Letters Home (Oliver's song)

Oliver Cade Halliwell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 Inch Unyielding Pear Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Since coming to Hogwarts Oliver had kept in regular contact with his Mother who now lived alone most of the year. He worried about her, she had never really gotten over his fathers death and although he'd been at Hogwarts for three and a half years now he still didn't feel totally comfortable leaving her. Oliver made his way up to the Owlery to send his latest letter home, his familiar black cat followed him at his heels. Salem had not been following his around as much, Oliver had been keeping him in the common room as he had been attracting unwanted attention and some people thought it was strange to have his cat follow him everywhere, but after months of forced isolation Oliver decided to let Salem out of the Ravenclaw tower and damn what people said. As always the walk up to the Owlery was pleasant as the sun was out in full force creating a beautiful warm day. Which of course Oliver did not like.

Once he reached the Owlery he turned on his heel and looked down at his companion. "Stay here," He muttered to his black short haired friend. Salem did not like Owls and Owls did not like him. So taking him into the Owlery was a no go, he would never make that mistake again. Oliver found an Owl sat on his perch waiting to be used, as he approached the bird held out his leg. Oliver quickly scanned over his letter and rolled it into a scroll and attached it to the Owls leg and watched as it took flight and flew off towards the horizon. Once the Owl was gone from Oliver's line of sight he walked out of the Owlery to find his feline friend waiting for him. Rather than head straight for the common room he stood at the top of the staircase and watched as students across the grounds went about their daily lives. Oliver smiled, he loved to people watch.
Gwen was out and about people watching in a weird sort of way. There was only one person she wanted to watch but if anyone knew about it they would make fun of her for sure. Cleo was right on her heels and in her hand was a folded up piece of parchment. If anyone asked she could always say that she was sending a letter to her parents. Continuing her trip up the stairs Gwen heard students coming down and she hid in a corner.

Cleo ran off in front of her tail sticking straight up in the air meowing. "Cleo come back here." Gwen called out after her cat. That Havana Brown was going to be the death of her. Running after her cat she hit the landing and ran right into Oliver and a black cat who she guessed that was his cat. "Hey there Oliver." Gwen said sounding sweet as always. Giving him a smile Gwen wondered what he was up to.
Even thought he was a friendly and quite social person there were very few people that Oliver could honestly say he was happy to see. Gwen was one of those people. "Hey Gwen," He replied brightly and oddly out of character. Ever since Oliver had met Gwen and her twin sister Morrigan he had been intrigued by them both. Gwen was so polite and bubbly where Morrigan was cold, calculated and more interested in logic and reason than people. Both girls were very beautiful in very much the same way as they were twins, Gwen was the only one of the two to take any interest in the two and Oliver didn't know how he felt about that, although Gwen was lovely and beautiful there something about Morrigan that he couldn't shake off. "I'd been wondering when I'd see you again," Oliver said flashing a smile. He then looked down at Salem who seemed to be sizing up Gwen's cat, Oliver chuckled. "They seem to be getting along," He added in amusement.
Now that Gwen was in front of Oliver she didn't know what to do. Morrigan would know what to say and what to do but Gwen was all on her own and turning on her heel and running away was not the way to go. When he smiled at her Gwen felt like she was going to faint. Why did he have to be so handsome? This was just so unfair to her. Taking a deep breath Gwen would do her best to not sound like a nutter. "You could have just stopped by the common room or the Library." Gwen said listing all of the places that she normally was. This past year she had promised herself that she would get out more but for some reason she hadn't been able to stick to that. Oh well sooner or later she would stop being such a hermit and enjoy what the castle had to offer. "So what have you been up to Oliver?" Gwen asked wondering if he had been doing anything exciting at all.
Oliver couldn't help but notice that Gwen seemed a little uneasy and unsure of what to do and say. He had to admit this was cute. Although he would never understand how someone like Gwen would get nervous around guys. Oliver smiled as she rattled off a list of places that she could usually be found, "I hardly think I'd be welcome in the Gryffindor common room, the library however I make frequent visits to. I'll have to keep an eye out for you," Oliver hadn't spent much time in the library recently in an effort to live his life off the pages of a book but this girl may have just given him a convincing reason to go back to the library on a regular basis. Gwen then asked Oliver what he'd been up to, this could have been a way to keep the conversation going or she had a genuine interest. It could also have been both. "You know to tell the truth I haven't been doing all that much, looking forward to Brightstone though, what about you? Hows that case you and Morrigan were working on?" He asked hoping the mention of her sister would make her feel more comfortable.
Gwen realized that Oliver was right about the Gryffindor tower. "Who knows we put a hat on your head and keep it down low we could maybe sneak you in." Gwen said with a sneaky little grin on her face. She had never heard of anyone being able to sneak into another persons house before but it would be worth a try and if they got caught they would have a story to tell. At the mention of Brightstone Gwen smiled. "Morrigan and I are staying in so that we can work more on the case everyone is talking about. Someone overheard us talking about Professor Styx being a vampire and now its spreading like wildfire." Gwen said feeling sort of silly now. After watching him for weeks and weeks she had decided that he was human a very creepy human but still a human. "So what do you have planned?" Gwen said starting to finally calm down around the very handsome boy.
Oliver nodded along as Gwen devised a plan to sneak him into the Gryffindor common room and he couldn't help but grin as she did so. "The question is Gwen, why would you want me in your common room?" He asked raising his eyebrow. He wasn't sure how she'd react to this question but he hoped she'd take it with the cheek that he had intended. Oliver was a cheeky person it was just part of his charm. Gwen then explained why she would not be seen around Brightstone and Oliver had to consider himself disappointed at this fact. "I guess I won't see you down there, shame," He smiled. He loved that Gwen and Morrigan were trying to find out whether Professor Styx was a vampire or not, he thought it made Gwen seem cuter. But don't get him started on Morrigan. "He's really creepy, but he's not a vampire I don't think the school would hire a vampire and its not something easily hidden," He added wondering if she could be right or not.
Oliver's question made Gwen freeze. Why did she want him in the Gryffindor tower. If she wanted to hang out with him they could hang out anywhere in the castle. "It's simple Oliver if I sneak into the Gryffindor tower than I will have done something that no one else has done here at Hogwarts. Even if we get caught everyone will know just how awesome we are." Gwen said happy to have finally figured out a reason why she would want Oliver in her common room. Listening as Oliver talked about Brightstone and how he thought it was a shame that he wouldn't see her there, Gwen wanted to tell Oliver that she would blow off her sister and see him there. What would Morrigan say if she found out that her sister had flaked out on her to hang out with a boy? As those thoughts played through her mind she almost missed what Oliver had been saying. "I'm thinking about just asking him. I mean whats the worst that could happen? He can't take away house points because I will do it after class and I wont be mean about it. I will be nice about it." Gwen said with a sneaking little grin.
Oliver wasn't sure what he expected Gwen to say, but it hadn't been that. He couldn't help but think she was thinking on her feet and desperately wanted a reason for saying what she said, this made Oliver smile. It was more a cheeky grin, something that Oliver was somewhat known for. It wasn't that Oliver wanted a specific answer from Gwen he was just curious to what she had to say. "Your just gonna ask him," He snapped out of his thoughts just in time to hear her crazy plan. "I know you won't be in class and I have no doubt you'll be able to make it seem like a sweet and innocent question especially with those eyes but at the end of the day your asking the scariest teacher in the school if your a vampire," He felt nervous just thinking about someone doing it, "Don't ask him alone just in case he is a vampire," He added smiling.
Gwen started to blush when Oliver smiled at her. Darn him and that smile. Why couldn't she be like her sister and not be so shy. She had to get over it but how? Listening as Oliver seemed surprised that she would just go up to Professor Styx and ask him if he was a vampire. It was really risky but Gwen really wanted to know so that she could put the case to rest. "Yes I am just going to ask him. How else am I going to find out?" Gwen said thoughtfully. As Oliver told her that she had pretty eyes Gwen blushed really harder. "Oh erm thanks Oliver your really sweet." Gwen said not really knowing what else to say. "Would you want to come with me when I go ask Professor Styx?" Gwen asked sweetly.
Oliver couldn't help but notice as Gwen's cheeks became bright head, he tried to stop himself but he smiled again. She was so cute. Then the next thing he knew she'd said it. Sweet. The word he despised the most. Not a word he heard too often but non the less a word that put him in the same category as a puppy and a bunny rabbit. It took a moment for Oliver to realise that Gwen had began talking again, and another moment to really take in what she was saying. She wanted him to go with her, that wasn't what he was hinting at, he was actually thinking more along the lines of her sister Morrigan but he was very happy to have been asked. He smiled, showing his white teeth, "Yeah I'd love to go with you," He said.

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