Closed Lending a Helping Hand

Louis Vernier

university student | muggle-oriented
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Larch Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
Louis had been working very hard to get where he was in his life. During the last year, not only had he learnt about the course he was doing at university, but also a lot about muggle life as well. He tried his best not to interact with his classmates however, as he was afraid they would somehow find out he wasn't one of them. Looking for work placement had also been extremely difficult. What if he accidentally freaked out and used his magic in front of the muggles? He really wished in times like these that he didn't have his magical abilities.

When Louis saw the advertisement in the wizarding newspaper, he suddenly felt very excited. He could definitely use this as work experience, and he didn't have to worry about his magic whilst he was there. It was perhaps the perfect job for him. He cut it out of the paper and immediately threw on his coat and scarf so he could get there and apply. He apparated just down the road of the farm, and walked up the dirt path to the property. It was very well kept and trees of all shapes and sizes surrounded it. He heard the sound of chickens as he approached the front door, and he was excited to meet them should be have the opportunity. With the clipping held tightly in his hand, he used his other hand to knock firmly on the door, hoping the man who posted the advertisement was home.

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