Let's BAND together.

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Lawrence Andrew Cavell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Kingwood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Hey Everyone! :D

And so I got bored earlier and thought of something impulsive.
Well, you see my Character here Enzo, love to play various types of guitar
most especially Electric Guitar. He own lots of them, which made me think of
think idea to start a band. I need some musically gifted characters of yours.

Drummer, Guitarist, Bassist, Keyboardist, Lead Singer. (I'm not sure if my character would
be the Lead singer or the guitarist.), Roadie (packs up gear, takes down gear, sets up stage etc.)
and more.

What I need are Durmstang Students, fourth years and up please? Male or Female.

As for the name of the Band I have some ideas, but feel free to share your ideas.

Hope to be jamming with all of you soon!!!! :wub:
You know my fourth year Adalyn, I made her in a band with older students her being the Lead Singer, so if you're interested in having her as the singer then I'm all for it :)

Adalyn Jez, 4th year
Lawrence Andrew Cavell said:
Taylor Momsen, right? Is she still in the band with the other students?

If your chosen celebrity (P:cool: sings or knows how to play an instrument then that sounds great. ^_^

Well we can just say that this is that band :r ^_^
That sounds great then. ^_^
Let's wait for more future band members.

Well, Steph actually posted first and well I'm not sure if it's first come
first serve but still. Let's see until the whole band is completed. Is that okay? :)
Plus the fact Adalyn's been a singer for the start so it's not like I'm randomly changing something about her now :p
Though her "band" was basically falling apart now so prehaps this can just be a new group for her if that works for you Enzo :D
So I'm now checking out Youtube and searched for Nathalia Ramos, there wasn't much singing for her. As for Taylor Momsen, I have Pretty Reckless on my MP3 so I know what's her voice sounds like. I also think that it's much easier for us to choose with the whole character/celebrity thing. We could also have videos as an audition? :)

Do you have any videos that can prove she plays any musical instrument. :tut:
If the videos are how you're going to do it then I have an idea for mine but I need to head off to school so I'll check back in :)
Zac sings and plays electric and acoustic guitar. :) (But mainly acoustic.)

As talented as he is, he refuses to believe it, so maybe being in a band will bring out his confidence!!! :D

I know Zac isn't a Durmstrang but I have been thinking about making him one. ;)
Amphitrite here can play the piano but is only tried in the classical arts. She wouldn't openly try-out for the band but if she knew Enzo was she might try it :lol: So she could try for the keyboardist position?
@Zac Mathew
-Can I know your OOC name, I think it's necessary to know each band member even when OOC. ^_^
I'm very much aware that your PB Nick Jonas is a singer/songwriter/drummer and guitarist.
Sounds great to have you, though it is much easier if your in Durmstrang as well.

-I'm sorry to inform you but Danielle Panabaker does not sing, it was her sister Kay that sings. :jesse:
Though I can agree with you that she can be the Roadie. :) As for the manager, that will be decided later when the whole band is complete. Also for the Roadie it's fine if she's not in Durmstang.

-Like I said before, Adalyn fits as the singer. As we all know Durmstrang is quite dark and Taylor Momsen's fits.
I very much appreciate the video, it's like an actual audition! Welcome to the band! :wub:

-Damien Cooper right? I think he'll fit in just well, as I could sense some similarity with Enzo. (The whole accent thing.) :p
Though my only problem is that he's not a Durmstang student. :unsure:

-Cocoa! :wub: , As we know she's Enzo's close friend and hopefully as band member as well. I do have a question though if
her PB can play the piano/keyboard as well? Just wondering. :p

@To all who wants to be guitarist. :tut:
-I just want to inform you that Enzo is the Lead Guitarist so, we'll need a bassist and I'm not sure if we still need one more one guitarist. What do you think guys? :r

"We are still in need of a Drummer and other different musical instruments, etc. Thank You Everyone! :wub:

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