Let's be realistic

OOC First Name
It had been on rare times like this that Ciel Valentine would feel abandoned and bored. His twin brother was not on his side to actually talk to him, plan pranks for them to pull to other people, insult anyone that they would view as their toys. He didn't know where Kyle had gone off to, for if he did knew that, then he wouldn't be here, sitting in front of a dainty looking cafe, staring into nothingness. He had always been the distant one among the twins, the one who was calmer when alone, and the one who was harder to talk to. It's not that he was violent and all, it's just that, his choice of words were rather harsh, and he cares so little about what the other party would feel about what it was that he was saying.

Feeling that he should at least do something to entertain himself until he had figured out where his twin had been, Ciel turned so he could properly look at his surroundings, everything looks plain to him, zero entertainment. Even when an elderly woman had happened to trip on her way to a seemingly cheap store, Ciel made no move to help, like h3ll he would do that, he wouldn't benefit on it or anything. "Stupid Kyle, where had you gone off to now?" He muttered, getting rather irritated for being idle and for doing nothing at the moment.

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