taken at the time, and is stuck with gossip. I must say, I am very bad at this gossip and rumor building.

Yes, Ivan, I do understand this. However it certainly would help you uphold this legacy I know not of, wouldn't you say? But even if you aren't a good student, I suppose their are different types of intelligences. I have no bodily kinesthetic intelligence, for example, or musical, but mathamatics and literature are second nature to me, as well as intrapersonal knowledge.

Oh dear me, Ivan. You have caused me to blush with your charm, and it amuses me highly. You are not the first to think my rambling amusing, and I'm sure you will not be the last, but I've had at least three cups of tea this morning and went for a run, so I don't feel I am as bad in this letter as my previous.

You'll be pleased to hear then, I've actually met a few students, in my year, a nice bunch of students. You know about my friends, what are yours like Ivan? I feel like I do nothing but talk about myself in these letters, and wish to know more about you.

I suppose Thomas is well. I haven't spoken to him or seen him out side of class since the last Brightstone Weekend. However, I can honestly say I'm over the Ravenclaw, and don't give a flying... carrot stick about his relationship with Autumn Gwin (who I still manage to dislike emensly).

Joceline Richarde.

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