Let's walk round the harbor again.

Myra Copperfield

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Myra was bored. She had run out of places to go, and she'd wound up wandering the streets of Obsidian Harbour, waiting for something, anything, anyone to happen.
Linda was perched on a bench outside the shops in the harbour with the sleeves of her ex-boyfriends hoodie that he's never going to see again, rolled up to her elbow yet again she was drawing intricate doodles all the way up her arm that she planned to show off proudly at home just to annoy her mother once more, this had become a fond hobby of late.

She had to give up on the impressive sleeve that she had been working on when her favourite black pen decided it was going to die on her, "dammit" she mumbled under her breath and made a mental note to drop into one of the stationary stores on her way back to the hell hole.

Linda smiled looking up into the steady flow of people for the first time in probably over an hour, the sudden change in light intensity hurt her eyes she used her non-inked arm to shield her eyes, she watched the people pass, all of them seemed to have something to do or somewhere to be, all but one that is, she shrugged and got up to walk towards the girl that looked just about as bored as she felt.

She hoped that the girl had noticed her walking towards her as to not scare her too much, she pushed her hair out her face slightly and cleared her throat, "hey" she smiled and waited for the girls response.
When the girl spoke, Myra swore her heart almost exploded. She'd been too busy being bored to notice the girl's approach.

"Mother-trucking bugger!" she yelled as she span to see who had disturbed her wanderings, immensely proud she hadn't actually sworn.

Then she set eyes on the girl. She looked cool. "Oh, hi!" The rolled-up sleeves caught Myra's eye. "Nice ink. Do yourself?"
Linda smiled and tried her hardest not to laugh, she had obviously given the girl a scare, which was the last thing she had meant to do but still she remained amused by the girls curios reaction.

she followed the girls glance to her arm, not bad if she did say so herself, "yeah, I get bored easily" she explained, stretching out her arm for the other girl to look at and also to get a proper look at it herself, most of the time when she draws she sort of spaces out and doesn't realise what she has actually drawn, "it's not quite done, but my lovely pen decided that it had had enough and has committed suicide and left me alone in my time of need" she smiled, she did have another pen in her back pocket but it was no where near as nice and it was a yucky blue colour.

"you seem to be on your own too, would you like someone to wander with? now that my pen has left me I'm afraid I've got nothing much to do here" she smiled to herself more than to the girl, she seemed nice - finally she might actually be on the path of making some actual friends after the big move back to NZ this seemed to be a near impossible task, which of course she blamed her mother for.
Myra took one step forward, controlling her expression so that she seemed indifferent. "Yeah, you can come with me if you want." Her voice betrayed a smidgen of her pleasure. Finally! someone to talk to!

"Shame about the pen," she said, taking another step. "You don't half sound like my brother, though." Her thoughts went to Lucas. How was he coping, being the only child at home. Then again, he'd be joining her soon anyway.

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