Lets just have lone time

Rose Love

Well-Known Member
Rose was sitting by the lake just letting her feet soak in it knowing if she went for a swim she would be in trouble. Not knowing someone was sneaking up on her she just took out her notebook and started to draw.
Valiant was really depressed that day and so decided to have a lomg walk near the lake and so he started off heading towards the lakeside. As he reached there he saw rose sit ny the lake soaking her feet in the water. He wasn't ready to face someone today as he was not ina good mood and so sat a bit far from her trying to make his presence unnoticible.
Rose didn't pay attintion to him just thinking about what she was doing at this school because nobody talked to her at all. "gosh i wish i would have never came" she said, nt knowing someone was close enough to hear her.
Val heard Rose say she wished she was never there. He didn't quite understand what she was saying and couldn't handle the confussion and decided to go meet her. He would maybe feel better talking with people who he knew before being sorted. Rose was a good friend of Val before being sorted. He hadn't seen her since the school began.

He then walked towards her. ''Heyy Rose, how are you ?'', he asked with a forcefull smile.
Rose jumped which she shouldn't have done as she fell into the water. "oh gosh glad nobody was around" she said, then looking to see who called her name she saw Valiant. "hi Val, um was going for a swim" she said, knowing that she couldn't lie well.
Val had actually frightened Rose as she fell into into the water. ''Oh I am so sorry Rose'', he said when Rose said she was going for a swim. ''Um..rose you don't look like you are going for a swim, do you ?'', he asked looking suprised.
Rose crawled out and was soaked as her hair was down and was falling into her face. "i d..d..on't think so" she said, trying not to cry. "s.s so val how have you b..b...been?" she asked, as the wind started to blow.
''Well Rose I have been quite well and I have missed you alot. We never talked after the school started. Seems you have been quite busy this weeks'', he said. Val realised the wind blowing really fast and saw Rose shivering, luckily Val had his jacket with him and so handed it over to Rose.''Here take this. You are cold, you will feel better'', he said while handing over the jacket waiting for Rose to take it.
Rose shook her head. "n...n...no thanks i got my own." she said, picking up her jacket and sliding it on her shoulder it looked like it belonged to a guy which was insane but people who saw it on her thought she was taken.
Valiant took back his jacket as Rose showed him his. ''May be she wont be comfortable in my jacket'', he thought. He then started feeling much better and almost forgot his depression. ''Hey Rose wanna go for a walk ?'', he asked as he was not feeling like to sit here and chat. Walking would be a much better idea then sitting down there.
Rose smiled. "sure" she said, picking up her bag with her art stuff in it. "yeah i should explain i didn't take your jacket because you might get cold and so yeah but i hate when people ask me about it." she said.
''Great'', he said when they agreed for a walk. Just as they started moving, Rose told him why she hadn't taken his jacket. ''I am sorry for asking but then I didnt know whether you had one already. You were just cold so I thought I would give you mine'', he said. He didn't want Rose to take him it in a bad way.
She smiled. "i could never take anything in a bad way it's just today been the worse and so that why i was alone besides you look like you need a hug." she said.
''What happened to you ? Nothing can happen to you while I am there Rose'', he said winking. ''But on a serious note what happened, you don't look good'', he said. He then went and hugged her as she really looked like she needed one.
Rose hugged him back. "just tripped over something and embarrased myself and people wouldn't leave me alone about it." she said, trying not to cry.
''Don't worry !! People just know how to talk. You should never pay attetion to them. Its nothing to worry about and spoil your mood'', he said trying to cheer her up. ''Just chill and common smile now !!'', he said smiling at her so she would smile back.
Rose smiled at him. "gosh you always make me smile thanks" she said, hugging him. "so..." she trailed off.
Val was happy seeing her smile. ''Well thats what Val is there for....to make people smile !! '', he said hugging her back as she hugged him. Val didn't want to leave her but anyway she trailed off. ''So what are your plans now ?'', he asked.
She didn't have any idea. "i don't know just hang out by myself or with someone" she said, smiling at him.
''Well if you don't mind, it would be a pleasure for me to hang out with you'', he said smiling back. He didn't want to go further as he didn't know whether Rose wanted him to be with her or not but he had a feeling she won't let him go.
Rose smiled at him. "that cool so do you want to go anywhere else?" she asked, risking a glance at him.
Rose shook her head. "up to you" she said, stopping and waitting for him to make the decision. As she glanced at the trees and trying to look anywhere other then him.

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