Let's do this. LEROY!

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Ellen Harper

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12" Essence of Basilisk Fang, Willow
So, I'm trying to play Ellen more and most of my plots have fallen through with her. /cry ANYWAY. I need some amazinglicious plots with her. Nothing cliche like boy meets girl, girl gets preggo, get married. END. No...never that. I want something super amazing, I just don't know what. I say, you post here with your creative and fantastic characters and we brainstorm together!

Of course, I need female friends as well. Some chicks to hang with, and have a special place in this epic plot we will one day figure out. POST! Because I need you. :lol:
I can offer Lewis for a interesting plot.

What i was thinking was that because you dont want the typical boy meets girl thing, then how about these two meet. Become close friends then say Lewis starts to crush on her but because they are such god friend she doesn't tell her then sh dates some other guy and Lewis gets heart broken. They dont have to date if you dont want them too
It could work both way i dont mind.
HEY! I just remembered I posted this.

I like that idea. I really like to see how they get along before committing to anything. We should RP them together, and see how they get along and then we can formulate a groovy plan.

I have another character named Tora Yamauchi (i cant be bothered switching users to post this). She also works in the ministry, the unspeakables offices. I think it would be great if they could met - If you are interested?
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