Letters To Ben Connolly

Vanessa Parker

Well-Known Member
Vanessa walked up to the Owlery. She took the letter she had written for Ben and tied it to an owl's leg.
Dear Ben,
Do you know how much I wish you were here? It's hard to go through a minute without seeing you. I will write more next time.
She hoped that he was excited to receive her letter.
Ben was sitting at the Leaky Cauldron adn was surpised to see a owl fly in with a letter addressed to him, he knew sho it was from but he didn't expect one so soon after the holidays. He opened it up and read what she had to say and began to write one in return.
Dear Nessa,
Thank you for you letter, it lit up my day. I know it is hard not being able to see you now, all I do is sit around bored all of the time, waiting for you to write. I really badly want to see you and I can't wait till the next Bright stone weekend. I hope all is well, tell me what you have been up to?

Love Ben X O X O X
Vanessa had been waiting for Ben to reply, when an owl flew up to her. She took the letter off the owl's leg and read what it said. She wrote a reply.
Dear Ben,
I can't wait until the next Brightstone weekend either! I haven't been up to much, just sitting around thinking of you in my spare time. I wish I could do something with you, as I said before, it's hard to go through a minute without seeing you. Glad to know my letter made you happy.
Love Nessa xoxoxo
She tied the letter to the owl's leg and watched it fly away.
Ben was laying in bed asleep, when he heard a thud, looking around he could.t see a thing, but when he looked out the window a little owl popped up, and he remembered about Nessa, owl. Quickly he unraveled the letter with a large smile on his face.
Dear Nessa
I love your letters every time I get them they light up my day, Every single waking moment that you are not around, I feel so scared to open my eyes, I don't know what I can do, hurry up and come to see me baby. I really just need to see your face. So what have you been up to lately? Me not much just sitting around bored as all hell, got no one to talk to.

Vanessa had been sitting around thinking of Ben, when she heard the sound of wings fluttering and a light bang on the window. She walked over to it and let the owl in and then she closed it again. She couldn't stop smiling after she read the letter from Ben. She wrote a reply and read it over.
Dear Ben,
I love getting your letters also. Every time I open my eyes I always hope you're going to be there, but when you're not it gets me really sad. It's really boring not having you here. I can't talk to you, and I miss seeing your face. I really hope we can get together soon.
She tied it on the owl's leg and opened the window. She put her head out the window and watched the owl fly away. She loved the feel of the wind on her face. After a while she closed the window and went back to sitting around thinking of Ben.
Ben was walking down the street when the owl fluttered down onto his shoulder with a piece of parchment in its beak, it was from Vanessa, his Girlfriend, He got really excited and ran all the way back to the leaky cauldron and told the owl to meet him there. Reading the letter a smile arose onto his face and he began to write a new letter, in Red ink because his black ink ran out.
Dear Nessa
Its been over a week since I have seen you, I am missing you liek crazy all I want to do, is break into the school and come see you, but then I mightn't be able to come to the school after then. Tell me what has been going on, how have your classes been, what have you been up to? Juts tell me anything you have been doing, it will make me feel so much happier, just being able to know what you have been up to and what you have been doing. Can't wait to see you.

Ps. Your the most gorgous girl I have ever met.

He wrote as he waited for the owl to arrive so he could tie the letter onto the owl, giving it a treat before sending it out into the air.
Vanessa had been waiting for his reply. When the owl flew in, she almost started jumping with joy. She read his letter with a huge grin on her face. She wrote back a reply, folded it up, and kissed the side without writing on it.
Dear Ben,
It doesn't feel like it's been a week, it feels like it's been 10 years! I am missing you like crazy also, and I have thought of sneaking out of the school (which is very unlike me) and finding you. Nothing has been going on at all. The classes are fun, but it would be a ton better if you were here. All I've been doing besides classes is thinking of you. I can't wait to see you at all!
P.S. I kissed the back of this letter.
She tied the letter to the owl's leg and thought of her kissing Ben and watched as the owl took flight. It made her feel a bit better, but Vanessa still wished that she could actually kiss him.
Receiving the letter, Ben smiled as he picked it up. As he opened it and read he picked it up and kissed the back of it as well, just because she had, and hit was as close as he could get to a kiss off her for a while.
Dear Nessa
How are you going? It is good to hear from you again, I have missed you like crazy, there is so much I want to say to you, but will say it when I see you next, it is important. But it is not bad, after this time, it feels as thought I am in love with you, It really does. every time I hear your name, my stomach leaps and I feel as though Butterfly's are flying everywhere in my stomach. I need to see you so bad, but don't sneak out of the school, it wouldn't be very smart to do that. The Brightstone weekend should hurry up, I am lost with out you.

PS. How come I am so lucky to have such a amazing girl?
Vanessa heard a bang on the window and wings fluttering. She opened the window for the owl. It came in and waited for her to give her a reply. She couldn't stop grinning as she read his letter. She wrote a reply, still grinning and kissed the back again.
Dear Ben,
I've been ok, and the only part I'm not feeling great is because you're not here. I know I shouldn't sneak out of school, it's really hard to not see you. I don't think I can wait much longer without seeing you. Every time I think of you I feel butterflies in my stomach. You're really important to me. If the Brightstone weekend doesn't hurry up, I don't know what I'm going to do.
P.S. How did I get so lucky to have you as a boyfriend? I kissed the back of the letter again, since right now it's as close as I can get to kissing you. It's not enough, but it's making me feel a bit better.
She tied it to the owl's leg and stuck her head out the window after it flew away. She looked at the ground and imagined her kissing Ben in that spot.
Reading the letter once again Ben smiled looking around to see if anyone watched him he kissed the back of the letter a few times before using his finger to write the letter.
Dear Nessa
I bought my Wand today, which was cool and I have learned a few spells which is pretty good, so I can use a little magicc, but not much at the moment. I can't wait to see you its only next week that the weekend is up, hopefull we will spend as much time together as we posisbly can. I really need to see you and hold you and kiss you once more. I am going to see if I can come through teh forest and see you I might be allowed but maybe not. Hopefully I can.

PS there are a hundred kisses on the back.
Vanessa smiled reading the letter. She wrote a letter back and kissed the back of it.
Dear Ben,
That's awesome that you got your wand! What kind of wand is it? Mine is a Lignum Vitae. I can't wait until next week!! When it comes, we have to spend most of that time together. I need to kiss you again, I think I'm going crazy.
Love Nessa
P.S. Kissed all over the back of this letter.
She tied it to the owl's leg and watched it take flight and disappear into the distance.
Ben smiled at the arrival of his next letter from Nessa, every time he received
one he smiled from ear to ear. Not able to help what he was feeling on the inside.
Dear Nessa,
I bought myself a wand containing Thestral hair, apparently it is a good type of wand that is meant for powerful wizards and witches, which makes me think, maybe I will be good at magic. every time I see your name, I almost jump for joy, it brings lit into my life, just like it does when I see you.

P.S. I love you so so so so much
An owl flew up to her and Vanessa took the letter off it's leg. She read it happily. Just knowing he wrote to her made her feel a bit better. She wrote a reply. Smiling, she folded it up and kissed the back 15 times.
Dear Ben,
You'll be good at magic, don't worry. If you aren't the best wizard, I'll still love you. Every time I read your name, hear your name, or see your face, it makes me want to jump for joy and start dancing. I wish I could kiss you every second I'm not with you. My heart aches from not seeing you for a while.
P.S. I kissed the back again. I love you so so so so much, too. I miss you just as much.
She tied it to the owl's leg and watched it fly away.
Ben's heart almost melted when he received the letter and read it, it was weird about the age difference between them but finally they had gotten over it and became very close.
Dear Nessa,
I love your letters, right now I'm trying to find a way into the Dark Forest, so I can sneak in to go see you. I really need to just to hold you one more time I can not wait another day to see you I need to see you now. I feel exactly the same way as you do, I just need to se eyou something shocking.
P.S. I always kiss the letters you send me and the ones I send you, I Love you And I imiss you.
Vanessa got butterflies when she saw an owl flying toward her. She read the letter, then she wrote back. She folded it and kissed it.
Dear Ben,
When we do see each other, I will probably be kissing you for hours. It really is hard not seeing you, and I don't think I can wait a lot longer.
P.S. I wrote a haiku poem about how I'm feeling:
A Land With No Sun
No Light At All Without You
My Heart Aches Badly
I kissed the back of this letter again. Loving you and missing you more than the number of stars that exist.
She tied the letter to the owl's leg and she watched as it flew farther and farther out to the horizon and disappeared.
Dear Nessa,
I loved your letter so much, especially the last part it made tears will up in my eyes. Your the sweetest, most cute gir I have ever met, I can't believe your all mine. I wrote something for you.

She's young live and homely
Wise by no means
knows one guy, shes got his eyes and only

Im sorry its isn't better then your one.
P.S. Love you so much kissed all ovcer your letter and mine.
Vanessa almost jumped for joy when she saw another owl coming to her. She read the letter as her heart fluttered. She wrote a reply letter, folded it up, and kissed the back of it.
Dear Ben,
Your poem was beautiful. When I'm sad or missing something, I always start to write poetry. It just makes me feel better somehow. Here's some more I've written.
My Heart Longs For You
I Can't Survive Without You
Always Loving You

I Have Butterflies
I Feel Like I Can Fly High
When You Kiss Me Ben


She tied it to the owl's leg and watched it disappear beyond the horizon.
Smiling as he received his letter he began to write out another one to her, smiling as he done so.
Dear Nessa
Every waking moment I'm not with you seems as though it is a year that you are not by my side, I can not wait to see you again. I really need to see you, I can't wait any longer. Sorry my letter is so short I only have a tiny bit of parchment left.

Vanessa smiled at Ben's letter. She wrote a reply, folded it up, and kissed it like she always did.
Dear Ben,
I feel the same way, I don't think I can wait any longer. More poems:
I Can't Wait Longer
To See You, To Kiss You, Ben
I Love You So Much

My Heart Longs For You
It's Lost In Mist Without You
I Need You, Ben

She tied it to the owl's leg and watched it fly.
Ben smiled as he looked around the room he was sitting in as he waited for Vanessa's next letter, he was loving how easy it was to write to her, but he couldn't wait until the weekend to see her, it would be so much fun.
Dear Nessa,
I got caught trying to get into the dark forest, so I won't be able to come in any time soon, which kind of sucks. So I am going to have to wait until the next weekend to see you. I'm loving your poems but I can't think of anything else to write, al I want to do is spend time with you. Hold you and tell you how much I love you.

Vanessa read the letter. She wrote a reply as soon as she got it.
Dear Ben,
That does suck. I've been trying to get some of my other friends to distract me during the day, but when I get your letters I'm really happy. The thing is, after I read your letter, I get sad because you're not here. When you get to come to school here, I'll introduce you to them. Another hakiu:
Sun Is In Hiding
Because You Aren't With Me
Can't Live Without You
She tied it to the owl's leg and wished that Ben was with her. She watched as the owl flew off in to the distance and disappeared.
Ben smiled when he got her letter, but he felt the same way about her not being with him.
Dear Nessa
The moments im not with you I feel as though I cant breath I can't wait to see you. I really need to see you, hold you in my arms, kiss you. Your the world to me, you mean more then anything else could. The waiting is killing me, I need you right now.

Vanessa was smiling when she got his letter. She wrote yet another reply.
Dear Ben,
I really need to see you, also, but we have to wait. I don't know if I can wait any longer. Another haiku:
I Need To See You
You Are My Everything
I Need To Kiss You Soon
She tied the reply to the owl's leg and watched it fly away and disappear into the distance again.
The thought of waiting made Ben feel like he was going to throw up he hated every minute of waiting, but he loved it at the same time, it meant that he had to wait utntil he saw the one that he loved.
Dear Nessa,
I can't wait, the weekend is nearly here and I will be able to see you soon, I haven't managed to be able to think about anything other then you. Your my everything, you mean more to me then anything ever could.

Love Ben
P.S. Sorry for the short reply.
Vanessa smiled when she received his letter. She wrote a reply.
Dear Ben,
I don't like to wait, especially having to wait to see you. The only thing I can do is write poems because I'm so sad that I have to wait.
My Heart Is Crushed Now
Feels Like I've Been Waiting Years
I Hope To See You
She tied the letter to the owl's leg and sighed sadly as she watched it fly and disappear in to the distance.

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