Letters Between Friends

Dymetris Kozlov

Al. Hufflepuff 🌿 Healer ✨ Part Veela ✨ Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Faxen's ❤
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
It was during breakfast that Dymetris was thinking about his friends back in Russia. It was time like this he wanted more than just write a letter but visit whenever he got the chance too. Yet it was physically impossible to leave school now and visit his old friends back home. He wished it hadn't been this difficult, but now that he saw it once he figure it out last year, Dymetris all could do but miss his old friends. He sat staring into his plate of breakfast, ignoring his surroundings. Missing his friends had made him a tad down, he love Hogwarts, Russia just been his home since he was an infant. Nothing can take the love out of him from Russia.

OOCOut of Character:
that's all I have till we start the letters :x
Halina had tried hard to concentrate on school work, still managing her 'double life'. There was one friend that she could count on though, who she was always herself around. A boy from Russia, Dymetris. They had known each other for a while, having both lived around the same area. She rushed to the owlry after class one day, paper in her hands, along with a quill and ink in her little bag. She smiled slightly as she passed her friends slowly. People who she called her friends anyways. When she reached the owlry in Beuxbatons, and sat and wrote.
Dear Dymetris,
It's been foooorever since we've talked. How are things in New Zealand? I hope the school is as awesome as I've heard it would be! Things here are okay I suppose. School is school, don't really have many friends. And nothing beats Russia. i hope you're having a lot of fun, maybe sometimes on an off holiday we might be able to hang out. I've got a few way older friends who will take me over to Brightstone. Second hand apparation is a pain in the but, I'd much rather use floo powder, honestly. I don't really have much to write, probably should have came here with a plan or an idea. Hopefully you'll have one in your reply! I can't wait to hear from you!

A letter came the next morning at breakfast, he was confused it was from him and someone name Halina. For a couple minutes he had to search in his memories and it was at that point did he remembered Halina and who she was, she had been a part of group of friends in Russia. Now she was attending a school of magic in France, he wonder why France and not Romania. But figuring out alone wouldn't help, so he read the letter and replied right back.
Letter to Halina said:
Dear Halina,
Can't believe you left Russia too! New Zealand fine, my parents are doing well and my cousin been staying with us for a while. I've been meeting a lot of people, many from different parts of the world. Even Isabella came here but I heard recently she left. Not sure why, not sure if its true. The school is really big. I'm sorry to hear school not that good for you, maybe it will pick up eventually. Things take time to adjust, I know, you just have to get use to it one way or another.
It be great to see you, you can travel by floo powder and end up in my parents home if its a lot easy for you? It will be less trouble for you than apparating second hand, if you do come I will write my address on the back of this letter. Send word back if you do, either way its good to hear from an old friend.
Take Care-
Dymetris Kozlov

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