Learning opportunities

Ruben Right

Triplet| Moody| Friendly| Stubborn
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Elm Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Ruben was very excited that he was finally having charms so he wanted to learn as much as possible. He wondered if he could learn the advanced spells that his book talked about, most importantly, he hoped the teacher could help him even thought it was extremely early in the semester. He knocked at the door of the office hoping to find Professor Blaze in there. Hopefully he wasn't doing something else and he might even have a free period to teach him the spells right now. Ruben thought it would be wiser to bring the charms book with him so he wouldn't forget the names of the advanced spells. Even though he never had charms he wasn't clueless on doing spells as Professor Styx had thought them both Protego and Stupefy so the boy thought he was ready for something for.

@Professor Takuya Blaze
Professor Blaze looked up as he heard a knock upon the door to his temporary office, and stood up to open the door for them to come inside. "Come in." He told the first year student before returning to his seat. "What can I help you with?" He asked, a smile on his face.
Ruben entered the class, even after the professor had already given detention to Liusaidh he didn't seem scary at all, on the contrary he was probably one of the nicest peofessors that he had. "Good morning Professor Blaze" he said entering the office "I know it's still early on the semester but I was wondering if you could teach me the advanced spells that our book talks about but that we don't learn in class." he added wondering if Professor Blaze would ever accept that considering they were still learning pretty basics spell in his class. Ruben decided not to tell that he wanted to learn the spells purely for academic purposes as he loved to learn new things, instead he tried convincing the professor with another thing "You know, advanced spells would come really handy on the students duels next year" which was true, Ruben just wasn't sure if next year he'd sign up for the duels.

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