Lazing Around.

Declan Walker

Well-Known Member
Dec lay on the sands of Obsidian Harbour in a white t-shirt and some shorts. It was a bright and sunny afternoon, so Dec decided that it would be a good day to just sit back and relax. He led with his hands behind his head, as he heard the busy working day of the Harbour Men in the background. He looked to his right to see some female looking feet. He looked up to see the face that matched the feet. "Hello There." He said with a cheeky smile, sitting up to get a proper look at the girl.
Smiling as she lay back with her eyes closed, Cyndi listened to the sounds of the waves crashing over the harbor, wishing that she could stay all day. Lying there in a pair of shorts and a tank-top, she felt as if she had no cares in the world and even though the winter would be fast approaching, she was glad that that day was not today.

When she heard a male voice speak beside her, Cyndi turned her head and opened her eyes, squinting in the sun to catch a glimpse of who was speaking. Shielding her eyes against the sun, she saw a man perhaps a few years older than her if that, smiling down at her. "Uh...hi" she said, sitting up slightly and reaching over to grab her shades which were lying beside her in one of her flip-flops. "Guess you had the same idea, huh? To enjoy the weather?" she said with a smile of her own.
Dec smiled when the girl replied. He watched her pick up her shades. "Hey...Yeah that sun is bright isn't it?" He joked a little. "And yeah, I guess I did...getting a tan is always a good idea." He said, feeling slightly awkward. Dec grabbed some sand, and let it fall through his fingers, as he thought of something to say to the girl.

When he had thought of something he looked back at the girl and smiled once again. "So, you should probably know that I'm Dec..." He said, holding his hand out to the girl. "And do I have the pleasure of knowing your name?" He said charmingly. Dec liked to please the girls.
Cyndi nodded as she put her shades on, finally getting a better look at the guy. As he held out his hand to her and introduced himself, Cyndi smiled again, amused by his pick up line. She wasn't sure if she was amused in a good way or not though. She supposed that time would tell.

"Oh yea? I guess I missed the memo..." she said sarcastically as she shook his hand. "I'm Cyndi" she added. As she glanced once again at the waves rushing into the harbor, Cyndi tossed some conversation ideas around. "So how long have you been in New Zealand?" she finally asked.
Dec's smile widened. This girl seemed nice enough. "Well it's nice to meet you Cyndi..." He said, as he released his hand from hers. Dec watched as Cyndi seemed to look at the Harbour. He followed her sight line with his eyes, curious as to what she was looking at. He turned back to face her when she spoke. "Well, I've been here all my life..." He said trailing off, trying not to say anything dumb, or make a fool of himself. Dec was vulnerable to that sort of embarrassment..."What about you? Have you been here long?" He asked, curiously.
Cyndi smiled at the guy. He seemed rather nervous and she had no idea why that was. He had nothing to fear from her. "Oh...but you didn't go to HNZ, did you?" she asked Declan, pretty sure of two things. One, that he was near her age and two, that she had never seen him in the school before.

"My family moved here when I was 10 and I've lived here ever since." Cyndi had never really explored New Zealand until she became of age though. Before then, most of her time was spent in school and whenever she wasn't in school she was in her parent's home. "My place is actually not too far from here" she mentioned, nodding her head in the direction of her home. You couldn't see it from the Harbor because she didn't have a place with a view, but it was still close enough that she could enjoy the harbor whenever she wanted to.
Dec smiled. "Well I say I've been here all my life...and I practically have...but I have darted around the place quite a bit...and I am originally from Liverpool." Dec said listening as Cyndi spoke some more.

"Oh right, so I bet your quite familiar with the Harbour these days then?" He asked, wondering just how far Cyndi lived from where they were. "So...seeing as you are a pretty girl...who is now in my company...can I buy you a drink or something?" He asked. Dec liked to play the charming gentlemen.

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