lazy paddle

Myuna Kickett

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It was the end of summer or the start of autumn. for new zealand standard it was a very warm day. for this reason the fifth year slytherin was in the grounds in her bathes. including boardies, a bikini and rashie. she had noticed a few weeks earlier that the shed for the muggle sports club had hidden at the back half a dozen kayaks some single some double. a flick of her wand she managed to levitate three of them (two single and one double) to the edge of the lake. before heading back for paddles. leaving two on the edge of the water in case anyone else wanted to join her she took a blue and green one and headed into the water, bushing off from the sandy bottom and enjoying the feeling of being on the water and the much familiar resistance of the paddles as she moved through the water.
as she went she looked around the lake she felt slightly home sick. it was totally different setting than the Margaret river but it still brought mack thoughts of summer afternoons with her cousins swimming, kayaking, fishing, and then having lunch. unknowingly she started mumbling one of the songs they always used to sing on the way to the water an old song about the landscape, the rainbow serpent, and ancestors who walked the same path many years beforehand. It was in Wardandi, something she doubted anyone else at the school would be able to understand it or even know what it was.

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