- Messages
- 717
- OOC First Name
- Lin
- Wand
- 10 1/4" hawthorn with essence of phoenix tears
Sakura doubled over laughing when she read Bruins next letter. Love Potion, my foot! The thought alone was enough to set her giggling, she no more believed in love or the need for such ridiculous things as love potions. Shaking her head she went to her room and began to write a letter back to Bruin, of course now that school had started she would have to send it to Hogwarts. His owl 'Legend' was doing much better and she knew that he would be well able for the journey to New Zealand, part of her though was going to miss him. She had liked having him here, it was like having her friend here with her though in a very untalkative way. With a smile on her face she looked at the photo he had sent her and looked about her room for a frame to put it in. Having finally found one, she placed his photo on her bureau so that at least whenever she wrote to him, she would see him. Looking at his picture she wondered about the ear-ring a little, had he had that last year? Was she so shallow as to not notice?
She began writing and the smile that was now permenently on her face when she wrote to Bruin was there again.
She began writing and the smile that was now permenently on her face when she wrote to Bruin was there again.
Sakura attached the letter to Legend and gave him a gentle kiss on his head before sending him off. She would miss him of course but Digs was back and the way herself and Bruin seemed to be writing to one another lately, she would definitely see him again.Hey Wonder Boy!
Glad to see your sense of humour is still intact anyhow, nice photo by the way. It covers up this really nasty crack in the wall of my room by the way - so thank you. Very thoughtful! haha Of course I'll include one of me, why you'd want one is well beyond me of course but I know you've most likely encountered some horrendous stain on your own wall and need something to cover it up. Well my mug will serve its purpose then. Couldn't for the life of me figure out which one to send you so have enclosed two. One was taken at the Yule Ball we had last year, my final ever ball - if I had known that I might actually have gone with a date! The other was before myself and my two friends from Beauxbaton academy decided to do a skydive. Exhilarating to say the least.
For even suggesting that I would lower my standards to creating a 'love potion' I really shouldn't have bothered writing back to you but Legend needed returning though I think he prefers me now! haha (obviously feed him better he's not feather and bone anymore) I can tell you that it has nothing at all to do with 'love' or anything of that nature. It's more practical really, oh and could you stop shaking my picture already - sort of getting a headache here! haha
So how is being back at school working out then? Being Head-Boy is a really big deal, did I mention I was proud of you for that? Well , I am. As if the girls at your school needed to look up to you anymore! Must get pretty lonely at the top, is there also a Head Girl then? Got the results from my OWLs and passed all with flying colours or soaring 'Os' any how. And surprisingly enough my tutor is actually alright. Will take me a while to get used to the whole "I'm the only student' concept but I'm sure for now I can live with it. Maybe someday if I behave myself, they'll (as in parenting bodies) will let me go to New Zealand for a visit. I know my father travels around a fair bit now, being a consultant healer other than just a normal professor of healing. He gives lectures and such and trains other professors and would-be professors of healing. He honestly is under the illusion that someday his daughter will follow in his footsteps but Alchemy is where I'm heading.
And surely you would have noticed exactly how experimental I was, I made friends with you didn't I? hahaha
Well, have a few assignments to plough through already. Work load is pretty intense this year but you know that already, at least you have your mates to brain storm with. If by any chance you notice a mad influx in letters from me, it'll be school related and begging for your help no doubt. That's the worst part of not having a massive library and studying on your own. Anyhow, I best let you go for now - I'm sure you've a ton of duties to attend to and plenty of quidditch to practise.
Take care
Yule Ball photo - had to wear a dress! OMG!! hahaha