letters from home

Arisa Havishmen

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Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Arisa ran up the owlery. Her grandma had promissed a letter home on her birthday along with a preasent. Once she was there Arisa saw an owl with a letter and a small package, she ran up and pat the owl. "Thank-you" she said before taking out the letter.
Dear Arisa

Happy Brithday dear! I cant believe your 12 years old already! Well since its your birthday the owl should have a package for you with some things. We miss you so much! Were sorry to hear about you and your mother, please try to make up, I'm sure shes taking it just as bad as you. Everyting Is great on the farm, and quess what? Your sheep Lacy had a lamb! Isn't that a great Birthday Preasent? We think the father it Martin, she looks just like him. Please write back soon, and include what you want your lamb to be named.

Lot of Love grandma and grandpa xoxo
Arisa smiled as she read the letter, her sheep Lacy had had a lamb! She thought of names for a few minuites, once she had picked out the perfect name Arisa grabbed the package and ripped it open. Inside there was a box of her faveriote home made cookies, a few books she hadn't been able to fit in her bag, and her doll Samantha. Then she saw a small locket around Samantha's neck. She took it off and opened it, there was no pictures in it. She put it around her neck and smiled, it was so pretty. Arisa pulled out a pen and some parchment
Dear Grandma and Grandpa

Thank-you so much for the wonderful gifts, none of the house elves make cookies as good as you and the locket is beautiful. I'm so glad to have Samantha back, I've missed her so much. Wow, I cant believe Lacy had a lamb on my birthday! With Martin no less! The name I would like for the lamb is Anastasia. I'm glad to hear everything on the farm is going well, I cant wait to come back one day. I miss you so much, we need to write more often.

Lots of Love, Arisa xoxoxo

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