Left by herself.

Izumi Toyohana

Well-Known Member
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
That tore it. Izumi was sick of her mother treating her like she was some little piece of garbage. She went into her room and locked the door, then snuck out of her back window. She wished her dad was home; he was proud of her. She hated it, hated everything. She walked on, going to the place called Brightstone Village. She was so angry that she didn't see that there was a turn up ahead. There were two thuds. One when she hit the wall; and then one when she hit the ground. She laid there, not caring who watched her. She kept her eyes closed and muttered. "I can't believe this!"
Brendon was walking through Brightstone trying to stay out of the crowds, how could this be happening? He had been an only child for all his life, and now his mom was pregnant? How was she going to handle this without dad? Pain filled Brendon when he thought about his dad who had died just two months ago, at least he took some comfort in the fact that they knew the kid was dads and his mom hadn't cheated on him. Brendon took a turn into an ally where he saw Izumi laying there on the ground. Brendon ran up and squatted down by her head, "Izumi are you ok? are you hurt?" he asked.
Izumi could hear footsteps approaching her, and they seemed to be coming fast. That's when a familiar voice reached her ears. She let her eyes flutter open to see Brendon Squatting beside her. She smiled. "I'm fine. This isn't the first time this has happened." She sat up and brushed off the bottom part of her dress. "Long time no see. How are you?" She asked, looking at him. the last time she had seen him, he had worried her half to death.
"I guess you could say I'm alright" he muttered. "Why were you lying on the ground?" he asked trying to change the conversation. Brendon looked at the dress she was wearing, it kinda looked like a Halloween costume in his opinion but he wouldn't say so out loud, that would be just rude.
She rubbed the back of her head, and then her forehead, which had a bit of blood on it. "I ran into the wall." She laughed."So hows your mom?" She asked, remembering him saying something about her being in the hospital.
Brendon laughed a little with her when she said she ran into a wall. He froze for a second when she asked how his mom was, "I guess shes alright, it depends on how you look at it.... shes pregnant" Brendon replied with a small frown. Brendon then noticed she has blood dripping down her forehead and used his sleeve to wipe it off.
She smiled at him. "you don't want a little brother or sister?" She asked. "i mean it's none of my business, i was just asking." He wiped the blood away from her forehead, and she blushed. "Don't ruin your sleeves on me." She said smiling a half smile.
"yeah its okay I guess, but I don't know how shes going to handle it, the reason I'm here instead of school is because my dad just died two months ago and she needs me, shes taking it really hard, and I'm worried shes going to do something stupid and end up hurting herself" Brendon replied sadly. The other night he had found his mom in the kitchen with a knife, it has scared him to death and he had to calm her down.
Izumi's face turned into a frown and she, instinctively, wrapped her arms around him. "I'm so very sorry. it must be horrible!" She said. She could never imagine loosing her father, she loved him dearly. She felt horrible for brendon, but realized she was hugging him, and let go quickly. "I'm sorry!"
Brendon smiled and hugged her back, he had needed that, "Thanks yeah I really miss him, you know I'm not always as jumpy as the last time you saw me, me and one or two other people I can handle, just not tons of people roaming the streets" Brendon replied letting go when she let go.
"Oh, you have like a fear of crowds. You would hate japan!" She said with a slight giggle. "So what ahve you been up to. Met anyone nice yet... i mean friends."
"Yeah I have enochlophobia, so I bet your right, Japan would be a bad idea" he said with a small smile, "Well, I've met you, and a really nice older girl named Kat" Brendon replied, "and thats about it"
She scrunched up her face. "Big words hurt my brain." She laughed a bit, and sat on her knees, her dress covering them. "Well that's good, you are making friends at least." She was glad that Brendon was making friends. She hadn't had much luck with that. She tapped her knees, waiting for him to say something.
Brendon laughed when she said she didn't like big words, Brendon hadn't realized his legs were starting to hurt until she sat down. He sat down on the ground and crossed his legs, "Have you met anyone?" he asked, he hoped she had, Izumi was really nice it seemed weird that she wouldn't have any.
She thought. the only one who had made an impression on her was Casper. "yeah, this guy named Casper. And then you!" Seh grinned. She looked at the ground, making faces in the cobblestone.
"Thats cool" he replied watching her make faces at the ground, "what are you doing?" he asked after watching her for a bit.
"I honestly don't know." She said looking up at him and smiling. She was glad to be out of the house, where she could actually smile with her teeth. at home mother said it was smug, but it hurt her face to smile the way she had taught her. "So... what now?" She asked.

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