Let's BAND together.

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Frances Spade said:
Lawrence Andrew Cavell said:
Okay then, but let's wait for Domino as she posted first. I'll be informing you once the bad is completed.

I believe Domino is leaving for good, atleast that's what she told her cousin who told all of us a couple of hours ago in spam thread.. :erm: So it would seem that the spot would still be open
Hey Guys I'm back from the Roadtrip! :p
Well, it's a band not a showdown of dance or anything so it's obvious that there no need of a dancer. As for the singer place, we already have Adalyn as the lead singer and Well we are in Dumstrang and I don't think pop matches the style of the band and everything so... thanks for the offer. :)

So It's been 2 weeks??

- I think Cocoa will be great as a keyboardist as she posted first for the position of keyboardist with the history and all.
Welcome to the band! :wub:

As for the Roadie I need to know the final. Between Domino or Dave, I need to know who's in.

Band Members (Final List)

Lawrence "Enzo" Cavell - Lead Guitarist (Enzo)

Adalyn Jez - Lead Singer (Steph)

Zac Mathews - Bassist (Bex)

Damien Cooper - Guitarist (Summer)

Yukio Hiroshi - Drummer (Danielle)

Amphitrite Zchechaf - Keyboardist (Pattycakes)

Is Yukio still part of the band or something?? :r
-Great then! Welcome to the Band as a Roadie! Though we'll be needing you more on the later part as we are concentrating on band as well. I'll update you once we need our Roadie. ^_^
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