- Messages
- 372
- OOC First Name
- Marijke
- Blood Status
- Half Blood
- Relationship Status
- Seeing Somebody
- Sexual Orientation
- Sofia
- Wand
- Curly 14 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Boomslang venom Core
- Age
- 3/2032 (29)

Leif Aleksander Ødegard
Leif Aleksander Ødegard
ETYMOLOGYLeif is of Scandinavian origin, and the meaning of is "heir; loved". According to Norse legend, the Viking Leif Ericson landed his longboat on American shores some 500 years before Columbus arrived -- Aleksander as a name for boys is of Greek derivation, and the meaning of the name Aleksander is "man's defender, warrior" -- Ødegard is a family name of Scandinavian origin meaning "deserted farm".
PRONUNCIATIONLeif pronounced as LAYF .
Aleksander pronounced as ahl-ek-SAHN-der.
WHYLeif's first name was easily decided on because it is a family name. It was his grandfathers name, his uncle's name, his father's middle name and it was only appropriate that it would be his name as well. The name Aleksander was chosen by his parents as a reminder that it is always good to stand up for others and help others when you can
NICKNAMESBecause his name is already short it isn't one to be easily turned into a nickname, His father used to call him 'champion' or 'champ' when he was younger and still does on occasion.
BLOOD STATUS Leif is a Half-Blood wizard, his father is a muggle whilst his mother is a witch.
ROOTSHe is 100% Norwegian. Both his parents' families have their roots buried deep into Norwegian history. It's something he'sproud of.
PREVIOUS RESIDENCE(S)Leif has previously lived in family homes in Fredrikstad, Norway and Dunedin, New Zealand.
CURRENT RESIDENCE Leif lives in a small apartment in the wizarding community of Wellington.
WAND Curly 14 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others. Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality. Wood: 'Rowan Gossips' - there may well be truth there, as a Rowan wand is excellent at protective spells: its owner will live to gossip! This wand calls to the pure of heart - no known users of the dark arts have held such a wand. Core: Wands with a core of boomslang venom are good for use in transfiguration work. It is known to boost jinxes and hexes. Flexibility: Flexible: Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its weilder. |
Leif was born on the 25th of March, 2032.
PLACE OF BIRTHHe was born in Fredrikstad, Norway.

♂ Mars. Mars is the planet of outward activity and animal passion. It rules Aries and is exalted in Capricorn. This fiery planet is masculine in action, versus softer more receptive Venus. When strong in the chart it can indicate a volatile temper, and also great courage. Its position indicates how your personality will assert itself, and what modes of activity will stimulate your physical energies.
Lucas Till
HAIRSomewhere between golden platinum and light ash blonde. His hair gets a few shades lighter in summer. He doesn't have one specific hairstyle that he likes, although he'll never let it grow too long.
EYESLeif has baby blue eyes, a trait he shares mostly with his mothers side of the family. His eyes are often one of the first things people notice about him.
BUILDLeif has been playing ice hockey since he was young, leaving him with quite an athletic build. After their move to New Zealand he unfortunately had to quit, but kept up with other sports.
VOICEHe has a pleasant voice that used to be laced with a Norwegian accent, but over time his accent got lost.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURESA couple of scars from times he fell or got hit whilst playing ice hockey when he was younger.
LANGUAGESLeif is fluent in Norwegian and knows his way around some other Scandinavian languages. After moving to New Zealand his English improved and he's become as fluent in it as he is in his mother tongue.
DOMINANT HANDHe is right handed, his sister tried to teach him how to write with left as well but he never quite got the hang of it.
ALLERGIES Leif doesn't have any allergies that he or his family are aware of.
Charismatic. Confident in a positive way, appealing to others.
Protective. Strong desire to take care of and look after others.
Confident. Feeling or showing confidence/certainty about oneself or one's abilities and qualities.
Born leader. Displaying characteristics and character traits of a leader.
Athletic. Physically strong, fit and active.
OVERALL PERSONALITYLeif is an extremely charismatic person, always has been. He is kind, friendly and caring. He is a social person and loves to interact with others, often willing to help them. He cares a lot about people and would always want what's best for them. Leif can get protective over his friends and family and even over complete strangers if he notices they are in trouble. He's a confident guy both in his looks as well as in his actions. Leif can be a bit stubborn from time to time. He is also highly athletic and loves to keep in shape, which might just be because it kept some sort of structure in his life when he was struggling with everything else.
STRENGTHSLeif is a very charismatic person, he's an easy talker and loves meeting new people. He's also confident in himself. He loves to learn and has a strong sense of compassion.
WEAKNESSESLeif can be can be indecisive.
PATRONUSBuffalo. Sacrifice, wisdom. The buffalo is an intense symbol of life and abundance. Buffalo people are often wise leaders, good providers and gentle in nature but firm in resolve.
ERISEDWhen he was younger Leif would see himself as a professional ice hockey player. However, as he grew up things changed. At one point near the end of his time at school he would just see himself be happy , not struggling anymore, and that has stuck ever since.
AMORTENTIAHe would smell pine trees, lemon and Norwegian's national flower the purple heather.
Therese Rosenberg.
FIRST KISSTherese Rosenberg.
PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPSTherese Rosenberg - Therese was Leif's best friend and they started dating somewhere halfway through their time at Hogwarts. They broke up shortly after graduation.
CURRENT RELATIONSHIPLeif is currently dating Sofia Rosenberg.
Leif currently teaches Transfiguration at Hogwarts New Zealand. He started as a professor in Y43 (2058-2059).
EDUCATIONHomeschooled, 2036-2043.
Hogwarts New Zealand, 2043-2050
Victoria University of Wellington (Educational Psychology, Undergraduate), 2050-2053.
Victoria University of Wellington (Psychology, Post graduate), 2053-2054.
HOUSE Leif was sorted into Hufflepuff.
THOUGHTSHe was glad to be sorted into Hufflepuff because that meant he would be in the same house as his sister. Leif has always enjoyed being a Hufflepuff and wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world.
SORTING POSTLeif was absolutely thrilled to go to Hogwarts, mostly because of the stories his sister had told him about the three years she had already been at the school. Every time she came home during a holiday she would tell him whatever he wished to hear, followed up by other stories. Needless to say the boy had heard more than enough to know that he'd be having a far better time at the school than he would at home. Not that anyone could blame him, it was hard being the only boy at home, escpecially since his father was away most of the time and Freya spend the majority of her time at Hogwarts. That just left his mother and him. He didn't dislike his mother, but it was about time for the boy to get away from home and make some new friends. Making his way into the Great Hall amongst the other soon to be first years Leif looked around and smiled. Never in his life had the kid seen such an amazing place as Hogwarts, which ofcourse isn't too hard to understand seeing as the boy had never left the house a lot. Yet, even after the stories his sister had told him, Hogwarts exceeded all of his expectations. Once they reached the front of the hall the group of students came to a stop and Leif tried to control his nerves. He wasn't nervous very often, but as far as he knew sorting was quite a big moment in the life of Hogwarts' students and he was quite anxious to know which house he would be placed in. He was soon to find out though, as the Sorting Hat called out his name and he was forced to make his way over to the stool and sit down. Here goes nothing. "Odegard, Leif!" "I think you'll find that there are plenty of good friends to be had in HUFFLEPUFF!" |
FATHER David Jacob Ødegard D.O.B 27th of August, 2000 BLOOD STATUS Muggle RELATIONSHIP STATUS Married EDUCATION Norwegian Business School HOUSE N/A | MOTHER Aelie Ødegard-Vårvik D.O.B 12th of June, 2002 BLOOD STATUS Mixed Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Married EDUCATION Hogwarts Scotland HOUSE Slytherin | ![]() SISTER Freya Ragnhild Ødegard D.O.B 26th of Novermber, 2028 BLOOD STATUS Half Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS In a relationship EDUCATION Hogwarts New Zealand HOUSE Hufflepuff |
Leif used to look up to his father a lot, he was a role model for both him and his sister. He used to admire the fact that their dad always made time for them even when he was an incredibly busy man. Leif has always been close with his father and still is.
His mother used to teach both Leif and his sister when they were younger, though she was always more kind to Leif than she ws to his sister. This has left a bad taste in Leif's mouth and because he's so close with his sister has left him become more distant towards his mother over time.
Leif and Freya have always been close, only growing closer when the family moved to New Zealand and they both had to attend Hogwarts. At that point in time he was beyond excited to be sorted into the same house as his sister, meaning it was so much easier to get a hold of her if he needed to. Freya has always been Leif's biggest supporter and he's incredibly proud of her.
Leif was born in Fredrikstad, Norway. He was the second child and last child his parents had. When Leif was young his father wasn't as busy as he later got to be and would often take Leif to ice hockey games, being his biggest supporter when the kid decided he wanted to play himself as well. They were mainly a happy little family, although the tension between his mother and sister has always been present. After Leif's father got promoted he got reposted and their family had to move out of Norway and into New Zealand. Leif and his sister never went to school but rather got homeschooled by their mother. Asides from the kids he used to play hockey with Leif never had much friends as a kid, which is why he was so excited when he was finally able to attend Hogwarts so he could go to a real school and make tons of new friends. After graduation, Leif struggled with what he wanted to do with his life. He eventually decided to attend a Muggle University and get his undergraduate and postgraduate degree.
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