Laying in the dirt

Abigail Lurken-Mckay

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Spanish Cedar 14" Core of Werewolf fur and Phoenix feather.
After running out of the castle, Abbey ran into the Forbidden Forest with tears still streaming down her hot cheeks.She went deep into the forest. She was trying to avoid everyone and her own sad excuse for a life. Everyone at Hogwarts knew about her past and it was all because of Alyssa Snow. She had thought that the Slytherin had been her best friend out of the Glam Squad and it hurt her to know that she betrayed her trust.

The brunette collasped on the bed of the forest, and dug her fingers into the soil as she wailed tirelessly. "Why?!" she moaned, not caring how dirty she was getting just by laying on the ground, she had been much worse before. "It's not fair," she cried to herself.

sorry that was bad I just wanted to get it started
Theodore had been searching for Abbey everywhere. He needed to find if she's okay. Although he was a little ticked that Abbey kind of accused Alyssa over all the other suspects that there could have been. But it couldn't be helped, there was probably no way Theo could convince Abbey that Alyssa was in no way capable of writing and publishing a magazine. Somehoe finding himself at the Forbidden Forest Theo stopped when her heard sobbing.

'She's crying?' Theodore sighed and made his way over to where he heard the sobbing. Once he was close, Theodore confirmed it was Abbey and immediantly his heart lurched painfully. He didn't understand why he felt so bad, she was the one who was being rude to him and making him feel like the jerk. "Abbey?" Theodore asked once he was close enough that she could hear him.
Abbey heard Theodore's voice say her name and she groaned to herself. She didn't want him to see her like this. She sat up, and looked up at her beau, with tears still trailing down her cheeks. "Yeah?" she asked, as she attempted to wipe away the dirt from her cheeks with her hands that were dirtier still.

The Slytherin closed her eyes painfully. Her eyes were stinging from the pain of betrayel. She looked up at him, her expression showed that she so desperately needed a hug, and hoped that Theodore would let them forget their anger with each other so she could be comforted even a little bit.

Abigail's stomach hurt, and her whole body was shivering from pain, as her violet eyes began to haze over. For the first time since the winter break she had gone back into her orphanage. She was having a flashback.

Her flashbacks, they weren't like any memory. No, she was in Godric's Hollow, in the Girl's Orphanage on her small cot that smelled of tears, pain and blood. The Man was standing over her with an evil smirk on his lips as he watched her cry and ball herself up in fetal position.

"Stop," Abbey whispered pleadingly, to the Man, not knowing that she was actually in New Zealand with Theodore Snow standing in front of her. Tears continued to erupt before she convulsed and came back into the present.
"Are you okay?" Theodore asked as he walked foward until he was standing next to Abbey, he held put his pale hands in hopes that she would take it and and stand up. Theodore didn't like seeing her on the ground like that. It didn't suit her at all.
"Are you okay?" Abbey wanted to lie and say that she was perfectly fine, but she wasn't. She was heart broken, and it showed. She looked over at Theodore's snow white hands, and took them gently, as she stood up. Once standing she looked deep into Theodore's forest green eyes, pain was stricken across her facials all the while. She needed a hug at this moment, and she wasn't going to wait for Theodore to give her one, so she flung her arms around him.

The brunette shut her eyes tightly as she rested her forehead on Theodore's shoulder. She inhaled his comforting scent gently. "No I'm not," she finally answered. Even though she was extremely sad and hurt she was a little happier with Theodore, which had always been so odd to her. Even this past month when they had been fighting it made her happier.
Theodore merely blinked before suddenly he brought into hug by Abbey. It shocked him greatly because he assumed that they were both fighting, but he returned the hug softly. Theodore felt like a jerk, which was rare for him. Theodore rarely cared what others thought about his actions. Abbey made him do a lot of things he didn't understand, and it scared him to death because he was afraid of getting attached to someone and getting them taken away again. Somehow his heart seemed to be ignoring his fear and was throwing him into a mess he didn't really know how to deal with. With a soft sigh Theodore released Abbey and looked at her softly. With his hand he softly grabbed Abbey's chin and forced her to look up and him.

"Abbey, I'm so sorry." Theodore whispered before he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers softly.
*fawn* 8-> Awwwh

and sorry for my lame-o post

Abbey's heart pounded and she felt like she was going into cartiac arrest as Theodore lifted her face to his. Her violet eyes were wide with shock as he apologized to her, and leaned in to kiss her. She could barely process her thoughts enough to return the kiss or even close her eyes, so she just stood there as tears continued to trail down her cheeks and touching Theodore's pale cheeks as well, because their faces were touching.
Once Theodore pulled away he rested his forehead against hers and gave her a light smile. At least she reacted better then he had. Theodore was half expecting her to hit him or run away. Frankly he felt that he deserved both of those. Staring into Abbey's violent eyes he was tempted to kiss her again, but decided to wait incase she decided to attack him in some way.

"If your going to hit please don't aim for the face." Theodore joked lightly, hoping to get a small smile out of her. He hated when girls were sad or cried, because it was often the work of some guy. Theodore also hoped that if he was able to calm her down she would tell him what exactly happened, he knew Alyssa wasn't going to say anything.
Abbey looked up at Theodore curiously as they became tete-a-tete. She was more then shocked at this moment, in fact she was quite confused why he had done that. "If your going to hit please don't aim for the face." She frowned at this, though the corners of her lips curled up into a small smirk. She hit him in the arm scoldingly for thinking that she was going to hit him in the first place.

"Theodore?" Abbey asked meekly. "What was that for?" she blurted out with confusion. She hoped he wasn't offended by this but she thought that he didn't want her the same way she wanted him. Well after she kissed him she had anyway.
"Because I like you....a lot more then I think you know." Theodore said calmly and removed his forehead from Abbey's as he brought his other arm to rub the one she had hit. At least she honored his wish and decided not to smack him in the face. Actually, if Theo had kept him mouth shut she probably wouldn't have smacked him at all. "You hit like a girl..." Theodore teased.
"I like you....a lot more then I think you know." Abbey smiled affectionately at Theodore upon hearing these words, as her cheeks began to burn. As he teased her, she rolled her violet eyes, before placing a soft kiss on his cheek. "That's because I wouldn't want to hurt you," she responded playfully. Alyssa will feel the full brunt of my wrath however. If she doesn't want to leave Hogwarts next week I'd be surprised, she thought with a small smirk in her eyes.

Abbey's mind pushed those back and would bring them back at a later time, as she looked back at Theodore. She leaned in softly and kissed the blond boy in front of her with more love and affection that she would ever think that she had inside of her. As she leaned back, she slyly asked, "So exactly how much do you like me?"
"Enough to ask you if you'd like to go to the Yule Ball with me." Theodore was tempted to ask her to be his girlfriend, but it was far to soon for that. Leaning foward to kiss Abbey another quick kiss he pulled back and grinned slyly. If she kissed him back that must've meant she liked him as well. Quickly flipping some of his blonde hair away from his face he continued to stare at Abbey adoringly with his dark green eyes. "Sorry, I threw a tissue box and you and called you a brat. I didn't really mean it. I was just upset because I thought you hated me." Theodore let his hands soft grab Abbey's and link his fingers link with hers.
"Enough to ask you if you'd like to go to the Yule Ball with me." Even though Abbey appeared to be calm and cool at hearing these words, she was melting inwardly. He was so inticing and irresistable to her, and it amazed her that he returned the affection to her. With a gentle blush Abbey smiled into the quick peck, wishing it had lasted longer. She sighed with a silly love struck grin. "And I like you enough to say that I'd love to go to the Ball with you," she answered brightly.

"I thought you hated me." Abbey shook her head at this, she could never hate Theodore, no not ever. "I could never hate you Theodore Snow," the brunette said honestly, and emphasizing the word never to show that even if something had gone horribly wrong with the relationship that was bound to occur she would never hate him. She loved him too much as her best friend for that.

Abigail looked down at their linked hands and smiled, bringing one up to her soft lips gently. She kissed his hand softly, before putting their hands down again. "I'm sorry for acting so childish and running away but.." she trailed off, and gave Theodore a look that showed that the only reason she had ran away from everything was because she was afraid that he wouldn't return her affections and not want her in his life any longer.
"Don't let that magazine bring you's just writing that someone writes because they're bored withtheir own lives." Theodore smiled and wrapped his arm around Abbey in a soft hug. He was glad the she accepted to go to the Yule Ball with him, now he just needed to find out what happened in the Great Hall.

Sighing quickly Theodore asked softly; "What happened in the Great Hall earlier?" Theodore asked, wondering why Abbey had run out.
Abbey's eyes narrowed with frustration as Theodore mentioned the Gossip Magazine. "It was Alyssa that wrote it you know. She was the one that told everyone about my past. Willow, Alyssa, Noah, the Goth Gang and you. Willow, Noah and of course you wouldn't go so low as to betray my trust and I'm pretty sure that you all have no patience to do that as well." She paused for a moment before adding, "The Gothasoars wouldn't do that because they don't have the intelligence and because they prefer to see me squirm."

Abigail sighed softly and said, "It only leaves your sister." She squeezed her arms around Theodore gently, almost apologetically for what she had planned to do to Alyssa when she saw her next. "I called her... well something that wasn't all to friendly and wished that she would be abused like I was and that someone would write about her in a magazine or that she would drop dead right then," she said meekly.

"You mad?" Abbey asked, as she rubbed Theodore's back affectionately.
"I'm not mad at you. I am a little worried though, I don't want you hurting my sister, and I don't want her hurting you." Theodore knew that Alyssa was very skilled with magic, and she was a Veela. Abbey was no pushover easily. Leaning down and giving Abbey a small kiss on the cheek he smiled at her. "You two will wreck eachother, but I'm not going to choose sides. Just don't underestimate her...."
Abbey rolled her eyes as Theodore said that Alyssa could hurt her. "Anything she could do is nothing I haven't experienced before," she said absentmindedly. She had been bullied by her own cousin last year and that wasn't bad, she would only have a problem with it if Alyssa was a male, because of her discomfort with agreesive men and boys.

When the small Slytherin felt Theodore's lips on her cheeks she blushed again, smiling as she bit down on her bottom lip happily. She placed a hand on Theodore's cheek reassuringly, hoping he didn't mind that she was getting dirt all over him by being so close to him. "I'll be fine my sweet," she smiled, looking deeply into Theodore's deep green eyes.

Abbey hugged Theodore affectionately, and rested her chin on his shoulder gently as she looked up at the covered sky. She turned towards Theodore, seemingly unable to stop kissing him as she pressed her lips on his jawline. "What are you doing over the summer?" she asked curiously. The Slytherin had gone to Theodore's home in France last winter, and now wanted to return the favor by inviting him to her new home in New Zealand for the holidays. He could use a break from his family after the death of his Grandfather and the imprisonment of his Dad.
"Um, the only thing I'm going is heading to Paris for a few weeks...but thats about it." Theodore was a tad bit unsure what was going to happen now that his father was in Azkaban, but he assumed his family was going to be moving in with his mother's side of the family. Fortunantly they were also wealthy and also lived in France. Theodore didn't think he'd like it if his life took a huge turn into nothingness. With a small sigh Theodore brought his hand up and ran it through his hair quickly.

Even though he knew Abbey probably wouldn't be harmed by Alyssa; bad things could still happen. "Just....promise you won't kill her alright?"
Abbey nodded her head gently as Theodore said that he would be going to Paris for a few weeks. "You want to come over to my house?" she asked with a smile and a soft blush on her delicate, tear stained features. She couldn't help but let out a laugh as Theodore asked her not to kill Alyssa, it wasn't an amused or humorous one, more of a wicked laugh. She shook her head softly, no she enjoyed seeing people hurt much more then to give up and have them die. "No.. no I wont kill her. Trust me," she said with amusement in her cold tone of voice before lightening it and saying, "I'd just like to apologize to you ahead of time. I'm sure my actions wont be all that flattering Theodore."

Abbey smiled adoringly at Theodore, before wrapping her arms around him and resting her temple on his chest as she closed her eyes. This magazine - even though it surrounded her with hurt, pain and heart break - it had brought she and Theodore back to the way they had been and more.
"Sure, I'll come. Don't you live with your cousin Aiden though?" Theodore asked with a small snort. He'd still go even if she did, but if Theodore had met him again he wasn't so sure he'd be civil. Then again, now that his father was gone so it didn't really matter if he tried to prove himself better then Aiden at all. Theo didn't even realize why he fought for Bella in the first place, he was glad he had let her go....otherwise he wouldn't have met Abbey.
Abbey's smile widened as Theodore accepted her invitation, and she shook her head as he asked if Aiden lived with her. "No, I live with my cousin, Peter. He's five and I'm sure you'll love him. And my Aunt Noelle is great, she's so nice," she smiled. Excitement filled her as she kissed Theodore's cheek. "Wait, you're not still bitter about the whole Aiden and Bella thing are you?" she asked with wide eyes, as her lips fell agape in anxiety. What if he still had feelings for Bella, even though they both liked each other, a lot. Abigail gently pushed back her messy brown locks as her gaze hovered in anticipation before Theodore's. It wasn't like she would be jealous of B, she would just be a little.. well watchful of the pair together, even though Bella had Mike.
Theodore shook his head lightly. The whole Bella and Aiden thing didn't really bother him, but he didn't exactly know how he would've faced Aiden. Theodore hated being embarassed, and he felt like Aiden would tease him about it. With a small sigh Theodore rubbed the back of his head, he didn't really like Bella all that much anyways. He found her to be far to much like his twin, and Theo didn't exactly want to date someone who annoyed him to great lengths.

'Well, I guess I'll have no problems then. Except....what if they hate my family?" Theodore wondered if her family was rich, or if they knew a lot of stuff about muggles. It almost made him nervous, especially if they knew about his family's doings. What if they cast him away or refused to let Abbey see him again?
"What if they hate my family?" Abigail shook her head gently and said, "Well that's their problem. Not mine or yours." She smiled softly and said, "You want to go deeper in? I'm not exactly keen to go to the castle just yet." She frowned before shaking her head free of those thoughts. The brunette didn't want to think about that now, not when she was with Theodore after so much time of being distant and indifferent to him. She had missed him, and the way she felt around him when they had been mad at each other.

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