Let's do something crazy

Aleister Rainsworth

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curly 17 Inch Flexible Dogwood Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Bored. Aleister Rainsworth was bored. All day, he did nothing but attend a snooze fest and listen to his professors ramble on and on about things that would never interest him. It would have been better if they did something fun, like have a race while riding a hippogriff or spot the hidden thestral. Merlin, he would even accept having to play with a muggle tool right now. He was bored and that could never be good. He couldn't understand why his professors had to be too uptight and stuffy. It was probably because of the age difference but he thinks that those old folks need to unwind and have some fun. He'd show them how to have some fun if needed be. He didn't attend school just to feel like a prisoner or like a student in eternal detention, he was already like a caged bird in his own house. He wanted something different now. His parents weren't there to scold him, and since they weren't around, he could do as many crazy things as he wanted to. He'd do it and no one would be able to stop him.

Aleister silently peered into the room that he shared with other durmstrang kids. Bright light was pouring in from the large window, illuminating the otherwise dark and empty room. There was not a soul in sight, which depressed him a bit. He wanted to have some fun and having fun for him means doing silly things with someone. How could he have fun if he's alone in that cold empty room? He ran a hand through his curly hair and jump into his bed. He was reaching his limit. He had to do something or he'll go crazy. He jumped off from his bed and peered at the windows, checking out the lake whether it's capable of supporting his wight. He had always wished to ice skate even though he knew not if it was forbidden or not, but seeing the lake's condition, he decided not to do so. The ice didn't look thick enough to skate on. He didn't want it to break under his weight. While he did love swimming, swimming didn't seem that attractive in such a cold weather. He'd freeze to death and his mother would go crazy. He'd love to see her go crazy. He loved his mother but she was too strict, with her eyebrows always furrowed and her lips always in a thin line. He'd love to see her do something other than yell at him.

The thirteen year old rested his elbows on the windowsill, he had to do something or he will really loose it. The boy yawned and scanned the lawn, there had to be something out there that he could do. Anything will do no matter how crazy it was. "Dear Merlin I'm bored! Someone entertain me!" he yelled, stretching his arms out and walking backwards, expecting to reach his bed safely but tripping on something on the floor. "Good riddance to bad rubbish, which foolish soul had left his trunk open in the middle of the room?" He shook his head in disbelief, crouching to check who the owner of the trunk was. "If someone crazy finds this, I'm sure that person would do something messed up. I pity the poor owner of these clothes." He then pulled a couple of clothes from the trunk, some shirts, pant and even some private pieces of clothing. And then it hit him, "Who am I kidding? That someone should be me," he exclaimed, a mischievous smile playing on his lips as he scooped more clothes off the trunk. Hugging them, he ran outside the room to fetch himself a rope. He had seen muggles do these with their clothes, he wanted to do it too. Running around the castle halls, he found himself outside the lawn. He found two pillars and tied the end of the rope to each one. "But these clothes were dry. Right, we need some water." Like a little kid, he trod to the lake, his poor roommate's clothes still on hand. Once near the nearly frozen lake, he set the clothes down beside him and fetch himself a stone large enough to put a hole on the ice. "Well here goes nothing!," he said while hitting the ice with the stone larger than the size of his hands.​
Andrei walked out onto the lawn, picking up sock after sock and tie after tie and sometimes even a shirt. He still had no idea why his stuff was all out here, but he was not as surprised as he should have been. He would surely find his big brother, Alexei, and some of his stupid friends throwing a bonfire with all of his stuff in it. He sighed as he thought of what he would find. Alexei always gave him trouble, as it was harder to avoid his brother than it was his sister. His brother could enter the male bathrooms, and while Alissa would probably just walk in if she had to, Andrei knew that she would probably at least hesitate for a moment. Andy sighed and picked up another scarf. Maybe he could get a transfer or something, because the young boy hated Durmstrang. He had hated it since he stepped foot onto the school grounds. He hated everything about the school, and especially hated the fact that his siblings went here. Alexei and Alissa were his biggest problem. He could not sneeze without one of them traumatizing him. In fact, he nearly jumped at his own shadow these days, it had gotten that bad. It was no wonder no-one wanted to be his friends, never mind the fact that everyone he had met so far seemed to have a problem with kindness, but his older siblings were certainly a deterrent.

Andrei gasped when he saw the culprit that had taken his clothes. Who in Merlin's name was that? Andy watched as the boy was throwing his stuff into the lake. What was wrong with him?! The third year dropped the bundle of clothes he had plucked from the ground, and ran up to the boy, ripping what clothes were left in the boy's arms away from him and clutching them to his chest, before picking up the clothes from the ground. He looked wide-eyed at the boy, and hit him with his scarf, knowing that it would not do much."Hey!" he said, trying to look serious and maybe a little intimidating. It would fail, as he was not an intimidating boy, but he was rather annoyed, and more than a little embarrassed. He could just curl up under a rock and die right now. "Why are you doing this to me?" he asked, seeing as he could not recognize the boy as one of his regular bullies.
Alesiter was having fun. Sure, he was by himself, but he was having a lot of fun. Who knew that one could enjoy a lot by just throwing some random clothes into the lake? He certainly didn't know that before, but seeing as he was being amused by what he was doing, he should probably do this thing more often. The thirteen year old wrapped a shirt into a ball before he threw it again into the hole made by him. "That's another ten points made by the awesome Aleister Rainsworth! You go kid!," he cheered for himself, pretending that he was in a middle of a field, riding a broom and participating in a quidditch match. He had always dreamt of being a quidditch player, but with his mother obsessing over his health and well being all the time, he could hardly participate in any activity which required him to use his body. He threw another bunch of clothes into the lake and cheered for his success again. He was too absorbed with what he was doing to care about anything else. "Thank you, thank! I know, I know. I'm great, yes, thank you!" he said, making a gesture of waving to an invisible crowd before him.

He was to throw another set of clothes into the lake when out of nowhere, someone had decided to take away the only source of his entertainment. He snapped his head to look at whoever the intruder was. The action was all too sudden that it was a miracle that he didn't break his neck. His eyebrows curled and he looked at the boy with a mild surprised look. "What is your-" he wasn't able to finish his statement as the intruder had randomly decided to hit him with a scarf. It didn't really hurt but Aleister had never been hit before. Sure, he had been yelled at a lot of times before but he had never been hit. He grabbed the other end of the scarf and glared at the boy. He was getting a little annoyed. This boy had ruined his fun and that would never sit well with him. He was about to yell at the boy but the boy's statement made him stop. He wasn't doing anything to him. He was having fun. It was the boy who had done something to him! "No. Why did you do that to me?," he asked back, pouting like a little kid whose candy had been taken away from him. He then stood up to take a better look at the boy's face. "Hey, I know you," he started, walking a little closer to the boy, the previous event already pushed to the back of his mind. "You're related to those twins, are you not? Let's see, you must be Alex, no, that's your brother. How about Ansel? No?," he chattered on, one hand on his chin as if he was in deep thought. "Allen? Alden? No, don't say it. I'll get your name right!" He wasn't really close to the boy's siblings, Merlin they probably didn't know him at all, which was too bad, he honestly thought that it would be cool to hang with the boy's older brother. He was quite well known after all. Then his attention turned to the clothes that was being hugged by the boy, "I know, you're mad because I wasn't letting you join in the fun, yes? You don't have to be so stuffy and selfish. Come on, you have to share!" He then rested his hand on the boy's shoulder, quickly acting like he knew the boy all along. "Come on now Aron, let's have some fun!"
Andrei was still traumatized at the behaviour of this boy. What was he doing? Why was he doing that? What in Merlin's name was wrong with him? Andy was flustered. He was as red as the blood flowing through his veins, and his heart was trying to smash its way out of his chest - he could feel it. The only thing that could make this worse was his older brother and sister walking out from somewhere and telling him that this was some elaborate plan to just further his embarrassment as this school. With his clothes still plastered to his chest, he stared at the boy as he seemed to have become upset or something. How could he be upset?! The boy grabbed the other end of the scarf and glared, which made Andrei respond by looking timidly back at him, all attempts to look intimidating had been drastically dropped. "Excuse me?" he asked, starting to think that there was something seriously wrong with the other boy. "You're throwing my stuff into the lake. I don't even know you!" He exclaimed, becoming rather upset by this whole situation.

His heart sank as the boy mentioned that he recognised Andrei. Andy didn't know how, but he assumed that it was something bad. It was probably because of his siblings - definitely not because he was a nice, sensible person. He lent back slightly as the boy approached him, finding himself growing increasingly nervous. He was then told that, yes, the boy knew him because of his stupid older siblings. But not only that - he didn't even know Andrei's name, and further insulted him by calling him Alex. "My-" He was cut off by more suggestions. "No, my name-" And once again, interrupted and told not to tell, because the boy was going to guess. The young Russian boy then frowned at the boy's presumption, which was totally wrong. "Wait-" He cringed at the touch of the boy, and his temper finally blew up as the boy continued to talk. Andy threw his clothes to the ground and took a few steps from the boy. "My name is Andrei!" He screamed, throwing his hands in the air. "And you are throwing my stuff into the lake!" He repeated, trying to make it sink it. "I don't want to have fun with you, I just want to be left alone." And with his throat now hurting, Andrei knelt down to pick his stuff up from the ground, and trying to hold back tears.
Aleister counted the names that he had stated on the top of his head. The boy was familiar, but he couldn't really remember who he was. He had never been good with names after all. He tend to forget people's name easily, unless that person was interesting enough. He began thinking off names again. It had to start with an A. He knew that the boy's name started with an 'A'. At least, he could remember that much. But before he could talk again and give even more suggestion, the boy just blew up. Not quite literally, though that would be entertaining to watch, but the boy just suddenly screamed. It was too sudden that he was quite sure that his ears would probably bleed as soon as he was done. Though that was definitely an exaggeration, for he could definitely scream much louder than the boy did.

Instead of being offended of being screamed at, he just stared at the boy. His mouth was a agape and his eyes were wide in surprise. The boy didn't really strike him as someone with a temper, so the screaming came out as a surprise. He stared at the boy, unblinking, even though the boy had already knelt down to pick up the stuff that he had thrown to the ground by himself. He would have pointed it out and tell him how ridiculous it was for him to pick up the things that he had thrown by himself but he was still processing what had just happened. He stared and stared until a smile broke into his face. His smile was so wide and he found himself grinning and jumping like a little kid. With both hands, he grabbed the boy's hand and eagerly shook it, completely ignoring the boy's previous outburst. "Well hello Andrei, I'm Aleister!" He exclaimed, his eyes twinkled with mirth. He then stepped back and pick one of the boy's shirt and held it in front of the boy, as if checking whether it really fitted him like they would if he really owned them. It was probably his stuff indeed. But instead of apologizing and looking guilty like any people would should they be found throwing someone's clothes into a lake, he smiled even more, waving the shirt in front of him. "So these were you clothes.... Andrei." There was a slight pause as he tried to remember the boy's name. "I'm not throwing them into the lake, I'm washing them!" He grinned and with one hand holding the shirt, he pointed the other to hole that he made. "See what a good guy I am?" He flashed the boy another smiled as he held the shirt in front of him to see if him and the boy were of the same size. Perhaps the boy didn't have any other clothes to wear as he had literally took them all out of his trunk. He should have been more considerate and leave a shirt or two for the boy to wear. He looked up from the shirt and grinned at the boy, "No one wants to be left alone! I now declare us as friends!" He shook the boy's hand again and walked towards the lake, peeking at the hole that he had made to see whether he could retrieve that clothes that he had thrown there, he still need to hang them off to dry too after all.​
Andrei was so confused. He had just collected some of his clothes, and now the boy was pulling on his hand to shake it? Andrei looked at the boy's goofy grin with a face of utter confusion. He couldn't understand this boy. He was at a total loss of words. He just wanted to collect his stuff, find a professor to dry them, an then fold then up and return them to his trunk. He learnt that the boy's name was Aleister, but he was not too pleased about it. Knowing the boys name did not make everything better. His clothes were still in the lake, and now he was honestly concerned for the boy. He was behaving very peculiarly, and even with the three years that Andrei had been here, he had never really met anyone that wanted to be his friend. He closed his eyes for a moment, feeling stupid that he would ever consider this boy a friend. He was probably just like Alexei. Alexei was always doing stuff like this. "Hello..?" he blubbered, still staring at the boy. He took his hand back as soon as it was released, and tried to carry on with what he was doing.

Andrei shook his head as his shirt was flown in front of him, while his 'new friend' was still grinning. "Yes!" He exclaimed. "These are my clothes." He felt his heartbeat quicken and he took long, deep breaths to stop himself from screaming again. "Aleister... you are throwing my stuff in the lake. You are not," he took another calming breath, "You are not washing them." He refused to follow Aleister's finger as he pointed towards the lake. The young wizard had no plans on looking at his clothes being soaked. "I want to be," he muttered, slowly looking up at Aleister. "Look, you seem nice, but this is all my clothes. I need to get them back to my trunk before the sun goes down - it'll be freezing tonight and we'll get in trouble."
The boy didn't look too pleased, and Aleister was confused. Shouldn't people be happy that someone wanted to be their friend? He brushed the thought off and continued watching the boy with a smile on his face. Maybe Andrei was just too overwhelmed by his sudden declaration. Well he would be too if someone as amazing as he was declared himself to be his friend. That was it. The boy must indeed be too shocked that he couldn't take all those information in. After all, it wasn't everyday that someone would just appear in front of another person and declare his desire to be one's friend. He honestly thinks that people should do that more often though, at least, that way, the world would be a better place to live in. He couldn't understand why some people had to be too serious all the time. Didn't their face muscles hurt with too much frowning? The boy seemed to be on the serious side too, and he didn't like it, which was regrettable, he was starting to get fond of him too.

Aleister just nodded absentmindedly nodded his head as he 'listened' to his new friend talk. His words would enter one ear and just leave the other. Technically, he wasn't really listening, he was just hearing his words, for Aleister paid no attention to them. The goofy grin that he wore was still on his face as the boy continued to talk about his clothes. If he understood what Andrei was trying to say, he didn't show it. He was like a kid in a class who would nod every time a teacher would ask whether he had understood the lesson. He just let the boy talked and found himself nodding his head in a rhythm, and soon, he was humming a tune. He was pretty sure that he was almost at the chorus part when he realized that the boy was done with his rants. He took a long breath and approached the boy, the grin not leaving his face. "Are you done? Good!" he asked, swaying a little on his feet with his hands behind his head. "I am nice, and it's not throwing them, it's washing them!" He repeated, emphasizing each word slowly. "I don't mind getting in trouble. It will be fun." He shrugged and extended his hand in front of him, as if waiting for the boy to give him something. "I'll carry that, don't worry, I won't throw them in the lake" he added with an exaggerated roll of his eyes. He was yet to retrieve the bunch of clothes that he had already thrown into the lake in an attempt to wash them, but alas, he decided that those could wait. He would get them tomorrow, after all, won't it be cleaner if it stayed underwater longer?

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