Letters Between Friends

Arisa Havishmen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Arisa skipped up the stairs almost two at a time to get to the owlery. She had decided to write to Charly today, she missed him allot. Once she was up there she sat on the window ledge and began writing a letter telling Charly all about what was going on at school.
letter said:

Hey its Arisa! How are you? School's been really dull, well, except for that fact that HNZ is having its first graduation tonight, students aren't allowed to go, but its still really exciting! Whats your school like? You never did tell me which one you go to. Quidditch is going really well, its so fun playing chaser. Do you play Quidditch at school? Anyways, I'm rambling, hope to see a reply from you soon!


Arisa went and found her moms owl before attaching the letter to its leg and sending her off.
Charly was sitting outside on the balcony of their hotel room when a owl landed on a nearby chair with a letter attached to its leg. Charly gently removed the letter from the owls leg and set it free. He opened the letter from Arisa smiling as he read it.
Lettter said:
Arisa : )

Hey! its good to here from you! I'm good town sucks again there's no one around our age, Kinda miss you loser! Hogwarts first graduation huh? So its THAT new?? Wow that would've been interesting if you were able to go. Schools... School I guess. Speaking of which I think we're returning to Canada soon, You gunna come for holidays anytime soon? I love quidditch I play beater when I can, but no I don't play at school. The little brat is currently going mad, she made me buy her more candy and now she's completely hyper. What else is new at school? Do you have a end of year ball or something? Who's you date? do tell! Write back when you get a chance! (Save me from boredom!)

Yours truly


As he finished he fetched his family owl and sent the owl to pay Hogwarts a visit.
letter said:

Hey, who are you calling the loser? Your the one always running errands for your little sister! :p Yeah, I'm coming home in July, thank god, when its summer in Canada its winter here. Nothing else is really new at school, Hufflepuff won our last quidditch match. :) No we don't have a year end ball so no date :p Boys are dumb anyways. Exams are coming up fast, I'm so swamped with studying so its great to take some time off and write to you.

- Arisa

P.S. heres a picture of me in my quidditch uniform, and one of the team

Charly was asleep in bed when an owl suddenly landed on his head. He exhaled deeply then rolled over rubbing his eyes and pulled the letter of the owls leg. He grinned as he watched the moving photographs of Arisa for a moment before reading the letter. He yawned and pulled out a piece of parchment to begin his reply.
Letter said:

Stuff off! I only run errands for the brat because she'd be more of a pain if she didn't get her own way. Cool I guess I shall see you in July : ) Hey I like the cold here! But it will be good to get back to the sun. Congrats on your last game! How many do you have left, one or two? Well goodluck for it anyway! Break a leg Ris : )
Boys are dumb huh? I have alot I would like to say about girls but, I dont think you could take it : P
Exams? Yikes goodluck! I do not miss that at all! But with my luck we'll be sitting them not long after I get back! Its good to hear from you, it gets soooo boring staying in the hotel all the time!

LOL love the pics, you look different though, did you colour your hair? (or whatever it is you girls call it)

Write back soon : )

Arisa yawned and flicked her blonde hair out of her face, it was getting curlier everyday. She guessed this was when her mothers hair started going curly too cause when Arisa looked at photos from when her mom started school her hair was straight. She smiled brightly as her owl returned with another letter from Charly. She couldn't remember the last time she had bee this excited for a letter, it was sorta weird.

Your weird if you like the cold! I can't stand it! We have one quidditch game left and I'm really nervous, were playing Ravenclaw and they haven't lost a game yet. And yes, boys are dumb, but I guess if your a boy girls can be dumb too. I'm dreading the astronomy exam, I hate that class, even more now that Professor Merrythought isn't teaching it :(. Thanks, and yeah I did, I was a little bored with blonde at the time buy its back to normal now, but ever since its been blonde again its keeps getting curlier >.<


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